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Last active August 21, 2021 04:14
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A-Frame and Cardboard Camera
license: mit

Displaying Cardboard Camera Stereo Panoramas with A-Frame

Update: for an easier way, see Overunder Panorama Viewer.


  1. Convert original vr.jpg Cardboard Camera image into over-under equirectangular with this webservice.

  2. Split the over-under equirectangular image in two using the following ImageMagick command:

magick convert <IMAGE.png> -crop 1x2@ +repage +adjoin pano_%d.png

Note: replace <IMAGE.png> with the name and format of the image you want to split.

This command will add two new files to your directory. I suggest renaming them to avoid confusion:

  • pano_0.png -> left.png
  • pano_1.png -> right.png
  1. Upload the left and right images to the host of your choice. Beware of CORS issues. Imgur worked for me.

  2. Go to this codepen and hit the "fork" button (or fork this Gist and use bl.ocks).

  3. Replace the links on lines 4 and 5 with your own.

CodePen has a number of different views, "debug" is the cleanest.


Credit for Cardboard panorama: Google.

Example Pen by bryik on CodePen.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<a-scene antialias="true">
<!-- Paths to left and right images -->
<img id="left" src="">
<img id="right" src="">
<!-- Camera -->
<a-entity camera look-controls position="0 0 0" stereocam="eye:left;"></a-entity>
<!-- Sky sphere -->
<a-sky id="sky1" radius="5000" src="#left" stereo="eye:left"></a-sky>
<a-sky id="sky2" radius="5000" src="#right" stereo="eye:right"></a-sky>
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Hey, how come I haven't found this a few days ago! :D
But now I built a web-app for this, which does all this automatically. You can upload and view examples here:

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I wrote this script to create a cardboard image starting from a single equirectangular full panorama (360x180), any idea about what's wrong with it?

set R=%~n1.vr.jpg

call :set ImageWidthR ImageHeightR
exiftool -s2 -ImageWidth -ImageHeight "%R%"

for /f "tokens=1,2 usebackq delims=: " %%i in (`exiftool -s2 -ImageWidth -ImageHeight "%R%"`) do set %%i=%%j

set /a FullPanoWidthPixels=ImageWidth
set /a FullPanoHeightPixels=ImageHeight

set /a CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels=ImageWidth
set /a CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels=ImageHeight

set /a CroppedAreaLeftPixels=0
set /a CroppedAreaTopPixels=0

exiftool -XMP-GPano:all^
 -XMP-GImage:"ImageData<=%~n1.vr.jpg" ^

goto :eof

 @if "%1"=="" goto :EOF
 @set %1=
@goto :set

The resulting image look squeezed in and is not loaded at all in due to "missing right image" (but I put it there!), but it shows fine in

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@jumpjack so actually I tried to work with raw metadata, but hadn't have any success. I went with just copying the javascript from cardboard camera converter website and using the exported functions in my code. I remember they use the metadata feature that's not very standard, and I had trouble writing / reading it with JS, so gave up

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is there also the opposite function, to convert from equirect to cardboard?

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@jumpjack I would try using breakpoint somewhere inside the code on this page, while it is processing, and looking the state for some hints

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