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Last active January 8, 2024 11:45
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name: Create Calendar Events with Offset Holidays in Week
description: Copy Events (in the next 365 days) from one local calendar to another. Look
in the holidays calendar and shift events for each public holiday in the week
before the event.
domain: script
input: {}
name: Source calendar
description: Calendar with the events to be copied from
required: true
integration: local_calendar
name: Destination calendar
description: Calendar for the events to be copied to
required: true
integration: local_calendar
name: Public Holidays
description: Calendar with the public holidays to be avoided
required: true
integration: holidays
- service: calendar.get_events
days: 365
entity_id: '{{ source_calendar }}'
response_variable: source
- service: calendar.get_events
days: 365
entity_id: '{{ destination_calendar }}'
response_variable: destination
- service: calendar.get_events
days: 365
entity_id: '{{ public_holidays }}'
response_variable: holidays
- variables:
holiday_dates: |-
{%- set ns = namespace(dates={}) %}
{%- if holidays[public_holidays]["events"] %}
{%- for event in holidays[public_holidays]["events"] %}
{%- set ns.dates = dict(ns.dates, **{event.start:event.summary}) %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{{ ns.dates}}
destination_dates: |-
{%- set ns = namespace(dates={}) %}
{%- if destination[destination_calendar]["events"]%}
{%- for event in destination[destination_calendar]["events"] %}
{%- set ns.dates = dict(ns.dates, **{event.start:event.summary}) %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{{ ns.dates}}
- repeat:
for_each: '{{ source[source_calendar]["events"] }}'
- variables:
offset: >-
{%- set ns = namespace(offset=0,in_week=False,found=False) %}
{%- set collection_date = strptime(repeat.item.start,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %}
{%- for i in range(collection_date.weekday()+1) %}
{%- set d = ( collection_date + timedelta( days=-i) ).isoformat() %}
{%- if d in holiday_dates %}
{%- set ns.in_week = true %}
{%- set ns.offset = ns.offset + 1 %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- if ns.in_week %}
{# Increase offset until we find a date that is not public holiday #}
{%- for _ in range(7) if not ns.found %}
{%- set start = strptime(repeat.item.start,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %}
{%- set d = ( start + timedelta( days=ns.offset) ).isoformat() %}
{%- if d in holiday_dates %}
{%- set ns.offset = ns.offset + 1 %}
{% else %}
{%- set ns.found = true %}
{%- endif %}
{% endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{{ ns.offset }}
start_date: >-
{%- set start = strptime(repeat.item.start,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %}
{{ (start + timedelta(days=offset)).isoformat() }}
end_date: >-
{%- set end = strptime(repeat.item.end,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %}
{{ (end + timedelta(days=offset)).isoformat() }}
summary: "{{ repeat.item.summary }}"
- if:
- condition: template
value_template: "{{ start_date not in destination_dates }}"
- service: calendar.create_event
summary: "{{ summary }}"
start_date: "{{ start_date }}"
end_date: " {{ end_date }}"
entity_id: "{{ destination_calendar }}"
mode: single
icon: mdi:calendar-blank-multiple
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I am getting the following error when running this:
Logger: homeassistant.components.script.calendar_copy_events_and_offset_holidays_in_week
Source: helpers/
Integration: Script (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 13:13:33 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 13:13:33

