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Created November 1, 2019 16:25
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port of fzy/fzy.js to vimscript
let s:score_min = float2nr(-1/0.0) + 0.0
let s:score_max = float2nr(1/0.0) + 0.0
let s:score_gap_trailing = -0.005
let s:score_gap_leading = -0.005
let s:score_gap_inner = -0.01
let s:score_match_consecutive = 1.0
let s:score_match_slash = 0.9
let s:score_match_word = 0.8
let s:score_match_capital = 0.7
let s:score_match_dot = 0.6
function! s:islower(string)
return tolower(a:string) is# a:string
function! s:isupper(string)
return toupper(a:string) is# a:string
function! s:fmax(x, y)
if a:x < a:y | return a:y | endif
return a:x
function! s:precompute(haystack)
" Which positions are beginning of words
let bonus = []
let last = '/'
for l:ch in split(a:haystack, '\zs')
if last is# '/'
eval add(bonus, s:score_match_slash)
elseif last is# '.'
eval add(bonus, s:score_match_dot)
elseif count(['-', '_', ' '], last)
eval add(bonus, s:score_match_word)
elseif s:islower(last) && s:isupper(ch)
eval add(bonus, s:score_match_capital)
eval add(bonus, 0.0)
let last = l:ch
return bonus
"D[][] stores the best score for this position ending with a match
"M[][] Stores the best possible score at this position
function! s:compute(needle, haystack)
let D = []
let M = []
const haystack_length = len(a:haystack)
const needle_length = len(a:needle)
const lower_haystack = tolower(a:haystack)
const lower_needle = tolower(a:needle)
const bonus = s:precompute(a:haystack)
for idx in range(needle_length)
let d = []
let m = []
let previous = s:score_min
let gap = idx is needle_length - 1 ? s:score_gap_trailing : s:score_gap_inner
for jdx in range(haystack_length)
if lower_needle[idx] is# lower_haystack[jdx]
let score = s:score_min
if !idx
let score = jdx * s:score_gap_leading + bonus[jdx]
elseif jdx
let score = s:fmax(
\ M[idx - 1][jdx - 1] + bonus[jdx],
\ D[idx - 1][jdx - 1] + s:score_match_consecutive)
let previous = s:fmax(score, previous + gap)
eval add(d, score)
let previous = l:previous + l:gap
eval add(d, s:score_min)
eval add(m, previous)
eval add(D, d)
eval add(M, m)
return [D, M]
function! s:contains(needle, haystack)
let haystack = split(tolower(a:haystack), '\zs')
let needle = split(tolower(a:needle), '\zs')
let idx = 0
for char in needle
let idx = index(haystack, char, idx) + 1
if idx is 0 | return v:false | endif
return v:true
function! s:score(needle, haystack)
if type(a:haystack) isnot v:t_string | throw "fzy: Invalid type for haystack" | endif
if type(a:needle) isnot v:t_string | throw "fzy: Invalid type for needle" | endif
if empty(a:needle) || empty(a:haystack) | return s:score_min | endif
if a:needle is# a:haystack | return s:score_max | endif
if len(a:haystack) > 1024 | return s:score_min | endif
let [D, M] = s:compute(a:needle, a:haystack)
return M[len(a:needle) - 1][len(a:haystack) - 1]
function! s:positions(needle, haystack)
if type(a:haystack) isnot v:t_string | throw "fzy: Invalid type for haystack" | endif
if type(a:needle) isnot v:t_string | throw "fzy: Invalid type for needle" | endif
if empty(a:needle) || empty(a:haystack) | return [] | endif
if a:needle is# a:haystack | return range(len(a:needle)) | endif
if len(a:haystack) > 1024 | return [] | endif
let [D, M] = s:compute(a:needle, a:haystack)
let positions = split(repeat(0, len(a:needle)), '\zs')
let required = v:false
for idx in reverse(range(len(a:needle) - 1))
for jdx in reverse(range(len(a:haystack) - 1))
let d = D[idx][jdx]
let m = M[idx][jdx]
if d is s:score_min | continue | endif
if d is l:m || required
let required = idx && jdx && l:m is (D[idx - 1][jdx - 1] + s:score_match_consecutive)
let positions[idx] = jdx
return positions
function! s:compare(query, lhs, rhs)
let lhs = -s:score(a:query, a:lhs)
let rhs = -s:score(a:query, a:rhs)
if lhs is rhs | return 0 | endif
if lhs > rhs | return 1 | endif
return -1
function! s:pad(string, amount)
return a:string .. repeat(' ', a:amount - len(a:string))
" s:list must be your data to searc
" s:query is what a user might type in
let s:list = getbufinfo(#{buflisted: v:true})->map({_, val -> })
let s:query = '#'
let s:regex = split(s:query, '\zs')
\ ->map({ _, val -> val !~# '[[:alnum:]]' ? '\' .. val : val })
\ ->join('.*')
let s:list = s:list->filter({_, val -> match(val, '\v' .. s:regex) isnot -1})
echo s:list->sort(function('s:compare', [s:query]))
for entry in s:list
let padded = ""
let pos = s:positions(s:query, entry)
for idx in range(len(s:query))
let padded = s:pad(padded, pos[idx]) .. s:query[idx]
echomsg entry
echomsg padded
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