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Last active November 11, 2020 17:35
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Mod 2 Week 5: Outreach & Networking I

Review your habit tracker: how did you monitor your habit(s)? What does this tell you about your overall progress becoming the person you want to be? In general, how satisfied are you with how you spent your time this module? What could be improved next module?

Something I'm really happy about is tracking my running and jsFun. I've made a big R and FUN on days that I have done these habits in my calender so I really focus on not breaking the chain and that's my motivation to keep up with them.

Mind Maps:

i. Engagement. What did you reflect on last week in regards to when you’re engaged in your work at Turing? Pull out an idea that resonates with you most (e.g., “Talking through a problem with a partner,” “The moment when I solve a problem that I previously didn’t know how to do,” “Setting up a successful project management process for my team”) and break that idea down into parts and make a list (what are all the steps that go into that moment? When do you get to use your strengths? What is fun about this?).

I really engage with team work! This past week we had our group project and I was super happy with working with my team and how we all got along. Made the experience and my engagement that much better.

ii. Energy. What did you reflect on last week in regards to when you feel most energized in your work at Turing? Pull out an idea that resonates with you most and break that idea down into parts and make a list (what are all the steps that go into that moment? When do you get to use your strengths? What is fun about this?).

iii. Flow. When have you had an experience recently in which you were in a state of flow? You can also think about this as “joy” or “play.” Pull out an idea that resonates with you most and break that idea down into parts and make a list (what are all the steps that go into that moment? When do you get to use your strengths? What is fun about this?).

Prototype your mind maps: what do these mind maps tell you about what’s important to you as a software developer? What questions do they bring up about what you still want to learn about this career?

Who comes to mind as a person you can reach out to? Why that person? What questions would you ask them? Come up with 2-3 people here to serve as prototypes

I think I have a couple different people I want to reach out to. Kolya Venturi is a Turing alum and I really wanted to talk about how his job search went after Turing. I also enjoyed talking to Mason at the ‘What's a Dev?’ talk and would like to talk to him more about positive vs negative teams and how to be the best junior dev I can be when working with more experienced devs. I also have always wanted to work for SpaceX. I have a friend working there but he isn’t a dev so I’m kind of stumped on how to approach him. I may just ask about the work culture and what it’s like and maybe ask if he has a contact in the software development team I could talk to.

How would this outreach help you further your job search strategy?

It would give me a better idea about what I am getting myself into. It would help me with how to apporach the Job hunt and also come up with questions for how to gage what the team is like that I am interested in joining.

Outreach & Networking Plan: Based on your reflections above, create a concrete plan for your outreach:

Over break I'm going to research more companies I would be interested in. Reach out to people at those companies and ask for a phone call or zoom to talk more about their position adn thei journey to that position.

Who is the right person for you to reach out to?

I think targeting people my age that have gone through my process recently will be my first connections.

How will you find them? How do you know they’re the right person?

Linked in, turing alum, friends! I'm not sure, if they meet the above description I think they'll be the right person.

How will you reach out?

Slack, text or email.

What questions do you need to ask them?

What their experience was like in my position. How they got hired. How they like their team.

How will you use this information to further your solution?

Just compile research about each person, their position and experience and go from there on where I think I could be sucessful.

How will you follow up?

Slack, text or email. If it leads to say an interview or something I send a hand written thank you.

Execute your plan:

In the process of doing it!

Reach out to your contact THIS WEEK. If possible, reach out to more than one person OR find a meetup to attend also. What happened? What other next steps should you take? If this is a person connected to a company you’re interested in, be sure to add it to your Huntr card.

I reached out to my connection at SpaceX, we worked on my resume and did some critique. We talked on the phone about where I would fit best in the company and what jobs looked interesting to me and how my skills matched up. It was a really good conversation! He is going to send my resume on to the managers hiring the software engineers and I'll hopefully hear from them. I talked to him last week on Thursday, I have't heard back so I will follow up with him at the end of this week.

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