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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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Make any powershell script multithreaded with this powershell function wrapper (Invoke-Multithread)
#Requires -Version 3.0
Function Invoke-Multithread{
Wrapper function that lets you divide and conquer a server list to multithread it's execution.
Similar behavior to Invoke-Command -Asjob which lets you remotely start scriptblocks on target servers,
this function starts local jobs that are to be targeted at remote servers.
Great for multithreaded push deployments or report generation
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Specifies one or more server names.
.PARAMETER jobheader
Optional prefix name for jobs, so you can use more than one Invoke-Multithread on the same machine
.PARAMETER ThrottleLimit
Limits the number of jobs started. If you have 1000 servers, the default limit of 25 will mean you'll get 25 jobs, each with 40 servers per job.
Don't see the limit too large as it will eat up more CPU and RAM which actually might cause things to run slower than executing sequentially.
Invoke-Multithread -ComputerName (Get-Content .\myserverlist.txt) -ScriptBlock{<your script here, with -computername as a parameter>}
Starts up to 25 threads of your code for local execution and returns results back in an object array with computer names
Author: Bryan Vine
Last updated: 6/23/2015
[int]$ThrottleLimit = 25
$jobs = 1
$i = 0
#Clear out jobs from previous runs
Get-Job "$jobheader*"| Remove-Job -Force
#Calculates number of computers per thread
$BatchSize = [math]::Round($ComputerName.count / $ThrottleLimit,0) + 1
#loop while there's still work to be done
while($jobs -and $i -lt $ComputerName.count){
#return jobs that are finished and parses output per computer name as nice objects
Get-Job "$jobheader*" | ?{$_.State -like "completed"}|%{
$servers = ($_ | select -ExpandProperty Command).replace($ScriptBlock.ToString(),"").replace("-ComputerName ('","").replace("').split(',')","").split(",")
$jobreturn = $_ | Receive-Job
0..($servers.count -1) | %{
$obj = New-Object PSobject
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty ComputerName $servers[$_]
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Output $jobreturn[$_]
Write-Output $obj
if($jobs -lt $ThrottleLimit){
#spawn more jobs
#break up server list into batches to kick off multiple jobs
$batch = @()
1..$BatchSize | %{
$batch += $ComputerName[$i++] |?{$_ -notlike ''}
$batchstring = $batch -join ","
#start the job by appending the -computername property with the servernames to the scriptblock
Start-Job -Name "$jobheader-$i" -ScriptBlock ([scriptblock]::Create("$($ScriptBlock.ToString()) -ComputerName ('$batchstring').split(',')")) | Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
#calculate the number of jobs currently running
$jobs = (Get-Job "$jobheader*" |?{$_.State -like "Running"})| Measure | select -ExpandProperty count
#return all jobs after completed
Get-Job "$jobheader*" | Wait-Job | %{
$servers = ($_ | select -ExpandProperty Command).replace($ScriptBlock.ToString(),"").replace(" -ComputerName ('","").replace("').split(',')","").split(",")
$jobreturn = $_ | Receive-Job
0..($servers.count -1) | %{
$obj = New-Object PSobject
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty ComputerName $servers[$_]
$obj | Add-Member NoteProperty Output $jobreturn[$_]
Write-Output $obj
Get-Job "$jobheader*"| Remove-Job
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