Calendar - Copy events & offset holidays in week: Repeat at step 5: Error executing script. Error rendering template for variables at pos 1: ValueError: Template error: strptime got invalid input '2023-07-13T07:00:00+12:00' when rendering template '{%- set ns = namespace(offset=0,in_week=False,found=False) %} {%- set collection_date = strptime(repeat.item.start,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %} {%- for i in range(collection_date.weekday()+1) %} {%- set d = ( collection_date + timedelta( days=-i) ).isoformat() %} {%- if d in holiday_dates %} {%- set ns.in_week = true %} {%- set ns.offset = ns.offset + 1 %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- if ns.in_week %} {# Increase offset until we find a date that is not public holiday #} {%- for _ in range(7) if not ns.found %} {%- set start = strptime(repeat.item.start,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %} {%- set d = ( start + timedelta( days=ns.offset) ).isoformat() %} {%- if d in holiday_dates %} {%- set ns.offset = ns.offset + 1 %} {% else %} {%- set ns.found = true %} {%- endif %} {% endfor %} {%- endif %} {{ ns.offset }}' but no default was specified
Calendar - Copy events & offset holidays in week: Error executing script. Error rendering template for repeat at pos 5: ValueError: Template error: strptime got invalid input '2023-07-13T07:00:00+12:00' when rendering template '{%- set ns = namespace(offset=0,in_week=False,found=False) %} {%- set collection_date = strptime(repeat.item.start,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %} {%- for i in range(collection_date.weekday()+1) %} {%- set d = ( collection_date + timedelta( days=-i) ).isoformat() %} {%- if d in holiday_dates %} {%- set ns.in_week = true %} {%- set ns.offset = ns.offset + 1 %} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- if ns.in_week %} {# Increase offset until we find a date that is not public holiday #} {%- for _ in range(7) if not ns.found %} {%- set start = strptime(repeat.item.start,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %} {%- set d = ( start + timedelta( days=ns.offset) ).isoformat() %} {%- if d in holiday_dates %} {%- set ns.offset = ns.offset + 1 %} {% else %} {%- set ns.found = true %} {%- endif %} {% endfor %} {%- endif %} {{ ns.offset }}' but no default was specified

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It appears that when I changed my calendar events to All Day events, the script works fine. I had events set at specific times, which appears to cause the above issue.
Thanks again for this great work 👍

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bruxy70 commented Jul 6, 2023


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Hi. I love your blueprint and am using it to load a holiday calendar to shift my trash day. I have it set up to run on the first of the year (which it just did), and I just got an error message:

  Detected use of deprecated service `calendar.list_events`
  Use calendar.get_events instead which supports multiple entities.

  Please replace this service and adjust your automations and scripts and select submit to close this issue.

I'm going to look to see if I can fix the blueprint for my own use, but wanted to put it out there so if you are still managing the blueprint you may want to address

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bruxy70 commented Jan 2, 2024

Hi. I have never used this actually. If you figure it out, feel free to send the corrected version, so I can fix it for the otherts.
Also, Holidays is becoming part of Home Assistant core in January, so there will be no point maintaining a custom integration with the same functionality. So it might be worth updating the scripts to work with the native integration.

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I was able to modify the blueprint to get it to work, but it does require a hack that I am not happy with.

I replaced all list_event calls with get_event calls.

I then changed lines of code as follows:

  • variables:
    holiday_dates: |-
    {%- set ns = namespace(dates={}) %}
    {%- if holidays["calendar.us_holidays"]["events"] %}
    {%- for event in holidays["calendar.us_holidays"]["events"] %}
    {%- set ns.dates = dict(ns.dates, **{event.start:event.summary}) %}
    {%- endfor %}
    {%- endif %}
    {{ ns.dates}}
    destination_dates: |-
    {%- set ns = namespace(dates={}) %}
    {%- if destination["calendar.trash_days_offset_for_holidays"]["events"]%}
    {%- for event in destination["calendar.trash_days_offset_for_holidays"]["events"] %}
    {%- set ns.dates = dict(ns.dates, **{event.start:event.summary}) %}
    {%- endfor %}
    {%- endif %}
    {{ ns.dates}}
  • repeat:
    for_each: '{{ source["calendar.trash_days"]["events"] }}'

in general, instead of say source.event, you now need to use: source["calendar.trash_days"]["events"]

The hack I used is I hard coded the calendar name in the blueprint (like above "calendar.trash_days". there should be a way to use the passed variable: "{{ source_calendar }}", "{{ destination_calendar }}" and "{{ public_holidays }}" which translated to the hardcoded calendars I used, but try as I might, I could not properly modify the code to work.

bruxy70, feel free to use the above to modify your blueprint if you wish, and if you obviously know how to use the proper variables, vs the hard coded values, that would make it a true blueprint again.

