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Created March 25, 2018 14:00
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;;; Simple Scheme 用 Bézier 曲線描画手続き
(define (binomial-coefficients n)
(if (= 0 n) '(1)
(let* ((d1 (append (binomial-coefficients (-- n)) '(0))) (d2 (cons 0 d1)))
(build-list (++ n) (lambda (i) (+ (list-ref d1 i) (list-ref d2 i)))))))
(define (add-bezier-curve scn xs ys color)
(let* ((n (length xs)) (n-1 (-- n)) (cs (binomial-coefficients n-1))
(cs_x (build-list n (lambda (i) (* (list-ref cs i) (list-ref xs i)))))
(cs_y (build-list n (lambda (i) (* (list-ref cs i) (list-ref ys i)))))
(x_s (lambda (s)
(let ((t (/ (- 1.0 s) s)))
(* (expt s n-1) (foldl (lambda (c x) (+ (* x t) c)) 0 cs_x)))))
(y_s (lambda (s)
(let ((t (/ (- 1.0 s) s)))
(* (expt s n-1) (foldl (lambda (c y) (+ (* y t) c)) 0 cs_y))))))
(letrec ((lp (lambda (s prev-x prev-y scn)
(if (>= s 1) scn
(let* ((s (+ s 1/256)) (x (round (x_s s))) (y (round (y_s s))))
(lp s x y (add-line scn prev-x prev-y x y color)))))))
(lp 0 (first cs_x) (first cs_y) scn))))
;;; 使用例。完全シャッフル機械の絵を描く。
;;; 座標の設定
(define top 1.0) (define bottom -1.0) (define left -2.0) (define right 2.0)
(define center-x (/ (image-width (empty-scene)) 2))
; (empty-scene) のサイズは描画領域のサイズと異なるので、
; 数値を具体的に指定している。
(define center-y (cond ((= center-x 540) 780) ((= center-x 888) 444)
(else (/ (image-height (empty-scene)) 2))))
(define mag
(* 2 (min (/ center-x (- right left)) (/ center-y (- top bottom)))))
(define offset-x (- center-x (* mag 1/2 (+ left right))))
(define offset-y (+ center-y (* mag 1/2 (+ top bottom))))
(define (conv-x x) (+ offset-x (* mag x)))
(define (conv-y y) (- offset-y (* mag y)))
(define machine-size 16) (define machine-size/2 (/ machine-size 2))
(define iota-size (build-list machine-size (lambda (i) i)))
(define (nth-x-coordinate n) (/ (- n machine-size/2 -1/2) machine-size/2))
(define (nth-dest n)
(let ((n (* n 2))) (if (>= n machine-size) (- n (-- machine-size)) n)))
;;; 上下に並んだスロットを Bézier 曲線で繋ぐ
(define xs1 (build-list machine-size/2 nth-x-coordinate))
(define xs2 (map (lambda (x1) (- (* 3/2 left) (* 7/4 x1))) xs1))
(set! xs1 (map conv-x (append xs1 (map - (reverse xs1)))))
(set! xs2 (map conv-x (append xs2 (map - (reverse xs2)))))
(define y1 1/3) (define dy (/ (- top y1) machine-size))
(define ys1 (build-list machine-size (lambda (i) y1)))
(define ys2 (build-list machine-size/2 (lambda (i) (+ y1 (* 2 (+ 2 i) dy)))))
(define ys3 (map - ys2)) (define y4 (conv-y (- y1)))
(set! y1 (conv-y y1)) (set! ys2 (map conv-y (append ys2 (reverse ys2))))
(set! ys3 (map conv-y (append ys3 (reverse ys3))))
(define ways-back
(foldl (lambda (i scn)
(let ((x1 (list-ref xs1 i)) (x2 (list-ref xs2 i))
(y2 (list-ref ys2 i)) (y3 (list-ref ys3 i)))
(add-bezier-curve scn (list x1 x1 x2 x2 x1 x1)
(list y1 y2 y2 y3 y3 y4) "black")))
(empty-scene) iota-size))
(define slot
(overlay (circle (- (/ mag machine-size) 1) "outline" "black")
(circle (- (/ mag machine-size) 1) "solid" "white")))
(foldl (lambda (i scn)
slot (list-ref xs1 (nth-dest i)) y4
(place-image slot (list-ref xs1 i) y1
(add-line scn (list-ref xs1 i) y1
(list-ref xs1 (nth-dest i)) y4 "black"))))
ways-back iota-size))
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