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Last active December 23, 2015 01:39
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Go fan-in function
package main
import (
// fanIn takes zero or more channels and merges the received data to a
// single output channel. For efficiency, the output channel should be
// buffered to the number of inputs to prevent goroutines blocking each
// other.
func fanIn(inputs []chan []byte, output chan []byte, exit chan bool, timeout time.Duration) {
if len(inputs) == 0 {
log.Println("zero inputs")
defer log.Println("cleaning up fanIn")
// Always signal the exit
defer func() {
exit <- true
// Used to signal goroutines to exit
signal := make(chan struct{})
// Wait group for spawned routines used after exit is signaled
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
// Spawn goroutines for each input channel
for i, input := range inputs {
log.Println("spawning input", i)
// Spawn go routine for each input
go func(input chan []byte, i int) {
defer log.Println("closing input", i)
defer wg.Done()
open := true
// for-select idiom to constantly receive off the input
// channel until it is closed on it has been signaled
// to exit
for open {
select {
case value, open := <-input:
// Input is closed, break
if !open {
log.Println("(closed) input", i)
output <- value
log.Printf("input %d -> %d\n", i, value)
case <-signal:
log.Println("(signaled) input", i)
open = false
open = false
}(input, i)
// The exit channel is expected to send a true value and wait
// until it receives a response, however if it is closed,
// immediately signal the goroutines.
if _, ok := <-exit; !ok {
log.Println("exit channel closed")
} else if timeout > 0 {
log.Println("timeout of", timeout, "started")
// Wait until all routines are done and exit
log.Println("waiting for goroutines to finish")
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