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Last active June 19, 2023 19:51
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Spotify song recorder for Linux (tested with Arch/Manjaro).

Spotify recorder

Simple Python script which uses DBus + ALSA to record current Spotify song.


First, you need a graphical desktop environment.
The should be enough for Arch-based distro.
You need Spotify API credentials, find out how to get them.


  1. Open Spotify desktop client.
  2. Play song to record (first listen to it).
  3. While song is playing, run the script
  4. Spotify will mute but record in background, wait script end.
  5. Ready! You have your song as M4A with regular quality under Music/.


Comment the Gist for support about the script or install only.

from pulsectl import Pulse
from spotipy import Spotify
from threading import Thread
from pydbus import SessionBus
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from time import time, gmtime, strftime
from gi.repository.GObject import MainLoop
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, DEVNULL
from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials
APP_ID = 'yourspotifyappid'
APP_SECRET = 'yourspotifyappsecret'
formats = {
0: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_U8', 'bitwidth': 8},
1: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_ALAW', 'bitwidth': 8},
2: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_ULAW', 'bitwidth': 8},
3: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_S16LE', 'bitwidth': 16},
4: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_S16BE', 'bitwidth': 16},
5: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE', 'bitwidth': 32},
6: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32BE', 'bitwidth': 32},
7: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_S32LE', 'bitwidth': 32},
8: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_S32BE', 'bitwidth': 32},
9: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_S24LE', 'bitwidth': 24},
10: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_S24BE', 'bitwidth': 24},
11: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_S24_32LE', 'bitwidth': 32},
12: {'name': 'PA_SAMPLE_S24_32BE', 'bitwidth': 32},
spotipy = Spotify(client_credentials_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials(APP_ID, APP_SECRET))
def add_info(song):
a = spotipy.track(song['id'])['album']
# Add song year by album
song['year'] = a['release_date'][:4]
# Tell if it is a compilation
song['compilation'] = a['album_type'] == 'compilation'
# Get all album tracks
results = spotipy.album_tracks(a['uri'])
tracks = results['items']
while results['next']:
results =
# Fetch song cover by album
song['cover'], _ = urlretrieve(a['images'][0]['url'])
# Count discs and tracks
discs = {}
for tmp in tracks:
disc = tmp['disc_number']
track = tmp['track_number']
if not disc in discs:
discs[disc] = 0
discs[disc] += 1
song['track'] = '%d/%d' % (song['track'], discs[song['disc']])
song['disc'] = '%d/%d' % (song['disc'], len(discs))
return song
def report_duration(secs):
from time import sleep
for sec in range(secs):
perc = int((sec + 1) * 100 / secs)
print('--- RECORDING: %3d%% ---' % perc, end='\r', flush=True)
print('--- RECORDING FINISHED ---')
def main():
pulse = Pulse()
spotify = SessionBus().get('org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify', '/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2')
# STEP 00: Helpers
def sink(key=None):
for sink in pulse.sink_input_list():
if == 'Spotify':
if not key:
return sink
return getattr(sink, key)
# STEP 01: Get info
meta = spotify.Metadata
secs = meta['mpris:length'] / 1e6
song = add_info({
# Base info
'title': meta['xesam:title'],
'artist': '; '.join(meta['xesam:artist']),
'album': meta['xesam:album'],
'duration': strftime('%H:%M:%S', gmtime(secs)),
# Additional info
'id': meta['mpris:trackid'],
'disc': meta['xesam:discNumber'],
'track': meta['xesam:trackNumber'],
# STEP 02: Print info
print('--- SONG INFO ---')
print('Title: %s' % song['title'])
print('Artist: %s' % song['artist'])
print('Album: %s' % song['album'])
print('Duration: %s' % song['duration'])
print('Year: %s' % song['year'])
# STEP 03: 100% volume
volume = sink('volume')
volume.value_flat = 1
pulse.sink_input_volume_set(sink('index'), volume)
# STEP 04: Define record
spec = sink('sample_spec')
spec_format = spec.format
meta_format = formats[spec_format]
args = {
'rate': spec.rate,
'channels': spec.channels,
'format': meta_format['name'],
'bitwidth': meta_format['bitwidth'],
'signed': 'SAMPLE_S' in meta_format['name'],
'endianness': 'little' if meta_format['name'].endswith('LE') else 'big',
# STEP 05: Print info
print('--- AUDIO INFO ---')
print('Channels: %d' % args['channels'])
print('Format: %s' % args['format'].lower()[10:])
print('Endianness: %s' % args['endianness'])
print('Sample bits: %d bits' % args['bitwidth'])
print('Sample rate: %d Hz' % args['rate'])
# STEP 06: Prepare record
null_name = 'rec_' + str(int(time()))
null_id = pulse.module_load('module-null-sink', 'sink_name=' + null_name)
null_sink = pulse.get_sink_by_name(null_name)
pulse.sink_input_move(sink('index'), null_sink.index)
# STEP 07: Reset
# STEP 08: Prepare commands
parec_cmd = ['parec', '-d', null_name + '.monitor']
conv_cmd = [
# Basic
'faac', '-P',
'--overwrite', '-',
'-R', str(args['rate']),
'-B', str(args['bitwidth']),
'-C', str(args['channels']),
# Metadata
'--artist', song['artist'],
'--title', song['title'],
'--album', song['album'],
'--track', song['track'],
'--disc', song['disc'],
'--year', song['year'],
'--cover-art', song['cover'],
'--comment', song['id'],
# Output
'-o', 'Music/%s - %s.m4a' % (meta['xesam:artist'][0], song['title']),
if args['endianness'] == 'little':
conv_cmd.insert(4, '-X')
if song['compilation']:
conv_cmd.insert(4, '--compilation')
# STEP 09: Start record
parec = Popen(parec_cmd, stdout=PIPE)
conv = Popen(conv_cmd, stdin=parec.stdout, stderr=DEVNULL)
counter = Thread(target=report_duration, args=(int(secs),))
# STEP 10: Wait record
loop = None
curr_id = song['id']
def changed(_, props, _2):
play_id = props['Metadata']['mpris:trackid']
# STEP 11: Save record
if play_id != curr_id:
spotify.onPropertiesChanged = changed
loop = MainLoop()
if __name__ == '__main__':
mkdir Music
sudo pacman -S --needed faac python libpulse python-gobject
if [ ! -x "$(command -v spotify)" ]; then
if [ -x "$(command -v pacaur)" ]; then
EDITOR=kate pacaur -S spotify-stable
elif [ -x "$(command -v yaourt)" ]; then
sudo yaourt -S spotify-stable
echo "Please install Spotify manually..."
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