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Created January 13, 2022 20:51
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Zig Golang C

Following steps from

├── _wale.c
└── nautilus.go

go build -buildmode=c-archive -o nautilus.a nautilus.go

├── _wale.c
├── nautilus.a
├── nautilus.go
└── nautilus.h

other compilters

These two wont compile without -lpthread but when they do, they work!

gcc -o _wale _wale.c nautilus.a -lpthread
./_wale # works!

aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc -static -o _wale _wale.c nautilus.a -lpthread
./_wale # works!

zig fails

zig cc -static -o _wale _wale.c nautilus.a
./_wale # hangs and segfaults

zig cc -static -o _wale _wale.c nautilus.a -lpthread
./_wale # hangs and segfaults

zig cc -o _wale _wale.c nautilus.a
./_wale # hangs and segfaults

zig cc -o _wale _wale.c nautilus.a -lpthread
./_wale # hangs and segfaults

fancy extra args dont help

Above examples are more simple but what I'm really tring to do is:

GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 CGO_ENABLED=1  CC="${PWD}/zigcc" go build -a -ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags '-stati
c' -s -w" -buildmode=c-archive -o nautilus.a nautilus.go
zig cc -static -o _wale _wale.c nautilus.a

And really I want to write a zig application that uses this C library. I dropped back to zig compiled C to see what was broken without zig syntax learning in the way.

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