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Last active June 5, 2019 19:15
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/// A tic-tac-toe piece, or the absence thereof.
type Piece = U | X | O
/// Tic-tac-toe board position.
type Position = { X : int; Y : int }
/// The game data abstraction.
abstraction Game =
{ FirstPlayerTurn : bool
Board : Map<Position, Piece> }
let private ownsDiagonalA piece game =
List.fold (fun s i -> s && game.Board.[{ X = i; Y = i}] = piece) true [0 .. 2]
let private ownsDiagonalB piece game =
List.fold (fun s i -> s && game.Board.[{ X = i; Y = 2 - i}] = piece) true [0 .. 2]
let private ownsDiagonal piece game =
ownsDiagonalA piece game ||
ownsDiagonalB piece game
let private ownsHorizontalAt y piece game =
List.fold (fun s x -> s && Map.find { X = x; Y = y} game.Board = piece) true [0 .. 2]
let private ownsVerticalAt x piece game =
List.fold (fun s y -> s && Map.find { X = x; Y = y} game.Board = piece) true [0 .. 2]
let private ownsHorizontal piece game =
List.fold (fun s y -> s || ownsHorizontalAt y piece game) false [0 .. 2]
let private ownsVertical piece game =
List.fold (fun s x -> s || ownsVerticalAt x piece game) false [0 .. 2]
let private ownsLine piece game =
ownsDiagonal piece game ||
ownsHorizontal piece game ||
ownsVertical piece game
/// Get the current winner, or U if none.
let getWinner game =
if ownsLine X game then X
elif ownsLine O game then O
else U
/// Try to place a piece on the board at the given position.
let tryPlace position game =
match getWinner game with
| U ->
match Map.tryFind position game.Board with
| Some piece ->
match piece with
| U ->
let board = Map.add position (if game.FirstPlayerTurn then X else O) game.Board
let firstPlayerTurn = not game.FirstPlayerTurn
Some { game with Board = board; FirstPlayerTurn = firstPlayerTurn }
| X | O -> None
| None -> None
| X | O -> None
/// Make tic-tac-toe game.
let make () =
let board =
[for x in 0 .. 2 do
for y in 0 .. 2 do
yield ({ X = x; Y = y }, U)]
{ Board = board; FirstPlayerTurn = true }
let [<EntryPoint>] main _ =
let game = Game.make ()
let game = Game.tryPlace { X = 0; Y = 0 } game |> Option.get
let game = Game.tryPlace { X = 1; Y = 0 } game |> Option.get
let game = Game.tryPlace { X = 1; Y = 1 } game |> Option.get
let game = Game.tryPlace { X = 0; Y = 1 } game |> Option.get
let game = Game.tryPlace { X = 2; Y = 2 } game |> Option.get
printfn "Winner is %A!" <| Game.getWinner game
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