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Created August 23, 2009 03:28
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Render maintenance pages
# In spite of the proscription at the end of Recipe 69, "Upload Custom Maintenance
# Pages" in Mike Clark's excellent Advanced Rails Recipes, I wanted to generate my
# maintenance page with the full awesome power of Rails (ok, well, I wanted to use
# a real template, to avoid having to maintain the look of the maintenance page
# separately).
# My solution was to render the page using this rake task, which goes in:
# lib/tasks/render_maintenance.rake
task :render_maintenance => :environment do
# Render the maintenance page into tmp/maintenance.html,
# where the Capistrano deploy:web:disable task (which calls this)
# can find it. (Note: this runs locally, on the machine of the
# person doing the deployment!)
view =
view.class_eval do
include ApplicationHelper
page = view.render(:file => 'home/maintenance',
:layout => 'layouts/minimal',
:locals => { :reason => ENV['REASON'],
:deadline => ENV['UNTIL']})"#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/maintenance.html", 'w') {|f| f.write(page)}
# Then, I override Capistrano's built-in deploy:web:disable with this in:
# config/deploy.rb
task "deploy:web:disable", :roles => :web do
# Put up a "Sorry, we're closed" page for now.
# (There's a built-in 'deploy:web:enable' that undoes this; we're
# overriding Capistrano's default recipe here.)
local_maintenance_file = "tmp/maintenance.html"
remote_maintenance_file = "#{shared_path}/system/maintenance.html"
on_rollback { run "rm #{remote_maintenance_file}" }
# Render the maintenance page to a local temp file
`rake render_maintenance`
page =
abort "unable to generate maintenance page" \
unless page.size > 900
# Put it on the server where Apache will see it.
put page, remote_maintenance_file, :mode => 0644
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