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Bryant Hughes bryantAXS

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bryantAXS / Homestead.yaml
Created July 14, 2020 01:34
A default Homestead.yaml file for your local dev environment.
ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 1
provider: virtualbox
backup: true
- mariadb: true
bryantAXS / ImageLoginScreen.js
Last active September 14, 2018 11:27
Dynamic Image Marker Example
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
bryantAXS / Component.js
Last active June 7, 2018 21:08
Component Loader
var ComponentName = function(options){
this.options = {
$el: false
$.extend(true, this.options, options);
bryantAXS / gist:96a012505d9a286a6dc60d05bd851088
Created January 23, 2018 12:56
Atom Find and Replace RegEx
@include transition\(([^)]+)\)
!function(){function e(e,n,t){"use strict";var o=window.document.createElement("link"),r=n||window.document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],a=window.document.styleSheets;return o.rel="stylesheet",o.href=e,"only x",r.parentNode.insertBefore(o,r),o.onloadcssdefined=function(e){for(var n,t=0;t<a.length;t++)a[t].href&&a[t].href===o.href&&(n=!0);n?e():setTimeout(function(){o.onloadcssdefined(e)})},o.onloadcssdefined(function(){||"all"}),o}function n(e,n){e.onload=function(){e.onload=null,n&&},"isApplicationInstalled"in navigator&&"onloadcssdefined"in e&&e.onloadcssdefined(n)}!function(t){var o=function(r,a){"use strict";if(r&&3===r.length){var i=t.navigator,c=t.document,s=t.Image,d=!(!c.createElementNS||!c.createElementNS("","svg").createSVGRect||!c.implementation.hasFeature("","1.1")||t.opera&&i.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome")===-1||i.userAgent.indexOf("Series40")!==-1),l=new s;l.onerror=function(){o.method="png",o.
bryantAXS / animated-border.scss
Created October 7, 2015 14:28
Mixin for animated dotted border
@mixin link-with-border($color){
border-bottom: 1px $color dotted;
bottom: 1px;
content: "";

Smartzip Project Jumpstart

Codebase Setup

There are a handful of tools we use on our local development environment to process and build the front-end of our codebase. To start front-end development on the codebase you'll need the following tools installed:

  1. NPM
  2. Grunt
  3. Bower
{% extends "_layout" %}
{% block content %}
{% cache %}
<!-- content container -->
<div class="small-12 large-10 columns body-white">
<!-- template specific data -->
bryantAXS / gist:10918324
Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
Broomfield Parks JSON
"name": "Test Park Name",
"address": "W 4th Ave and W Garnet St.",
"city": "Broomfield",
"videos": [
"photos": [
"src": "",
bryantAXS / DeliveryAdjuster.php
Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
Creating a Store adjuster
// Inside our custom third_party addon folder, /third_party/store_helpers, we have a folder called "classes."
// Within the classes directory we have this file, which holds our custom build Adjuster Class.
// You should be able to see how this class is passed our $order object, and then instantiates a new
// Order Adjustment object, which we use to make the adjustment. There are a few properties on the Order Adjustment
// object (nane, type, amount, etc..) that define the adjustment. The adjustment is then returned and processed.