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Last active August 11, 2018 03:43
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  • Save bryandugan/5f3aabc6fd74314bbd2d607aefc6489f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bryandugan/5f3aabc6fd74314bbd2d607aefc6489f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Craft CMS gulpfile to be used in conjuction with Based upon the nystudio107 gulpfile supplied at
// Package Vars
const pkg = require("./package.json");
// Gulp
const gulp = require("gulp");
// Load all plugins in "devDependencies" into the variable $
const $ = require("gulp-load-plugins")({
pattern: ["*"],
scope: ["devDependencies"]
// BrowserSync reload var
const reload = $.browserSync.reload;
// Error reporting
const onError = (err) => {
const banner = [
" * @project <%= %>",
" * @author <%= %>",
" * @build " + $.moment().format("llll") + " ET",
" * @copyright Copyright (c) " + $.moment().format("YYYY") + ", <%= pkg.copyright %>",
" *",
" */",
// SCSS - Build the scss to the build folder, including the required paths, and writing out a sourcemap
gulp.task("scss", () => {
$.fancyLog("-> Compiling scss");
var onError = function (err) {
title: "Gulp",
subtitle: "Failure!",
message: "Error: <%= error.message %>",
sound: "Beep"
return gulp.src(pkg.paths.src.scss + pkg.vars.scssName)
.pipe($.plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
.pipe($.sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true}))
includePaths: pkg.paths.scss
.on("error", $.sass.logError))
.pipe($.size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))
// // CSS task - combine & minimize any distribution CSS into the public css folder, and add our banner to it
gulp.task("css", ["scss"], () => {
$.fancyLog("-> Building css");
return gulp.src(pkg.globs.distCss)
.pipe($.plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
.pipe($.newer({dest: pkg.paths.dist.css + pkg.vars.siteCssName}))
.pipe($.sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true}))
discardComments: {
removeAll: true
discardDuplicates: true,
discardEmpty: true,
minifyFontValues: true,
minifySelectors: true
.pipe($.header(banner, {pkg: pkg}))
.pipe($.size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))
.pipe(reload({stream: true}));
// Bootstrap task - Combine the Bootstrap JavaScript into one bundle
gulp.task("js-bootstrap", () => {
$.fancyLog("-> Building bootstrap.min.js...");
return gulp.src(pkg.globs.bootstrap)
.pipe($.plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
.pipe($.size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))
// Prism js task - combine the prismjs Javascript & config file into one bundle
gulp.task("prism-js", () => {
$.fancyLog("-> Building prism.min.js...");
return gulp.src(pkg.globs.prismJs)
.pipe($.plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
.pipe($.size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))
// Babel task - Transpile our JavaScript into the build directory
gulp.task("js-babel", () => {
$.fancyLog("-> Transpiling Javascript via Babel...");
return gulp.src(pkg.globs.babelJs)
.pipe($.plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
.pipe($.size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))
// Components - build .vue VueJS components
gulp.task("components", () => {
$.fancyLog("-> Compiling Vue Components");
return gulp.src(pkg.globs.components)
.pipe($.plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
.pipe($.size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))
// JavaScript task - minimize any distribution Javascript into the public js folder, and add our banner to it
gulp.task("js", ["js-babel", "js-bootstrap", "prism-js"], () => {
$.fancyLog("-> Building js");
return gulp.src(pkg.globs.distJs)
.pipe($.plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
.pipe($.if(["*.js", "!*.min.js"],
$.newer({dest: pkg.paths.dist.js, ext: ".min.js"}),
$.newer({dest: pkg.paths.dist.js})
.pipe($.if(["*.js", "!*.min.js"],
.pipe($.if(["*.js", "!*.min.js"],
$.rename({suffix: ".min"})
.pipe($.header(banner, {pkg: pkg}))
.pipe($.size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))
.pipe(reload({stream: true}));
// Process data in an array synchronously, moving onto the n+1 item only after the nth item callback
function doSynchronousLoop(data, processData, done) {
if (data.length > 0) {
const loop = (data, i, processData, done) => {
processData(data[i], i, () => {
if (++i < data.length) {
loop(data, i, processData, done);
} else {
loop(data, 0, processData, done);
} else {
// Process the downloads one at a time
function processDownload(element, i, callback) {
const downloadSrc = element.url;
const downloadDest = element.dest;
$.fancyLog("-> Downloading URL: " + $.chalk.cyan(downloadSrc) + " -> " + $.chalk.magenta(downloadDest));
// download task
gulp.task("download", (callback) => {
doSynchronousLoop(, processDownload, () => {
// all done
// Generate Favicons
gulp.task("favicons-generate", () => {
$.fancyLog("-> Generating favicons");
return gulp.src(pkg.paths.favicon.src).pipe($.favicons({
appDescription: pkg.description,
background: "#FFFFFF",
path: pkg.paths.favicon.path,
url: pkg.site_url,
display: "standalone",
orientation: "portrait",
version: pkg.version,
logging: false,
online: false,
html: + "favicons.html",
replace: true,
icons: {
android: false, // Create Android homescreen icon. `boolean`
appleIcon: true, // Create Apple touch icons. `boolean`
appleStartup: false, // Create Apple startup images. `boolean`
coast: true, // Create Opera Coast icon. `boolean`
favicons: true, // Create regular favicons. `boolean`
firefox: true, // Create Firefox OS icons. `boolean`
opengraph: false, // Create Facebook OpenGraph image. `boolean`
twitter: false, // Create Twitter Summary Card image. `boolean`
windows: true, // Create Windows 8 tile icons. `boolean`
yandex: true // Create Yandex browser icon. `boolean`
// Copy Favicons task
gulp.task("favicons", ["favicons-generate"], () => {
$.fancyLog("-> Copying favicon.ico");
return gulp.src(pkg.globs.siteIcon)
.pipe($.size({gzip: true, showFiles: true}))
// Compress Images
gulp.task("images", () => {
$.fancyLog("-> Compressing Images");
return gulp.src(pkg.paths.dist.img + "**/*.{png,jpg,jpeg,gif,svg}")
progressive: true,
interlaced: true,
multipass: true,
optimizationLevel: 7,
svgoPlugins: [
{removeTitle: false},
{cleanupListOfValues: {floatPrecision: 2}},
{cleanupNumericValues: {floatPrecision: 2}},
{convertPathData: {floatPrecision: 2}}
// Generate Fontello
gulp.task("generate-fontello", () => {
return gulp.src(pkg.paths.src.fontello + "config.json")
// Copy Fonts
gulp.task("fonts", ["generate-fontello"], () => {
$.fancyLog("-> Moving fonts to dist folder");
return gulp.src(pkg.globs.fonts)
// Browser-Sync
gulp.task('browser-sync', function () {
files: "pkg.paths.dist.css + '*.css', pkg.paths.dist.js + '*.js', pkg.paths.templates + '*.{html,htm,twig}'",
proxy: pkg.urls.local
// Watch files in assets folders for changes
gulp.task('watch', function () {
$.fancyLog("-> Watching files for changes");[pkg.paths.src.scss + "**/*.scss"], ["css"]);[pkg.paths.src.css + "**/*.css"], ["css"]);[pkg.paths.src.js + "**/*.js"], ["js"]);[pkg.paths.templates + "**/*.{html,htm,twig}"], () => {
.pipe($.plumber({errorHandler: onError}))
.pipe(reload({stream: true}));
// Default task
gulp.task('default', ['css', 'js', 'watch', 'browser-sync']);
// Production build
gulp.task("build", ["download", "default", "favicons", "images", "fonts"]);
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