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Created September 29, 2010 04:49
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  • Save bryanthompson/602305 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bryanthompson/602305 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
To use with newsbeuter, drop this in your ~/.newsbeuter/config
bookmark-cmd "~/Documents/delicious-bookmark.rb"
Then when you find a story you want to bookmark, hit ctrl+b. Edit the URL and title if necessary.
If you want to add additional tags, put them before your description separated by spaces,
then include a |pipe| character. Example:
toread madebymarket cms | This is the actual description I want to save.
# by bryan thompson -
require 'rubygems'
require 'www/delicious' # from
url, title, description, tags = ARGV[0], ARGV[1], ARGV[2], %w(savedrss)
if description =~ /(.+)\|(.+)/
tags = tags + $1.split(" ")
description = $2
d ='bryanthompson', 'paaaaaassword')
d.posts_add(:url => url, :title => title, :tags => tags, :notes => description)
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