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Last active July 11, 2017 22:09
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const Project = artifacts.require('./Project.sol')
const project = await Project.deployed()
const people = await project.getPeople([ 2, 5 ], { from: accounts[0] })
console.log('people =', people)
// this will print something like:
// people = [ ['0xdeadbeef', '0xabcdeff'], [123, 789] ]
// as you can see, we get back an array. each element of this array
// represents a field in the struct type. because we've returned
// many structs, each field has many values. let's reassemble these
// into a more familiar (and more usable) format.
// we can figure out how many structs were returned by checking the
// length of any of the arrays that were returned. they should all
// have the exact same length.
const numPeople = people[0].length
// for clarity's sake, let's define some constants so that we can see
// which field array we're accessing:
const FIELD_ADDR = 0
const FIELD_FUNDS = 1
let peopleStructs = []
for (let i = 0; i < numPeople; i++) {
const person = {
addr: people[FIELD_ADDR][i],
funds: people[FIELD_FUNDS][i],
console.log('peopleStructs =', peopleStructs)
// this will print something like:
// peopleStructs = [
// { addr: '0xdeadbeef', funds: 123 },
// { addr: '0xabcdeff', funds: 789 }
// ]
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