<!DOCTYPE html> |
<meta charset="utf-8"> |
<script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.3.0/aframe.min.js"></script> |
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script> |
<script src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/donmccurdy/aframe-extras/8a76a783c2ba3d4779e92a892cc31fb0757fa4df/dist/aframe-extras.physics.min.js"></script> |
<a-scene antialias="true" physics> |
<!-- Camera --> |
<a-entity position="0 1.6 0"> |
<a-entity camera look-controls wasd-controls></a-entity> |
</a-entity> |
<a-entity id='container' position="0 1 -3"> |
<a-entity id="jenga" position="0 0.2 0"></a-entity> |
<a-box id='platform' width='2' depth='2' height='0.1' color='grey' static-body></a-box> |
</a-entity> |
<a-plane rotation="-90 0 0" position='0 0 -1.5' width="4" height="4" color="black" static-body></a-plane> |
<a-sky color="white"></a-sky> |
</a-scene> |
<script> |
var colorScale = d3.scaleSequential(d3.interpolatePlasma); |
var jenga = d3.select('#jenga'); |
var container = d3.select('#container'); |
var dataset = []; // 10, 9, 8...1 |
for (var i = 10; i > 0; i--) { |
dataset.push(i); |
} |
// Create tower of spheres |
jenga.selectAll('a-sphere') |
.data(dataset) |
.enter() |
.append('a-sphere') |
.attr('radius', '0.1') |
.attr('color', function(d, i) { |
return colorScale(i / 10); |
}) |
.attr('position', function(d, i) { |
return '0 ' + (i * 0.2) + ' 0'; |
}) |
.attr('dynamic-body', '') |
.call(start); |
function start () { |
// Knock it down |
container.append('a-sphere') |
.attr('id', 'ignition') |
.attr('radius', '0.1') |
.attr('color', 'red') |
.attr('position', '0.1 10 0') |
.attr('dynamic-body', ''); |
var t = d3.timeout(rebuild, 10000); // Reset tower of spheres after 10 seconds |
} |
function rebuild () { |
// Remove ignition sphere |
d3.select('#ignition') |
.remove(); |
// Update spheres, stack them up again |
jenga.selectAll('a-sphere') |
.data(dataset) |
.attr('dynamic-body', null) // <- Interesting, tower cannot be rebuilt if dynamic-body is on |
.attr('radius', '0.1') |
.attr('color', function(d, i) { |
return colorScale(i / 10); |
}) |
.attr('position', function(d, i) { |
return '0 ' + (i * 0.2) + ' 0'; |
}) |
.attr('dynamic-body', '') // <- Turn physics back on |
.call(start); // Knock it down again |
} |
</script> |