I hereby claim:
- I am bryceml on github.
- I am bryceml (https://keybase.io/bryceml) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASCzg23PGX88-x2nhj2LeaHjppc8PfBziCH2Kr9tPJlwzQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
map q :q<CR> | |
"cmap w!! w !sudo tee % | |
cmap wr set tw=79 | |
cmap nwr set tw=0 | |
cmap np set list! | |
"cmap sp set spell spelllang=en_us | |
"set autoindent | |
set pastetoggle=<F2> | |
set expandtab | |
"set shiftwidth=4 |
[alias] | |
graph = log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(auto)%d %h %cr %Cblue%an %Creset %s' --branches | |
ls = ls-files | |
count = rev-list HEAD --count | |
[push] | |
default = simple |
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system | |
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5). | |
source /etc/network/interfaces.d/* | |
# The loopback network interface | |
auto lo | |
iface lo inet loopback | |
auto eno1 |
#!/bin/bash | |
# vim:tw=80:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2 | |
# Copyright (c) 2012-present, Phil Dibowitz <phil@ipom.com> | |
# | |
# All rights reserved. | |
# | |
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without | |
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Dependencies: tesseract-ocr imagemagick scrot xsel | |
SCR_IMG=`mktemp` | |
trap "rm $SCR_IMG*" EXIT | |
scrot -s $SCR_IMG.png | |
mogrify -modulate 100,0 -resize 400% $SCR_IMG.png #should increase detection rate | |
tesseract $SCR_IMG.png $SCR_IMG &> /dev/null | |
cat $SCR_IMG.txt | xsel -bi |
ffmpeg-normalize *.m4a -l -15 -f | |
ffmpeg -i normalized-*.wav -c:a aac -strict -2 -b:a 96k out.m4a | |
mkdir -p /home/user/Desktop | |
ln -s /var/www/html /home/user/Desktop/public_html | |
chown 1000:1000 -R /var/www/html | |
chown 1000:1000 -R /home/user | |
ln -s nodejs /usr/bin/node | |
sed -i -e 's/%sudo.*$/%sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL/' /etc/sudoers | |
dpkg -i /root/atom-i386.deb |
# Mostly based on the Ubuntu installation guide | |
# https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/ | |
d-i debconf/priority string critical | |
# Preseeding only locale sets language, country and locale. | |
d-i debian-installer/language string en | |
d-i debian-installer/country string US | |
d-i debian-installer/locale string en_US.UTF-8 |
#!/bin/bash | |
LD_PRELOAD='/usr/$LIB/libstdc++.so.6' DISPLAY=:0 steam | |
# From http://askubuntu.com/questions/654566/steam-doesnt-start-libgl-error |