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Created November 8, 2019 10:56
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(define (i/% x y)
(let ((q (/ x y)) (r (% x y))) (if (< r 0) (list (-- q) (+ r y)) (list q r))))
(define (map2 f l1 l2)
(build-list (length l1) (lambda (i) (f (list-ref l1 i) (list-ref l2 i)))))
(define (lop op xs ys)
(foldr (lambda (x ds) (append (i/% (+ x (car ds)) 10) (cdr ds)))
'(0) (map2 op xs ys)))
(define-struct num (sign i f))
(define max-ndigits 8)
(define (get-padding xs n) (build-list (max 0 (- n (length xs))) (lambda (_) 0)))
(define (trim xs n) (take (append xs (get-padding xs n)) n))
(define (align x y)
(let* ((ix (num-i x)) (iy (num-i y)) (li (max (length ix) (length iy)))
(ix (append (get-padding ix li) ix)) (iy (append (get-padding iy li) iy)))
(values li (trim (append ix (num-f x)) max-ndigits)
(trim (append iy (num-f y)) max-ndigits))))
(align (make-num " " '(1 2) '(3 4 5 6 7 8))
(make-num " " '(9) '(3 4 5 6 7 7 8)))
(define (drop0s xs) (if (and (cons? xs) (= (car xs) 0)) (drop0s (cdr xs)) xs))
(define (rdrop0s xs) (reverse (drop0s (reverse xs))))
(define (add x y)
(if (string=? (num-sign x) (num-sign y))
(let*-values (((li xs ys) (align x y)) ((zs) (lop + xs ys))
((zs li)
(if (= (car zs) 0) (values (cdr zs) li) (values zs (++ li)))))
(make-num (num-sign x) (take zs li)
(rdrop0s (drop (trim zs max-ndigits) (min li max-ndigits)))))
(sub x (make-num (num-sign x) (num-i y) (num-f y)))))
(define rate-common (make-num " " '(2 7 6) '(4 8 7 5)))
(define rate-leap (make-num " " '(8 8) '(7 5 5)))
"276.4875 + 88.755"
(add rate-common rate-leap)
(define today (make-num " " '(2 0 1 9) '(1 1 0 8)))
(define thelastday (make-num " " '(9 9 9 9 9) '(9 9 9)))
"2019.1108 + 99999.999"
(add today thelastday)
(define today (make-num " " '(2 0 1 9 1 1 0) '(8)))
(define thelastday (make-num " " '(9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9) '()))
"2019110.8 + 99999999"
(add today thelastday)
(define (l<? xs ys)
(and (cons? xs)
(or (< (car xs) (car ys))
(and (= (car xs) (car ys)) (l<? (cdr xs) (cdr ys))))))
(define (neg sign) (if (string=? sign " ") "-" " "))
(define (sub x y)
(if (string=? (num-sign x) (num-sign y))
(let*-values (((li xs ys) (align x y))
((sign zs) (if (l<? xs ys)
(values (neg (num-sign x)) (cdr (lop - ys xs)))
(values (num-sign x) (cdr (lop - xs ys)))))
((i) (drop0s (take zs li))))
(make-num sign (if (null? i) '(0) i) (rdrop0s (drop zs li))))
(add x (make-num (num-sign x) (num-i y) (num-f y)))))
"1 - 0.2857142"
(sub (make-num " " '(1) '()) (make-num " " '(0) '(2 8 5 7 1 4 2)))
"12.345678 - 9.3456778"
(sub (make-num " " '(1 2) '(3 4 5 6 7 8)) (make-num " " '(9) '(3 4 5 6 7 7 8)))
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