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Created March 27, 2014 22:47
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Save bryanaka/9820803 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
rough group by time range computed property
Ember.computed.groupByTimeRange = (dependantArrayKey, dependantChildKey, hourRange) ->
dependantProperty = "#{dependantArrayKey}.@each.#{dependantChildKey}"
Em.computed( ->
# hash by dates
activityItemsHash = {}
activityItems = @get(dependantArrayKey).sortBy(dependantChildKey)
groupedActivityItems = []
activityItems.forEach (activity, index, activities) =>
hashPosition = null
activityTime = activity.get(dependantChildKey)
# iterate to find correct hash key.
for own lowerTimeLimit of activityItemsHash
# hash keys define the lower time limits
# needs to be converted back to date for comparison
lowerTimeLimit = new Date(lowerTimeLimit)
# create and set upper time limit
upperTimeLimit = new Date(lowerTimeLimit.getTime())
upperTimeLimit.setHours(upperTimeLimit.getHours() + hourRange)
if lowerTimeLimit <= activityTime and upperTimeLimit >= activityTime
hashPosition = lowerTimeLimit
hashPosition ||= activityTime
# if that position is already an array, push the activity
if Em.isArray(activityItemsHash[hashPosition])
# if that position is populated but only has one item
else if !Em.isNone(activityItemsHash[hashPosition])
# extend and use array proxy to something that has the child dependant key
activityItemsHash[hashPosition] = Ember.ArrayProxy.create({content: [activityItemsHash[hashPosition], activity]})
# if it doesn't fit any range
activityItemsHash[hashPosition] = activity
# convert activity Items hash into an array
for own key, group of activityItemsHash
return groupedActivityItems
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