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Last active November 2, 2020 17:02
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Mod 1 Week 1: Understanding your strengths

1. Describe one of your strengths. What is something you have learned to do well (list a skill)?

I can communicate effectively.

What is something you know about (list some knowledge/expertise you have)?

I know how to follow directions.

What is something you have a natural ability to do well (list a talent)?

I am technical and optimistic.

How could you combine these to describe a specific strength?

My strength would be I'm a technical hard worker.

2. Read through your Top 4 results from Pairin

In your own words, what do these top 4 qualities tell you about yourself? They tell me I am very technical, confident and a driver. I think that because of my background in Industrial Engineering in college that is why I got these strengths. I like these strengths and I'm very happy with them because I think they capture exactly how I am.*

Do they resonate with you? Why/why not?

I think these 4 results are a spitting image of what I think to be my strengths, so yes! good resonation.

How do they relate to the strength you wrote about in Prompt #1?

I think they coincide pretty well. I may use different adjectives to describe myself but I think they both have the same sort of meaning.

3. Challenges with strengths

What can make it challenging to recognize your strengths? How can you work through those challenges? I think it can be challenging recognizing your strengths when maybe you've been told hey x y z is your strength even though you may not feel they are. Or if you put energy into something thinking it's a strength and later realizing it's actually not. To work through these I would just pay attention to things that I really excel in, that maybe in the past I've shown success in. That sort of thing.

Do you ever see yourself overusing certain strengths? In what circumstances would you want to use them less and amplify other strengths? How could you adjust your approach in those instances?

I really get obsessed with problem solving, and even though problem solving is one of my strengths I need to recognize when I'm out of energy and my efforts aren't helping me anymore and I need to step away from the problem. I think to help with this I want to use like time limits on homework / projects. Like with the POMS in lecture I need to implement that in my study habits.

4. Strengths in action

Write 1-2 sentences describing how you like to work (i.e., Do you pre-plan? Do you talk through your ideas first? Do you work better with deadlines? How do you stay organized?) I like to pre-teach, with lectures I read through them before the lecture. I work really well with deadlines, I've found I honestly work really well under pressure and that's why I like having deadlines. I also really love working with other people and collaborating with peers.

How could you describe these working preferences to your project teammates? Your mentor? Your instructors?

I'm a team player for sure. I also am naturally a leader but one thing I've wanted to work on here at turing is supporting my team more than leading them.

What would you need to be aware of when working with people who have different strengths from you?

I really enjoy working with people who excel in things I don't. Normally I learn a lot from them. I've worked in groups throughout college so I think I'm fairly good at communicating what my strengths are, listening to what others are, and delegating the work effectively.

How could your Pairin results help you better understand your everyday working preferences?

I think I already practice a lot of my strengths that Pairin told me. Through turing I'm really looking to create new strengths.*

5. Continued growth

Is there any particular strength you'd like to sharpen while you're at Turing? Any area you consider a weakness that you'd like to strengthen? I want to become more humble? Not sure if that's the right word. Normally I am very outspoken and I'd rather step back and observe more. I want to practice not being the leader and being a team player / supporting my teammates more.

What are some steps you could take here?

I think when teams are assigned I want to hold back and let others come forward to become the leader of the group. Normally I'd jump on this role but I want/need to practice team support.

How could you be aware of progress you're making?

Really seeing how this new role in a group makes me feel, and also seeing if I learn more about being a leader from watching others lead.

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