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Created March 17, 2015 06:42
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Using Union-Find Data Structure to Model Percolation System
import array
class WeightedQuickUnion:
def __init__(self, N):
self.count = N = array.array('i', range(N))
self.size = array.array('i', [1] * N)
def connected(self, p, q):
return self.find(p) == self.find(q)
def count(self):
return self.count
def find(self, p):
while (p !=[p]):
p =[p]
return p
def get(self, p):
def union(self, p, q):
rootP = self.find(p)
rootQ = self.find(q)
if (rootP == rootQ):
if (self.size[rootP] < self.size[rootQ]):[rootP] = rootQ
self.size[rootQ] += self.size[rootP]
else:[rootQ] = rootP
self.size[rootP] += self.size[rootQ]
self.count += 1
# %% Percolation
class Percolation:
def __init__(self, N):
self.uf = WeightedQuickUnion(N*N+2)
self.grid = [[False for x in range(N)] for x in range(N)]
self.vTop = 0
self.vBottom = N*N+1
if (N == 1):
for k in range(1, N+1):
self.uf.union(self.xyTo1D(N, k), self.vBottom)
self.uf.union(self.xyTo1D(1, k), self.vTop)
def open(self, i, j):
self.grid[i-1][j-1] = True
if (len(self.grid) == 1):
self.uf.union(self.xyTo1D(i, j), self.vBottom)
self.uf.union(self.xyTo1D(i, j), self.vTop)
p = self.xyTo1D(i, j)
self.unionNeighbor(p, i-1, j)
self.unionNeighbor(p, i, j-1)
self.unionNeighbor(p, i, j+1)
self.unionNeighbor(p, i+1, j)
def isOpen(self, i , j):
return self.grid[i-1][j-1]
def isFull(self, i, j):
return self.isOpen(i, j) and self.uf.connected(self.vTop, self.xyTo1D(i,j))
def percolates(self):
return self.uf.connected(self.vTop, self.vBottom)
def valid(self, i):
N = len(self.grid)
return (i > 0 and i <= N)
def xyTo1D(self, i, j):
N = len(self.grid)
# Error checking with valid
return (i-1) * N + j
def unionNeighbor(self, p, i, j):
if (not (self.valid(i) and self.valid(j))):
if (self.isOpen(i, j)):
self.uf.union(p, self.xyTo1D(i, j))
# %% Percolation Stats
import math
import random
class PercolationStats:
def __init__(self, N, T):
self.trials = T = [self.simulation(N) for x in range(T)] = sum( / T = sum([(**2 for r in]) / T
def mean(self):
def stddev(self):
def confidenceLo(self):
return - ((1.96 * / math.sqrt(self.trials))
def confidenceHi(self):
return - ((1.96 * / math.sqrt(self.trials))
def simulation(self, N):
Perc = Percolation(N)
count = 0
while (not Perc.percolates()):
i = random.randint(1, N)
j = random.randint(1, N)
if (not Perc.isOpen(i, j)):, j)
count += 1
return count * 1.0 / (N**2)
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This is a Python version of the first assignment done at Coursera for the Algorithms class. Highly recommended for any programmer. A full updated version of this API will be in my repos once it is complete and has the PercolationVisualizer that was provided in the class.

To use this API you can do something like

p = PercolationStats(10, 1000) # 10x10 grid system, run 1,000 trials as Monte Carlo simulation
p.mean() # mean proportion in simulation for system to percolate (~ 59%)

This still runs too slow as the Java API completes a PercolationStats(100, 1000) in a couple of seconds. This took me about 4 minutes. While I'll add path compression in the UF find method later, I want the code as is to work as comparable speeds if I can get it that fast (at least sub-minute!)

In consideration

  1. Use an array or dict data type; preferring dict to keep with without importing modules
  2. Use a 1D system instead of the grid. Use 2D only when converting for graphics

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