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Last active April 15, 2016 10:33
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function getCollectionData($collection_pid) {
$user = user_load(1);
$repository = islandora_get_tuque_connection($user);
$query = <<<EOQ
SELECT ?pid ?label ?cmodel
FROM <#ri>
?pid <info:fedora/fedora-system:def/relations-external#isMemberOfCollection> <info:fedora/$collection_pid> ;
<fedora-model:label> ?label ;
<fedora-model:hasModel> ?cmodel
FILTER (?cmodel != <info:fedora/fedora-system:FedoraObject-3.0>)
$results = $repository->repository->ri->sparqlQuery($query);
$subCollections = array();
$recordCount = 0;
foreach($results as $result) {
if ($result['cmodel']['value'] != 'islandora:collectionCModel') {
$recordCount = $recordCount + 1;
else {
$subCollections[] = $result['pid']['value'];
$ret = array('records' => $recordCount, 'collections' => $subCollections);
$collection_title = islandora_object_load($collection_pid)->label;
$msg = "<a href=\"/islandora/object/$collection_pid\">$collection_title [$recordCount]</a>\n<ul>\n";
foreach ($subCollections as $subCollection) {
$submsg = getCollectionData($subCollection);
$msg .= "<li>$submsg</li>\n";
$msg .= "</ul>";
return $msg;
// Initiate function with target collection PID of your choice
echo getCollectionData('islandora:root');
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djevans commented Apr 12, 2016

This would work well inside a custom module (providing content for a block, for example).
Is the 'isMemberOfCollection' predicate transitive? If so you might be able to get all the subcollections using just one SPARQL query.

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