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Author: Bryan Vine
Last updated: 03/27/2017
Description: This collection of functions can be used as a module or imported in other
modules to replace most of the functionality of 7zip.exe and unzip.exe.
#Requires -version 3
Function Test-DotNet{
Checks for a specific .NET framework
Uses registry keys to find all installed versions of .NET framework and check that the highest version is
greater than or equal to a minimum level. Returns true if it is, false if it isn't.
Minimum level of .NET framework required to return true.
This will return true if .NET 4.5 or greater is installed.
Test-DotNet -MinLevel 4.0
This will return true if .NET 4.0 or greater is installed.
Author: Bryan Vine
Last updated: 03/27/2017
$MinLevel = 4.5
((Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' -Recurse |
Get-ItemProperty -name Version -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Where {$_.PSChildName -match '^(?!S)\p{L}'} |
Select -ExpandProperty Version -Unique |
Sort -Descending | Select -First 1) -ge $MinLevel)
function Compress-toZip{
Compresses files and folders into a zip archive.
Creates new a new archive or updates an existing archive from either an array of files or a directory (or array of directories).
Requires powershell v3+ and .NET 4.5 framework.
Output name of new zip archive or existing name of archive. Full local path or UNC path prefered for best results.
Input File(s) or Directory/Directories which are to be compressed into the archive
.PARAMETER CompressionLevel
Amount of compression to apply. Greatest to least: 'Optimal','Fastest','NoCompression'
.PARAMETER IncludeBaseDirectory
Specifies when creating new zip archive to include the base folder when specifying an input directory.
.PARAMETER OverwriteZip
If an existing output zip archive exists, it will delete it first before creating a new one.
Compress-toZip -Zipfile '' -Source 'Backup'
This will create a new zip file called in the current directory with the contents of the Backup folder.
Compress-toZip -Zipfile 'c:\temp\' -Source '\\server1\Backup'
This will create a new zip file called in c:\temp with the contents of the Backup share from Server1.
Author: Bryan Vine
Last updated: 03/27/2017
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})][Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory)][String[]]$Source,
[Validateset('Optimal','Fastest','NoCompression')]$CompressionLevel = 'Optimal',
#Check for .NET 4.5+
Write-Error "ERROR: Unable to perform zip operation, .NET 4.5+ not detected!"
return 1
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.IO.Compression.FileSystem") | Out-Null
#Input Normalization
if($Zipfile -notlike '*.zip'){$Zipfile += '.zip'}
if($Zipfile -notlike '*\*'){$Zipfile = $pwd.Path + '\' + $Zipfile}
if($Zipfile -like '.\*'){$Zipfile = $pwd.Path + $Zipfile.Substring(1)}
#Update existing Zip
if((Test-Path $Zipfile) -and !$OverwriteZip){
Write-Verbose "Updating existing zip file"
$zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open($Zipfile,"Update")
#Remove existing files which will be updated in zip
$SourceFiles = dir -Recurse $Source |?{$_.mode -notlike "d*"}| select -ExpandProperty fullname
$Overlapfiles = $SourceFiles | %{$_.replace(($Source + '\'),'')}
$duplicates = $zip.Entries | ?{$Overlapfiles -contains $_.FullName}
$duplicates | %{$_.Delete()}
$SourceFiles | %{
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::CreateEntryFromFile($Zip, $_, ($_.replace(($Source + '\'),'')),
($CompressionLevel)) | Out-Null
#New or overwrite zip completely
if($OverwriteZip){Remove-Item $Zipfile -Verbose}
#Source is a directory
if(test-path $Source -PathType Container){
$Source = dir $Source | select -First 1 -ExpandProperty PSParentPath | %{$_.Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::','')}
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($Source, $Zipfile,
([System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::$CompressionLevel), $IncludeBaseDirectory)
#Source is a single file
$zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::Open($Zipfile,"Update")
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFileExtensions]::CreateEntryFromFile($Zip, $Source, (dir $Source|select -ExpandProperty name),
function Expand-fromZip{
Expands files and folders from a zip archive.
Extracts files and folders from a zip file to a selected destination folder. UNC paths work also.
Requires powershell v3+ and .NET 4.5 framework.
Output name of new zip archive or existing name of archive. Full local path or UNC path prefered for best results.
.PARAMETER Destination
Extration folder or path. UNC also supported. If the destination path doesn't exist, it will be created.
Expand-fromZip -Zipfile '' -Destination 'Restored_Backup'
This will extra the contents from into the folder Restored_Backup. If the folder doesn't exist, it will be created.
Expand-fromZip -Zipfile 'c:\temp\' -Destination '\\server1\Backup'
This will extract the contents of the zip file called in c:\temp to the Backup share from Server1.
Author: Bryan Vine
Last updated: 03/27/2017
[ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})][Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory)][String]$Zipfile,
#Check for .NET 4.5+
Write-Error "ERROR: Unable to perform zip operation, .NET 4.5+ not detected!"
return 1
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.IO.Compression.FileSystem") | Out-Null
$Destination = $PWD
if(!(Test-Path $Destination)){
$Destination = (New-Item $Destination -ItemType Directory).FullName
if($Destination -notlike "*\*" -or $Destination -like ".\*"){
$Destination = dir $PWD | ?{$ -like $Destination -or $ -like $Destination.replace('.\','')} | select -ExpandProperty FullName
#select -First 1 -ExpandProperty PSParentPath | %{$_.Replace('Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::','')}
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($Zipfile, $Destination)
Function Invoke-SevenZip{
Wrapper function which calls both Compress-toZip and Expand-fromZip
This function effectively translates the parameters that overlap with both 7z.exe and unzip.exe.
Using the set-alias cmdlets, you can assign this function to '7z' and 'unzip' for easy substitution.
.PARAMETER CommandMode
Specifies which operation to apply. 'u' or 'a' specify compress, 'x' or 'e' specify expand.
.PARAMETER CompressionLevel
This sets the level of compression. The native .NET extensions only support 3 levels of compression.
Specifies the zip file name to extract from or compress to.
.PARAMETER Directory
Specifies the directory (or source file) to compress from or extract to.
This switch enables recursion for compressing a target directory.
Invoke-SevenZip a 'c:\temp\' '\\server\share\data' -m 3
This example compresses the contents of the data folder on server using the highest compression into the file locally.
Invoke-SevenZip x 'c:\temp\' '.\bob'
This extracts the contents of into a folder named bob in the current directory.
Author: Bryan Vine
Last updated: 03/27/2017
[Validateset('5','4','3','2','1','0','Optimal','Fastest','NoCompression')][Alias("m")]$CompressionLevel = 'Optimal',
"5" {$CompressionLevel = 'Optimal'}
"4" {$CompressionLevel = 'Optimal'}
"3" {$CompressionLevel = 'Optimal'}
"2" {$CompressionLevel = 'Optimal'}
"1" {$CompressionLevel = 'Fastest'}
"0" {$CompressionLevel = 'NoCompression'}
$Directory = $PWD
if($CommandMode -like 'u' -or $CommandMode -like 'a'){
Compress-toZip -Zipfile $ZipFile -Source $Directory -CompressionLevel $CompressionLevel
if($CommandMode -like 'e' -or $CommandMode -like 'x'){
Expand-fromZip -Zipfile $ZipFile -Destination $Directory
Set-Alias -Name '7z' -Value 'Invoke-SevenZip'
Set-Alias -Name 'Unzip' -Value 'Invoke-SevenZip'
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