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lambros414 commented Jan 3, 2024

Okay. sorry, totally fixed. I learned that I was nesting templates.

the proper solutions for above is to do:

{%- for event in holidays[public_holidays]["events"] %}

{%- for event in destination[destination_calendar]["events"] %}


for_each: '{{ source[source_calendar]["events"] }}'

The full code which appears to be working now is below:
template above


  name: Create Calendar Events with Offset Holidays in Week
  description: Copy Events (in the next 365 days) from one local calendar to another.  Look
    in the holidays calendar and shift events for each public holiday  in the week
    before the event.
  domain: script
  input: {}
    name: Source calendar
    description: Calendar with the events to be copied from
    required: true
          integration: local_calendar
    name: Destination calendar
    description: Calendar for the events to be copied to
    required: true
          integration: local_calendar
    name: Public Holidays
    description: Calendar with the public holidays to be avoided
    required: true
          integration: holidays
- service: calendar.get_events
      days: 365
    entity_id: '{{ source_calendar }}'
  response_variable: source
- service: calendar.get_events
      days: 365
    entity_id: '{{ destination_calendar }}'
  response_variable: destination
- service: calendar.get_events
      days: 365
    entity_id: '{{ public_holidays }}'
  response_variable: holidays
- variables:
    holiday_dates: |-
      {%- set ns = namespace(dates={}) %}
      {%- if holidays[public_holidays]["events"] %}
        {%- for event in holidays[public_holidays]["events"] %}
          {%- set ns.dates = dict(ns.dates, **{event.start:event.summary}) %}
        {%- endfor %}
      {%- endif %}
      {{ ns.dates}}
    destination_dates: |-
      {%- set ns = namespace(dates={}) %}
      {%- if destination[destination_calendar]["events"]%}
        {%- for event in destination[destination_calendar]["events"] %}
          {%- set ns.dates = dict(ns.dates, **{event.start:event.summary}) %}
        {%- endfor %}
      {%- endif %}
      {{ ns.dates}}
- repeat:
    for_each: '{{ source[source_calendar]["events"] }}'
        - variables:
            offset: >-
              {%- set ns = namespace(offset=0,in_week=False,found=False) %}
              {%- set collection_date = strptime(repeat.item.start,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %}
              {%- for i in range(collection_date.weekday()+1) %}
                {%- set d = ( collection_date + timedelta( days=-i) ).isoformat() %}
                {%- if d in holiday_dates %}
                  {%- set ns.in_week = true %}
                  {%- set ns.offset = ns.offset + 1 %}
                {%- endif %}
              {%- endfor %}
              {%- if ns.in_week %}
                {# Increase offset until we find a date that is not public holiday #}
                {%- for _ in range(7) if not ns.found %}
                  {%- set start = strptime(repeat.item.start,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %}
                  {%- set d = ( start + timedelta( days=ns.offset) ).isoformat() %}
                  {%- if d in holiday_dates %}
                    {%- set ns.offset = ns.offset + 1 %}
                  {% else %}
                    {%- set ns.found = true %}
                  {%- endif %}
                {% endfor %}               
              {%- endif %} 
              {{ ns.offset }}
            start_date: >-
              {%- set start = strptime(repeat.item.start,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %}
              {{ (start + timedelta(days=offset)).isoformat() }}
            end_date: >-
              {%- set end = strptime(repeat.item.end,"%Y-%m-%d").date() %}
              {{ (end + timedelta(days=offset)).isoformat() }}
            summary: "{{ repeat.item.summary }}"
        - if:
            - condition: template
              value_template: "{{ start_date not in destination_dates }}"
            - service: calendar.create_event
                summary: "{{ summary }}"
                start_date: "{{ start_date }}"
                end_date: " {{ end_date }}"
                entity_id: "{{ destination_calendar }}"
mode: single
icon: mdi:calendar-blank-multiple


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bruxy70 commented Jan 8, 2024

Thanks for this contribution, I have updated the blueprint to this.

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