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Last active December 20, 2015 21:18
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; Setup
; Change to the specified directory before loading the app. %d is the
; aboslute path of the directory containing this file
chdir = %d/../..
; set the process name to something more meaningful (e.g. "master")
auto-procname = true
; prefix to the process names
procname-prefix = app-dev
; set the process to specific uid/gid
uid = devuser
guid = devuser
; allow threads to be spawned in the interpreter
enable-threads = true
; clean up pid and socket files upon exit
vacuum = true
stats = stats.sock
; Communication
; communication protocol
; protocol = uwsgi
; socket listen queue size. if the queue is full, requests will be rejected
; listen = 100
; bind to the specific socket using default protocol
socket = uwsgi.sock
; socket permissions
chmod-socket = 660
; timeout (in seconds) when reading from the socket
; socket-timeout = 4
; Workers
; run master mode to manage workers
master = true
; worker processes
workers = 4
; reload worker after it has handled this number of requests
max-requests = 5000
; limit the address space a worker has access to in MB
; limit-rss = 256
; reload a worker if the address space exceeds this limit in MB
reload-on-rss = 256
; force the master to reload a worker it's address space exceeds the limit
; evil-reload-on-as = 256
; maximum time (in seconds) a worker has to reload/shutdown itself before
; being brutally killed
reload-mercy = 10
; timeout in seconds. requests that take longer than this timeout will be
; dropped and the worker is recycled
harakiri = 20
; log info about the killed request and process
; harakiri-verbose = false
; Logging
; log requests that exceed a response time
log-slow = 5
; Python
; virtual environment. this is relative to `chdir`
virtualenv = ..
; entry point (wsgi file) for the Python application
wsgi-file =
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