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Created April 23, 2012 15:15
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App environment

Client-side Environment Boilerplate

Sets up the environment for a client-side application.

  • Remove jQuery as a global
  • Change Underscore template parsers to not use ERB-style tags
  • Setting a reasonable timeout for AJAX requests
  • Define a AJAX queue manager for Backbone, inspired by @maccman's Spine implementation (Backbone as of 87c9b17a required)
    • GET requests are executed outside of the queue
    • onbeforeunload handler defined for prevent navigation when there are pending requests
    • Timeout retry attempts
  • SCRIPT_NAME for the root endpoint of the application
  • CSRF_TOKEN for setting the header for non-safe requests
define [
], ($, _, Backbone) ->
# Ajax states
LOADING = 'Loading'
SYNCING = 'Syncing'
SAVED = 'Saved'
OFFLINE = 'Offline'
ERROR = 'Error'
DONE = 'Done'
# Gloabl attempts counter
# TODO make this a property of the `Backbone.ajax` function
# Change underscore template syntax to use curly braces, '{{ }}',
# instead of ERB '<%= %>'
_.templateSettings =
evaluate: /\{\{\#\s*([^\s]+?)\s*\}\}/g
interpolate: /\{\{\s*([^\s]+?)\s*\}\}/g
escape: /\{\{\-\s*([^\s]+?)\s*\}\}/g
# No global jQuery..
# $.noConflict()
# Reasonable default timeout..
timeout: 5000
# Checks for environment settings
if (SCRIPT_NAME = @SCRIPT_NAME) is undefined
throw Error 'Global "SCRIPT_NAME" not defined'
if (CSRF_TOKEN = @CSRF_TOKEN) is undefined
throw Error 'Global "CSRF_TOKEN" not defined'
# Determines if a URL is of the same origin
sameOrigin = (url) ->
host =
protocol = document.location.protocol
sr_origin = '//' + host
origin = protocol + sr_origin
(url is origin or url.slice(0, origin.length + 1) is origin + '/') or (url is sr_origin or url.slice(0, sr_origin.length + 1) is sr_origin + '/') or not (/^(\/\/|http:|https:).*/.test(url))
# Simple check for whether a request method is safe
safeMethod = (method) ->
/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test method
# Uses the globally defined `scriptName` variable to construct full URL
# paths.
absolutePath = (path) -> SCRIPT_NAME + path
# Setup the sync status text and the various global ajax
# handlers.
syncStatus = $('<div id=sync-status></div>').addClass('alert')
.ajaxSend (event, xhr, settings) ->
syncStatus.removeClass 'alert-danger'
# For all same origin, non-safe requests add the X-CSRFToken header
if not safeMethod(settings.type) and sameOrigin(settings.url)
xhr.setRequestHeader 'X-CSRFToken', CSRF_TOKEN
type = (settings.type or 'get').toLowerCase()
if type is 'get'
syncStatus.text LOADING
syncStatus.text SYNCING
.ajaxStop ->
visible =':visible')
if ATTEMPTS is MAX_ATTEMPTS and not visible
if visible then syncStatus.fadeOut(200)
.ajaxError (event, xhr, settings, error) ->
if error is 'timeout'
syncStatus.text OFFLINE
else if xhr.status >= 500
syncStatus.text(ERROR).addClass 'alert-danger'
# Handle a few common cases if the server if there are still pending
# requests or if the max attempts have been made.
$(window).on 'beforeunload', ->
if Backbone.ajax.pending
return "Unfortunately, your data hasn't been saved. The server
or your Internet connection is acting up. Sorry!"
return "Wow, you're quick! Your stuff is being saved.
It will only take a moment."
# Override `Backbone.ajax` to queue all requests.
# Cache Backbone ajax function, by default, just $.ajax
_ajax = Backbone.ajax
# Override Backbone.ajax to queue all requests to prevent
# lost updates.
# TODO handle errors and retries due to timeouts or errors.
# TODO should the queue continue to be processed?
Backbone.ajax = (options) ->
@ajax.queue options
Backbone.ajax.pending = false
Backbone.ajax.requests = []
Backbone.ajax.requestNext = ->
if (args = @requests.shift())
[options, promise] = args
@request options, promise
@pending = false
Backbone.ajax.request = (_options, promise, trigger=true) ->
options = _.extend {}, _options
# Reference existing handlers
success = options.success
error = options.error
complete = options.complete
params =
complete: (xhr, status) =>
if status is 'timeout'
# If this does not pass, this is considered a failed request
return _ajax params
else if 200 <= xhr.status < 300
# In cases there was a `complete` handler defined
if complete then complete.apply @, arguments
if trigger then @requestNext()
# Last resort, ensure this is turned off
@pending = false
success: ->
if success then success.apply @, arguments
promise.resolveWith @, arguments
error: (xhr, status, err) ->
if status is 'timeout' and ATTEMPTS < MAX_ATTEMPTS
if error then error.apply @, arguments
promise.rejectWith @, arguments
params = _.extend options, params
# Add custom complete for handling retries for this particular
# request. This ensures the queue won't be handled out of order
_ajax params
# Each new request from the queue will reset the number of attempts
# that have been made.
Backbone.ajax.queue = (options) ->
type = (options.type or 'get').toLowerCase()
# Since requests are being queued, the `xhr` is not being created
# immediately and thus no way of adding deferred callbacks. This
# `promise` acts as a proxy for the request's `xhr` object.
promise = $.Deferred()
# For GET requests, the order is not terribly important.
# The `pending` flag is not since it does not deal with
# saving changes to the server.
if type is 'get'
@request options, promise, false
else if @pending
@requests.push [options, promise]
@pending = true
@request options, promise
return promise
{ CSRF_TOKEN, SCRIPT_NAME, absolutePath }
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