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Created October 12, 2014 23:19
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A collection of tasks for *Invoke* to set up a Django project with Gunicorn on Uberspace.
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
A collection of tasks for `Invoke`_ to help setting up a `Django`_ project
with `Gunicorn`_ on `Uberspace`_ accounts.
All information for this script has to be set in a JSON file
called ``settings.json`` in the same directory like this::
"project": "name of the project",
"settings": {
"stageing": {
"host": "",
"user": "username",
"py_path": "path for project and apps",
"py_files": [
"path/to/project", "app1", "app2"
"django_port": 63557,
"django_url": "django.project.url",
"django_settings": "project.settings.stageing",
"app": "project.wsgi:application"
More informations:
.. _Invoke:
.. _Django:
.. _Gunicorn:
.. _Uberspace:
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
from invoke import run, task
with open('settings.json') as fh:
SETTINGS = json.load(fh)
def ssh_cmd(command, user, host, echo=True, pty=True):
Runs *command* trough ssh with *user* and *host*.
ssh = "ssh '{user}@{host}' '{cmd}'".format(
user=user, host=host, cmd=command
run(ssh, echo=echo, pty=pty)
def get_service_name(project, config):
Returns the name for the gunicorn service.
Given the current *project* and the chosen *config*.
return 'gunicorn-{project}-{config}'.format(
project=project, config=config
def copy(config='stageing'):
Copies your python files to the host.
args = SETTINGS['settings'][config]
dest = args['py_path']
user, host = args['user'], args['host']
for path in args['py_files']:
cmd = "rsync -arv --delete --exclude '*.pyc' '{src}' '{user}@{host}:{dest}'"
cmd = cmd.format(user=user, host=host, src=path, dest=dest)
def service(config='stageing'):
Creates the *gunicorn* service for ``svc``.
args = SETTINGS['settings'][config]
user, host = args['user'], args['host']
service_name = get_service_name(SETTINGS['project'], config)
# check for `service` dir:
cmd = "test -d ~/service || uberspace-setup-svscan"
ssh_cmd(cmd, user, host)
# install service:
cmd = 'uberspace-setup-service {service} ~/bin/gunicorn --error-logfile - --chdir {path} --bind{port} {app}'
cmd = cmd.format(
service=service_name, path=args['py_path'], port=args['django_port'], app=args['app']
cmd = "test -d ~/service/{service} || {cmd}".format(
cmd=cmd, service=service_name
ssh_cmd(cmd, user, host)
# set export for DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE:
cmd = "sed -i 's#\(\. $HOME/\.bash_profile\)#\1\n\nexport DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE={settings}#' ~/service/{service}/run"
settings=args['django_settings'], service=service_name
ssh_cmd(cmd, user, host)
def rmservice(config='stageing'):
Removes the *gunicorn* service.
args = SETTINGS['settings'][config]
service_name = get_service_name(SETTINGS['project'], config)
cmd = "cd ~/service/{service} && rm ~/service/{service} && svc -dx . log; cd && rm -rf ~/etc/run-{service}/".format(
ssh_cmd(cmd, args['user'], args['host'])
def http(config='stageing'):
Creates HTTP rewrite rules for Apache.
args = SETTINGS['settings'][config]
cmd = 'cat <<__EOF__> ~/html/{url}/.htaccess\n'.format(
cmd += 'RewriteEngine On\n'
cmd += 'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f\n'
cmd += 'RewriteBase /\n'
cmd += 'RewriteRule ^(.*)${port}/\$1 [P]\n'.format(
cmd += 'RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto https env=HTTPS\n'
cmd += '__EOF__\n'
ssh_cmd(cmd, args['user'], args['host'])
def rmhttp(config='stageing'):
Removes HTTP rewrite rules.
args = SETTINGS['settings'][config]
cmd = 'rm ~/html/{url}/.htaccess'.format(
ssh_cmd(cmd, args['user'], args['host'])
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