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Last active March 31, 2018 18:41
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An example of property-based testing in Elixir 1.6
# Until StreamData ships in Elixir it needs to be added as a dependency.
# Add this to your mix.exs deps...
# {:stream_data, "~> 0.4.2"}
defmodule ColorNameTest do
use ExUnit.Case, async: true
use ExUnitProperties
property "color_name/3" do
check all red <- StreamData.integer(0..255),
green <- StreamData.integer(0..255),
blue <- StreamData.integer(0..255),
max_runs: 100_000
assert color_name(red, green, blue) != :impossible_color
def color_name(0, 0, 0), do: :black
def color_name(255, 255, 255), do: :white
def color_name(red, green, blue) when red > green and red > blue, do: :red
def color_name(red, green, blue) when green > red and green > blue, do: :green
def color_name(red, green, blue) when blue > red and blue > green, do: :blue
def color_name(_, _, _), do: :impossible_color
# Note: when the test above fails, these might come in handy ;)
# def color_name(red, green, blue) when red == green and red > blue, do: :yellow
# def color_name(red, green, blue) when red == blue and red > green, do: :purple
# def color_name(red, green, blue) when green == blue and green > red, do: :cyan
# Oh, and this one...
# def color_name(red = gray, green = gray, blue = gray), do: :gray
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