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Created July 30, 2012 21:25
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Prettifying numbers
# utils/numbers
# Utilities to formating numbers in a human-readable way.
# * toSuffixedNumber - for numbers greater than or equal to 1000,
# the output is a suffixed number
# * toDelimitedNumber - returns a delimited string representation
# of the number
define ->
suffixes = [
[3, 'K']
[6, 'million']
[9, 'billion']
[12, 'trillion']
[15, 'quadrillion']
[18, 'quintillion']
[21, 'sextillion']
[24, 'septillion']
[27, 'octillion']
[30, 'nonillion']
[33, 'decillion']
[100, 'googol']
toSuffixedNumber = (value) ->
if not value? then return
if value < 1000
return toDelimitedNumber value
for [exp, suffix] in suffixes
largeNum = Math.pow 10, exp
if value < largeNum * 1000
new_value = Math.round(value / largeNum * 10) / 10
return "#{ new_value } #{ suffix }"
toDelimitedNumber = (value, delim=',') ->
if not value? then return
[int, decimal] = value.toString().split('.')
arr = int.toString().split ''
len = arr.length
i = len % 3 or 3
while i < len
arr.splice i, 0, delim
i = i+4
text = arr.join ''
if decimal
text += ".#{decimal}"
return text
{ toSuffixedNumber, toDelimitedNumber }
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