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Created November 21, 2023 16:22
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  • Save bryanburgers/a2837026fff8d32de5131f488336f0c1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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;; Create a function that returns a single value
(func $main (result i32)
i32.const 42
;; Export that function so the test harness can find it
(export "main" (func $main))
(export "main" (func $main))
;; Create memory with at least 1 page of 64k of memory
(memory $mem 1)
;; Initialize the first several bytes of the memory with some text
(data (i32.const 0) "5 10 42 193 1007000000 ")
(; byte offset 01234567890123456789012 ;)
(; 1 2 ;)
;; Create a function that returns a single value
(func $main (result i32)
i32.const 42
(export "main" (func $main))
;; Create memory with at least 1 page of 64k of memory
(memory $mem 1)
;; Initialize the first several bytes of the memory with some text
(data (i32.const 0) "5 10 42 193 1007000000 ")
(; byte offset 01234567890123456789012 ;)
(; 1 2 ;)
(func $main (result i32)
i32.const 4
(export "main" (func $main))
;; Create memory with at least 1 page of 64k of memory
(memory $mem 1)
;; Initialize the first several bytes of the memory with some text
(data (i32.const 0) "5 10 42 193 1007000000 ")
(; byte offset 01234567890123456789012 ;)
(; 1 2 ;)
(func $main (result i32)
i32.const 4
call $load_from_memory
(func $load_from_memory (param $address i32) (result i32)
local.get $address ;; Push the $address parameter onto the stack
i32.load8_u ;; and use that to load from memory
(export "main" (func $main))
;; Create memory with at least 1 page of 64k of memory
(memory $mem 1)
;; Initialize the first several bytes of the memory with some text
(data (i32.const 0) "5 10 42 193 1007000000 ")
(; byte offset 01234567890123456789012 ;)
(; 1 2 ;)
(func $main (result i32)
i32.const 0
call $parse_digit
;; Load an ascii byte from memory and return its numeric value
(func $parse_digit (param $address i32) (result i32)
;; get the byte at the provided address
local.get $address
;; push on a value that represents ascii "0"
i32.const 0x30
;; and subtract them! [i32, i32] -> [i32]
(export "main" (func $main))
;; Create memory with at least 1 page of 64k of memory
(memory $mem 1)
;; Initialize the first several bytes of the memory with some text
(data (i32.const 0) "5 10 42 193 1007000000 ")
(; byte offset 01234567890123456789012 ;)
(; 1 2 ;)
(func $main (result i32 i32 i32 i32)
i32.const 0
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 5
i32.const 3
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 0, the second digit of "10"
i32.const 15
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 7, the fourth digit of "1007..."
i32.const 4
call $parse_digit ;; what do we expect?
;; Load an ascii byte from memory and return its numeric value
(func $parse_digit (param $address i32) (result i32)
;; get the byte at the provided address
local.get $address
;; push on a value that represents ascii "0"
i32.const 0x30
;; and subtract them! [i32, i32] -> [i32]
(export "main" (func $main))
;; Create memory with at least 1 page of 64k of memory
(memory $mem 1)
;; Initialize the first several bytes of the memory with some text
(data (i32.const 0) "5 10 42 193 1007000000 ")
(; byte offset 01234567890123456789012 ;)
(; 1 2 ;)
(func $main (result i32 i32 i32 i32)
i32.const 0
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 5
i32.const 3
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 0, the second digit of "10"
i32.const 15
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 7, the fourth digit of "1007..."
i32.const 4
call $parse_digit ;; what do we expect?
;; Load an ascii byte from memory and return its numeric value
(func $parse_digit (param $address i32) (result i32)
(local $parsed i32)
(local $ge_zero i32)
(local $lt_ten i32)
;; get the byte at the provided address
local.get $address
;; subtract ascii "0" and store it
i32.const 0x30
local.set $parsed
;; is $parsed >= 0?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 0
local.set $ge_zero
;; is $parsed < 10?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 10
local.set $lt_ten
;; is $parsed >= 0 && $parsed < 10
local.get $ge_zero
local.get $lt_ten
(export "main" (func $main))
;; Create memory with at least 1 page of 64k of memory
(memory $mem 1)
;; Initialize the first several bytes of the memory with some text
(data (i32.const 0) "5 10 42 193 1007000000 ")
(; byte offset 01234567890123456789012 ;)
(; 1 2 ;)
(func $main (result i32 i32 i32 i32)
i32.const 0
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 5
i32.const 3
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 0, the second digit of "10"
i32.const 15
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 7, the fourth digit of "1007..."
i32.const 4
call $parse_digit ;; what do we expect?
;; Load an ascii byte from memory and return its numeric value
(func $parse_digit (param $address i32) (result i32)
(local $parsed i32)
(local $ge_zero i32)
(local $lt_ten i32)
(local $result i32)
;; get the byte at the provided address
local.get $address
;; subtract ascii "0" and store it
i32.const 0x30
local.set $parsed
;; is $parsed >= 0?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 0
local.set $ge_zero
;; is $parsed < 10?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 10
local.set $lt_ten
;; is $parsed >= 0 && $parsed < 10
local.get $ge_zero
local.get $lt_ten
;; if what's on the stack...
