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Powershell Script - MassDownloader - Efficient, Automated, Fault Tolerant, idempotent downloader with real time metrics
Author: Bryan Vine
Last updated: 05/12/2019
Description: This function leverages BITS service for downloading many files from a source file with URLs, one per line.
The function multithreads, runs in the background asyncronously, can add more files to the queue realtime,
is idempotent, fault tolerant, can resume partially downloaded files.
#Requires -version 3
Function Get-DownloadFiles{
Downloads all the URLs listed in the source download list and saves them in the target destination.
This function leverages BITS service for downloading many files from a source file with URLs, one per line.
The function multithreads, runs in the background asyncronously, can add more files to the queue realtime,
is idempotent, fault tolerant, can resume partially downloaded files.
What list to read in for source files.
Where files will be downloaded to.
.PARAMETER extension
File extension that's being used to find the file name in the download URLs.
.PARAMETER maxconcurrent
Max concurrent downloads
Get-DownloadFiles -source c:\sourceURLlist.txt -destination d:\downloads -extension mp3
This will download all the URL links in c:\sourceULRlist.txt, parse out the mp3 files and save them to d:\downloads
Author: Bryan Vine
Last updated: 05/12/2019
[string]$source = "c:\temp\downloadlist.txt",
[string]$target = "C:\Temp\videos",
[string]$extension = "mp4",
[int]$maxconcurrent = 10
Import-Module BitsTransfer
#Loads list, removes duplicates & blank lines
$list = (gc $source) | select -unique |?{$_ -notlike $null}
#initialize working variables
$index = 0
$Errors = 0
while($index -lt $list.Count -or $transfering.count -gt 0){
#get currently transferring jobs
$transfering = Get-BitsTransfer |select -ExpandProperty filelist |select -ExpandProperty remotename
#Calculate Progress activity for realtime display
$estimatedtotal = ($totalsize / ([math]::Min($maxconcurrent,($list.count - $Errors)))) * ($list.count - $Errors)
if($estimatedtotal -le 0){$estimatedtotal =1}
$estimatedremaining = $estimatedtotal - $totalcomplete - ($index - $transfering.count - $Errors) * ($totalsize / [math]::Min($maxconcurrent,($list.count - $Errors)))
$estimatedpercent = ((($estimatedtotal - $estimatedremaining) / $estimatedtotal) * 100)
if($estimatedpercent -lt 0){$estimatedpercent = 0}
Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading files from list: $source - saving to $target" -PercentComplete $estimatedpercent -Status (
"Files downloaded: $($index - $transfering.count - $errors)/$($list.count) - " +
"Queue: $($transfering.count)/$maxconcurrent - " +
"Errors: $Errors - " +
"Total Download Speed: $totalspeed MB/sec - " +
"Percent: $([math]::Round($estimatedpercent,0)) %")
#fix index pointer for idempotency
if($index -eq 0){
if($transfering.count -gt 1){
$index = $list.IndexOf($transfering[-1]) + 1
}elseif($transfering.count -eq 1){
$index = $list.IndexOf($transfering) + 1
#Stop adding if index is at the end
if($index -lt $list.count){
#if queue isn't full, add another download job
if($transfering.count -lt $maxconcurrent){
#Extract's file name from the URL
$filename = $list[$index].split("/").split("?") | ?{$_ -like "*$extension*"} |?{$_.Length -gt 3} |select -Last 1
#Check if target file was already downloadeded
if(!(Test-Path "$target\$filename")){
#Idempotency if script is stopped and re-ran while queue is still downloading
if($list[$index] -notin $transfering){
#Add new download job
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $list[$index++] -Destination "$target\$filename" -Asynchronous |Out-Null
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
#Check for completed download jobs, remove from queue
Get-BitsTransfer | ?{$_.jobstate -like "transferred"} | Complete-BitsTransfer
#Check for errored download jobs, remove from queue
Get-BitsTransfer | ?{$_.jobstate -like "*Error*"} | %{
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkRed -BackgroundColor Black "Error Downloading: $($_.filelist.RemoteName)"
$_ | Remove-BitsTransfer
#Per loop variable initialization
$totalspeed = 0
$totalsize = 1
$totalcomplete = 0
$id = 1
#Per file metrics calculation & display
Get-BitsTransfer | ?{$_.jobstate -like "Transferring"} | %{
$totalcomplete += $_.BytesTransferred
$totalsize += $_.BytesTotal
$PercentComplete = [math]::Round(($_.BytesTransferred * 100 / $_.BytesTotal),0)
$speed = [math]::Round(($_.BytesTransferred/1MB) / (($_.ModificationTime - $_.CreationTime).TotalSeconds),3)
$totalspeed += $speed
$timeleft = [math]::Round((($_.BytesTotal - $_.BytesTransferred)/1MB)/$speed,0)
$ETA = get-date (get-date).AddSeconds($timeleft) -UFormat "%I:%M:%S %p"
Write-Progress -id ($id++) -Activity "Downloading $(($_.filelist.LocalName).replace($target + '\',''))" -PercentComplete $PercentComplete -Status (
"Downloaded: $([math]::Round($_.BytesTransferred/1MB,0))/$([math]::Round($_.BytesTotal/1MB,0))MB - " +
"Percent: $PercentComplete % - Speed: $speed MB/sec - " +
"Time left: $([timespan]::FromSeconds($timeleft).hours) hours $([timespan]::FromSeconds($timeleft).minutes) minutes $([timespan]::FromSeconds($timeleft).seconds) seconds - ETA: $ETA")
#Re-read file for new downloads
$list = (gc $source) | select -unique |?{$_ -notlike $null}
#loop delay
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGreen -BackgroundColor Black "Downloads complete."
#Alias function to stop all downloads
Function Stop-DownloadFiles{
Get-BitsTransfer | Remove-BitsTransfer
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