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Created November 2, 2020 17:30
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Mod 2 Week 1: Building Habits to Become a Software Developer, Part II

Ideas here are adapted from Atomic Habits by James Clear

Reflect on your habits from last module. What behaviors and activities were helpful for you? What activities and behaviors could be more effective for you? What processes would you like to try differently this module to become more effective at your work and as a software developer?

Using a calender, cooking dinner, getting in bed at 9pm NO MATTER WHAT and reading a book. I did incorporate some workouts throughout my week into my schedule but this mod I want to exercise more. I find my schedule very helpful and productive so I want to hold myself to the things that I like doing that also make me more prepared for Turing each day.

Setting intentions for this module: who do I want to be this module? What specific habits would help me get there? How are those habits tied to the identity of a software developer?

I want to be healthy in this Module! Eating good food each day to power my body and brain. I want to cook more for myself so I need to give myself the time for that. I think overall being healthier will benefit my success at Turing. A healthy meal gives me much more energy and helps me get through the day and be productive!

Incorporate temptation bundling to create a new habit by using this template:

After waking up in the mornings, I will go for a run. After Turing is done at 5, I will cook myself dinner.

How to enjoy “hard” habits: Reframe your habits to consider their benefits rather than their drawbacks; name 3 habits that you have to do and explain the benefits of them. How do they further your goals long term? How will they add to your processes as a successful developer? At the end of the day, how do they add to your life?

My first habit would be getting in bed at 9pm. This helps me get better sleep and be better prepared for life the next day. Secondly after I do get in bed I let myself read for a good hour (sometimes more) and that really just helps me be me. I have always loved reading and have admired people and their intelligence/knowledge because of reading. Lastly I do yoga on Wednesdays (need to go more), this habit just helps with myself treating my body well and getting in tune with my breathing. I think these are all good because it shows discipline, and also priorities as a software dev.

Environment design (optional 5-min. additional reading: Motivation is Overvalued. Environment Often Matters More): how does your environment set-up currently help you with your habits? How could it be improved to make it easier for you to follow through on your habits?

Currently I live alone which has been immensely helpful for me throughout Turing. I am able to focus and schedule myself without roommate distraction. Improvement would be getting out of the house more to enjoy the earth. I find myself working and working until it's time for bed while I’ve just missed a beautiful day outside. By going on runs in the morning I can get my dose of the outdoors each day!

“When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.” Read this 4-min article on how to stop procrastinating. Apply the 2-minute rule to reframe 2-3 of your habits by scaling them down into the 2-minute version. How does this reframing help you think about shaping your new identity as a software developer?

It helps in the sense that it really does not take a lot to do something. Often procrastination will make a 2 minute task seem like it’ll take an hour, and each time you put it off that burden just grows. But by making it short and sweet initallity it isn’t as daunting on the brain.

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