;; ... is true, then ...
;; set the result to what we parsed
local.get $parsed
local.set $result
;; ... otherwise ...
;; set the result to a constant
i32.const -1
local.set $result
;; and return the result
local.get $result
(export "main" (func $main))
;; Create memory with at least 1 page of 64k of memory
(memory $mem 1)
;; Initialize the first several bytes of the memory with some text
(data (i32.const 0) "5 10 42 193 1007000000 ")
(; byte offset 01234567890123456789012 ;)
(; 1 2 ;)
(func $main (result i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
i32.const 0
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 5
i32.const 3
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 0, the second digit of "10"
i32.const 15
call $parse_digit ;; expecting 7, the fourth digit of "1007..."
i32.const 4
call $parse_digit ;; what do we expect?
;; Load an ascii byte from memory and return its numeric value
(func $parse_digit (param $address i32) (result (; the value ;) i32 (; correctly parsed ;) i32)
(local $parsed i32)
(local $ge_zero i32)
(local $lt_ten i32)
(local $success i32)
(local $result i32)
;; get the byte at the provided address
local.get $address
;; subtract ascii "0" and store it
i32.const 0x30
local.set $parsed
;; is $parsed >= 0?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 0
local.set $ge_zero
;; is $parsed < 10?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 10
local.set $lt_ten
;; is $parsed >= 0 && $parsed < 10
local.get $ge_zero
local.get $lt_ten
local.tee $success ;; store the value *and* leave it on the stack
;; if what's on the stack...
;; ... is true, then ...
;; set the result to what we parsed
local.get $parsed
local.set $result
;; ... otherwise ...
;; set the result to a constant
i32.const -1
local.set $result
;; and return the results
local.get $result
local.get $success
(export "main" (func $main))
;; Create memory with at least 1 page of 64k of memory
(memory $mem 1)
;; Initialize the first several bytes of the memory with some text
(data (i32.const 0) "5 10 42 193 1007000000 ")
(; byte offset 01234567890123456789012 ;)
(; 1 2 ;)
(func $main (result i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32)
i32.const 0
call $parse_number ;; expecting (5, 1)
i32.const 2
call $parse_number ;; expecting (10, 2)
i32.const 12
call $parse_number ;; expecting (1007000000, 10)
i32.const 4
call $parse_number ;; expecting (0, 0)
;; Load an ascii byte from memory and return its numeric value
(func $parse_digit (param $address i32) (result (; the value ;) i32 (; correctly parsed ;) i32)
(local $parsed i32)
(local $ge_zero i32)
(local $lt_ten i32)
(local $success i32)
(local $result i32)
;; get the byte at the provided address
local.get $address
;; subtract ascii "0" and store it
i32.const 0x30
local.set $parsed
;; is $parsed >= 0?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 0
local.set $ge_zero
;; is $parsed < 10?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 10
local.set $lt_ten
;; is $parsed >= 0 && $parsed < 10
local.get $ge_zero
local.get $lt_ten
local.tee $success ;; store the value *and* leave it on the stack
;; if what's on the stack...
;; ... is true, then ...
;; set the result to what we parsed
local.get $parsed
local.set $result
;; ... otherwise ...
;; set the result to a constant
i32.const -1
local.set $result
;; and return the results
local.get $result
local.get $success
(func $parse_number (param $address i32) (result (; number ;) i32 (; bytes parsed ;) i32)
(local $bytes_parsed i32)
(local $current_address i32)
(local $parse_digit_success i32)
(local $parse_digit_value i32)
(local $number i32)
;; initialize $number to 0
i32.const 0
local.set $number
;; initialize $bytes_parsed to 0
i32.const 0
local.set $bytes_parsed
;; initialize $current_address to the input parameter $address
local.get $address
local.set $current_address
(block $outer
(loop $inner
local.get $current_address
call $parse_digit
local.set $parse_digit_success
local.set $parse_digit_value
local.get $parse_digit_success
;; increment the number of bytes parsed
local.get $bytes_parsed
i32.const 1
local.set $bytes_parsed
;; $number = $number * 10 + $parse_digit_value
local.get $number
i32.const 10
local.get $parse_digit_value
local.set $number
;; break; exit the loop
br $outer
;; increment the $current_address
local.get $current_address
i32.const 1
local.set $current_address
;; and parse the next digit
br $inner
local.get $number
local.get $bytes_parsed
(export "main" (func $main))
;; Create memory with at least 1 page of 64k of memory
(memory $mem 1)
;; Initialize the first several bytes of the memory with some text
(data (i32.const 0) "5 10 42 193 1007000000 ")
(; byte offset 01234567890123456789012 ;)
(; 1 2 ;)
(func $main (result i32 i32 i32 i32)
i32.const 0
call $parse_space
i32.const 4
call $parse_space
i32.const 22
call $parse_space
i32.const 23
call $parse_space
;; Load an ascii byte from memory and return its numeric value
(func $parse_digit (param $address i32) (result (; the value ;) i32 (; correctly parsed ;) i32)
(local $parsed i32)
(local $ge_zero i32)
(local $lt_ten i32)
(local $success i32)
(local $result i32)
;; get the byte at the provided address
local.get $address
;; subtract ascii "0" and store it
i32.const 0x30
local.set $parsed
;; is $parsed >= 0?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 0
local.set $ge_zero
;; is $parsed < 10?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 10
local.set $lt_ten
;; is $parsed >= 0 && $parsed < 10
local.get $ge_zero
local.get $lt_ten
local.tee $success ;; store the value *and* leave it on the stack
;; if what's on the stack...
