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Created April 27, 2016 12:14
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# Use this code and data to answer the questions.
defmodule Millenium.Falcon do
def rebel?(c = %{rebel: true}) do
c.type != :droid
def rebel?(_), do: false
def fill_ship(characters) do
|> Enum.join(",")
characters = [
%{name: "Han", type: :human, rebel: true, weight: 185},
%{name: "Jabba", type: :hutt, rebel: false, weight: 2200},
%{name: "Chewie", type: :wookie, rebel: true, weight: 350},
%{name: "r2d2", type: :droid, rebel: true, weight: 250},
%{name: "Luke", type: :human, rebel: true, weight: 140},
%{name: "Boba Fett", type: :human, rebel: false, weight: 175},
# Question 1 - Create a list of all the rebel scum
|> Enum.filter(&Millenium.Falcon.rebel?/1)
|> IO.inspect
# Question 2 - Fill the Millenium Falcon with all the rebels
|> Enum.filter(&Millenium.Falcon.rebel?/1)
|> Millenium.Falcon.fill_ship
|> IO.puts
# Question 3 - How much do all the humans weigh?
|> Enum.filter(fn(c) -> Map.get(c, :type) == :human end)
|> Enum.reduce(0, fn(h, acc) -> h.weight + acc end)
|> IO.puts
# Question 4 (BONUS) - If the Millenium Falcon can hold 1000 pounds, what is the optimal set of characters?
|> Enum.sort(fn(c1,c2) -> c1.weight < c2.weight end)
|> Enum.flat_map_reduce(0, fn(c,acc) -> if c.weight + acc < 1000, do: {[c], c.weight + acc}, else: {:halt, acc} end)
|> elem(0)
|> IO.inspect
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