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Created March 12, 2024 06:09
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class TrapInfo {
# Trap name - eg 18 or 16-1 etc
# if it was checked
# What was found
# free form notes
# Group - there can be multiple lines under a group - eg Group 1, Group 2
# Line - groups can be broken into multiple lines -
# eg Group 1 - MW 18-10a, and Group 2, MW 10-4a, MSR3
# TODO: static methods to get the long and short titles for the things
$groups = @{
"Group 1" = @(
Name = "MW"
Value = @(
"18", "17", "16a", "16-1", "16",
"15a", "15-1", "15", "14a", "14", "13b",
"13a", "13-1", "13", "12a", "12", "11b",
"11a", "11", "10b", "10a"
"Group 2" = @(
Name = "MW"
Value = @(
"10", "9a", "9", "8a", "8", "7a",
"7", "6a", "6", "5a", "5", "4a"
Name = "MSR3"
Value = @(
"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8"
class ClearingTask {
# Start of the weekend to clear the traps
# Name of the task - eg MW-MSR3
# What to do for each group
# groups to clear
write-debug "In clearingtask with no params"
ClearingTask([string]$Name, [Roster]$roster, $groups){
write-debug "In ClearingTask name ${Name} roster ${roster}"
$this.Name = $Name
$ = $roster.sat_date.ToString("ddd, d MMM yyyy")
$this.task = @{
"Group 1" = $roster.eggs_group -eq 1 ? "Eggs + Erayz" : "Erayz"
"Group 2" = $roster.eggs_group -eq 2 ? "Eggs + Erayz" : "Erayz"
$this.groups = $groups
function get-trap-line(){
get an array of objects for the named group/line
param (
# Name of the group - eg "Group 1"
# Name of the line - eg MSR3
# hashtable containing the data
[hashtable]$groups = $groups
$group_record = $groups[$group]
if ($null -eq $group_record) {
throw "Could not find a record for group $group"
$trap_line = ($group_record.where({$_.Name -eq $line})).Value
$traps = $trap_line.foreach({ [TrapInfo]@{'Name'=$_; 'Group'=$group; 'Line'=$line }})
function get-trap-lines(){
param ()
# lines in order
$lines = @{}
write-debug "group keys $($groups.keys)"
foreach ($group_name in ($groups.keys | sort-object)){
$lines[$group_name] = @()
write-debug "Group: $group_name"
$group = $groups[$group_name]
foreach ($line in $group) {
write-debug "line: $($line | out-string) "
$lines[$group_name] += ,(get-trap-line $group_name $line.Name)
$convert_this += $group_sub
write-debug "lines result: $($lines | convertto-json -depth 10)"
function get-tables(){
param (
# array of lines to convert to html tables
# About the tasks etc
foreach ($group_name in ($lines.keys | sort-object)) {
$group = $lines[$group_name]
$group_trap_count = @($group |foreach-object{$_}).length
<div class=`"$($group_name -replace ' ','')`">
<h2>$group_name - $($line_info.task.$group_name)</h2>
<p>$group_trap_count Traps</p>
write-debug "group $($group | convertto-json -depth 10)"
foreach ($line in $group) {
# Note that align does not work - see
$line | ConvertTo-Html -fragment -property `
@{ name = 'Trap'; expr = { $_.Name} }, `
@{ name = 'Done'; expr = { $_.clear }; }, `
# @{ name = '<span class="short-text">Catch</span><span class="long-text">Catch (R/S/W)</span>'; expr =
@{ name = '<span class="short-text">Catch (R/S/W)</span><span class="long-text">Catch (R/S/W)</span>'; expr =
{ $_.victim }; width=100 }, `
@{ name = 'Notes'; expr = { $_.notes }; width=300 }
function get-page(){
param (
# What this task is
# If extra note needed for this one
# web says style needs to be in the header.
# You're supposed to put it in a separate file actually
# When using -head with convertto-html the title arg is ignored
# so you have to put the title in
$head = @"
<title>$($ $($</title>
BODY {font-family: Arial}
TABLE {border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse;}
TH {border-width: 1px; padding: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; font-size: 18px;}
TH:nth-child(2) {font-size: 16px }
TH:nth-child(3) {word-wrap: normal; font-size: 16px }
TH:nth-child(4) {text-align: left; }
TD {border-width: 1px; padding: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; font-size: 18px }
.short-text {display:none;}
@media (max-width: 1200px){
.short-text { display: inline-block; }
.long-text { display: none; }
P { font-size: 18px}
.groups {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr);
gap: 10px;
$body_start = @"
<h1>$($ $($</h1>
<li>Stoats have a black tip on their tail.The tail is half the length of the body. Weasels have a shorter tail - no black tip</li>
<li>Frozen Trigger. Unset the trap and then move the trigger back and forth. If the trigger does not swing freely work it back and forth vigorously about a dozen
times to free it up. Reset the trap.</li>
if ($extra_note){
$body_start += "<b>${extra_note}</b>"
$body_start += @"
<div class="groups">
$body_trailer = "</div>"
$tables = get-tables (get-trap-lines) $clearing_task
# reminder - title is ignored if you use -head
$(ConvertTo-Html `
-head $head `
-body "$body_start $tables" `
-PostContent $body_trailer) -replace '(?m)^</?table>$', ''
class Roster {
# Date on Saturday for the task
# Which group gets eggs and erayz
[Roster[]]$roster = @(
# 0 - doing this for Mike
sat_date = '23 Mar 2024'
eggs_group = 1
# 1
sat_date = '20 Apr 2024'
eggs_group = 1
# 2
sat_date = '4 May 2024'
eggs_group = 2
# 3
sat_date = '29 Jun 2024'
eggs_group = 2
# 4
sat_date = '24 Aug 2024'
eggs_group = 2
# If you want debug mode:
# $debugPreference = "Continue"
### EDIT which $roster element to use below. Indexing starts at 0.
$line_info = [ClearingTask]::new('MW-MSR3', $roster[2], $groups)
# get-page $line_info "Take extra eggs for MW11a and MW10a"
$out_file = "trap_lines.html"
get-page $line_info | out-file $out_file
write-host "wrote to $(Resolve-Path $out_file)"
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