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Created December 8, 2011 16:05
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How to calculate the errors for combinations of eff histograms
asymErrorCumu = r.TGraphAsymmErrors()
for bin in range(CumuNomList[0].GetNbinsX()):
binLumi = 0
BinEff = 0.
point = bin + 1
errPlus = 0.
errMinus = 0.
yval = 0.
xvalAtPoint = r.Double(0)
yvalAtPoint = r.Double(0)
pointEff = r.Double(0)
xOfPoint = r.Double(0)
for numerator,denominator,weight,TEff in zip(CumuNomList,CumuDenomList,values[1],collectionCumu):
if int(denominator.GetBinContent(bin)) is not 0:
binLumi += weight
BinEff += (pointEff*weight)
errPlus += (TEff.GetErrorYhigh(point)**2 * weight**2)
errMinus += (TEff.GetErrorYlow(point)**2 * weight**2)
# This is our efficiency for the bin.
if int(binLumi) == 0: binLumi = 1.
BinEff /= binLumi
errPlus = math.sqrt(errPlus/ (binLumi**2))
errMinus = math.sqrt(errMinus/ (binLumi**2))
print "Point = %f,%f, + %f, -%f"%(xOfPoint,BinEff,errPlus,errMinus)
# Now we need to set the errors and points of our histogram!!!
# if int(xvalAtPoint) is not 0:
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