;; ... is true, then ...
;; set the result to what we parsed
local.get $parsed
local.set $result
;; ... otherwise ...
;; set the result to a constant
i32.const -1
local.set $result
;; and return the results
local.get $result
local.get $success
(func $parse_number (param $address i32) (result (; number ;) i32 (; bytes parsed ;) i32)
(local $bytes_parsed i32)
(local $current_address i32)
(local $parse_digit_success i32)
(local $parse_digit_value i32)
(local $number i32)
;; initialize $number to 0
i32.const 0
local.set $number
;; initialize $bytes_parsed to 0
i32.const 0
local.set $bytes_parsed
;; initialize $current_address to $address
local.get $address
local.set $current_address
(block $outer
(loop $inner
local.get $current_address
call $parse_digit
local.set $parse_digit_success
local.set $parse_digit_value
local.get $parse_digit_success
;; increment the number of bytes parsed
local.get $bytes_parsed
i32.const 1
local.set $bytes_parsed
;; increment the current address
local.get $current_address
i32.const 1
local.set $current_address
;; $number = $number * 10 + $parse_digit_value
local.get $number
i32.const 10
local.get $parse_digit_value
local.set $number
;; continue; parse the next digit
br $inner
;; break; exist the loop
br $outer
local.get $number
local.get $bytes_parsed
(func $parse_space (param $address i32) (result i32)
local.get $address
i32.const 0x20
(export "main" (func $main))
;; Create memory with at least 1 page of 64k of memory
(memory $mem 1)
;; Initialize the first several bytes of the memory with some text
(data (i32.const 0) "5 10 42 193 1007000000 ")
(; byte offset 01234567890123456789012 ;)
(; 1 2 ;)
(func $main (result i32)
(local $address i32)
(local $sum i32)
(local $parse_number_value i32)
(local $parse_number_result i32)
i32.const 0
local.set $address
i32.const 0
local.set $sum
(block $block
(loop $loop
local.get $address
call $parse_number
local.set $parse_number_result
local.set $parse_number_value
local.get $parse_number_result
;; increment our next address by the number of bytes
;; we parsed
local.get $address
local.get $parse_number_result
local.set $address
;; add to our sum
local.get $sum
local.get $parse_number_value
local.set $sum
;; No number parsed; stop
br $block
local.get $address
call $parse_space
local.get $address
i32.const 1
local.set $address
br $block
br $loop
local.get $sum
;; Load an ascii byte from memory and return its numeric value
(func $parse_digit (param $address i32) (result (; the value ;) i32 (; correctly parsed ;) i32)
(local $parsed i32)
(local $ge_zero i32)
(local $lt_ten i32)
(local $success i32)
(local $result i32)
;; get the byte at the provided address
local.get $address
;; subtract ascii "0" and store it
i32.const 0x30
local.set $parsed
;; is $parsed >= 0?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 0
local.set $ge_zero
;; is $parsed < 10?
local.get $parsed
i32.const 10
local.set $lt_ten
;; is $parsed >= 0 && $parsed < 10
local.get $ge_zero
local.get $lt_ten
local.tee $success ;; store the value *and* leave it on the stack
;; if what's on the stack...
;; ... is true, then ...
;; set the result to what we parsed
local.get $parsed
local.set $result
;; ... otherwise ...
;; set the result to a constant
i32.const -1
local.set $result
;; and return the results
local.get $result
local.get $success
(func $parse_number (param $address i32) (result (; number ;) i32 (; bytes parsed ;) i32)
(local $bytes_parsed i32)
(local $current_address i32)
(local $parse_digit_success i32)
(local $parse_digit_value i32)
(local $number i32)
;; initialize $number to 0
i32.const 0
local.set $number
;; initialize $bytes_parsed to 0
i32.const 0
local.set $bytes_parsed
;; initialize $current_address to $address
local.get $address
local.set $current_address
(block $outer
(loop $inner
local.get $current_address
call $parse_digit
local.set $parse_digit_success
local.set $parse_digit_value
local.get $parse_digit_success
;; increment the number of bytes parsed
local.get $bytes_parsed
i32.const 1
local.set $bytes_parsed
;; increment the current address
local.get $current_address
i32.const 1
local.set $current_address
;; $number = $number * 10 + $parse_digit_value
local.get $number
i32.const 10
local.get $parse_digit_value
local.set $number
;; continue; parse the next digit
br $inner
;; break; exist the loop
br $outer
local.get $number
local.get $bytes_parsed
(func $parse_space (param $address i32) (result i32)
local.get $address
i32.const 0x20
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