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Created April 6, 2012 04:53
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la11111's dwstat
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my $script_dir = $ENV{"HOME"}."/.dwm/dwstat";
my $divider = " | ";
my @scripts;
my @timeouts;
my @outputs :shared;
#prints the output to the status bar
sub update () {
my $out_string = $outputs[0];
foreach (1..$#scripts) {
if ($outputs[$_]) {
$out_string .= $divider.$outputs[$_];
system("xsetroot -name '$out_string'");
#reads scripts dir, assigns scripts indices,
#figures out timeouts in seconds for each script
sub setup_scripts () {
#list script files in script dir
@scripts = `ls $script_dir`;
#figure out sleep duration for each script in seconds
#must be on line 2 in a comment in the script, no spaces,
#a pound sign followed by a series of digits followed by either or- h,m,s
foreach (0..$#scripts) {
open (SCRIPT, "$script_dir/$scripts[$_]") or die($!);
<SCRIPT>; #skip first line
my $t = <SCRIPT>; #read in second line
my $unit;
chomp $t;
if ($t =~ /^#(\d+)([hms])$/) {
$timeouts[$_] = $1;
$unit = $2;
} elsif ($t =~ /^#r$/) {
$timeouts[$_] = 0;
$unit = "r";
} else {
die("can't parse refresh value!\n");
if ($unit eq "m") {
if ($unit eq "h") {
sub thread_main() {
my $i = pop;
if ($timeouts[$i] == 0) {
my $l;
open(INPUT, "$script_dir/$scripts[$i] |");
while($l = <INPUT>){
chomp $l;
$outputs[$i] = $l;
} else {
while(1) {
$outputs[$i] = `$script_dir/$scripts[$i]`;
chomp $outputs[$i]; #for in case there's and \n's
sleep $timeouts[$i];
print "bye! $script_dir/$scripts[$i]\n";
sub main() {
my @threads;
foreach my $i (0..$#scripts) {
push(@threads, threads->new(\&thread_main, $i));
foreach my $t (@threads) {
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