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Last active September 20, 2017 01:15
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* Get some data in facebook profile
$.ajaxSetup( { cache: true } );
$.getScript( '//', function() {
FB.init( {
appId: '224429194748109',
version: 'v2.7' // or v2.1, v2.2, v2.3, ...
} );
$( '#link-fb' ).removeClass('disabled');
$( '#link-fb:not(.disabled)' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
FB.login( function( response ){
if ( response.status === 'connected' ) {
FB.api( '/me', { fields: [ 'id', 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name' ] }, function( response ) {
$( '.first_name input' ).val( response.first_name );
$( '.last_name input' ).val( response.last_name );
$( '.email_address input' ).val( );
} );
} else {
console.log( 'failed login' );
}, { scope: 'public_profile,email' } );
} );
} );
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this is good!!!

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