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Created April 11, 2020 04:43
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webpack-cli 3 help

npx webpack -h webpack-cli 3.3.11

Usage: webpack-cli [options] webpack-cli [options] --entry --output webpack-cli [options] <entries...> --output webpack-cli [options]

For more information, see

Config options: --config Path to the config file [string] [default: webpack.config.js or webpackfile.js] --config-register, -r Preload one or more modules before loading the webpack configuration [array] [default: module id or path] --config-name Name of the config to use [string] --env Environment passed to the config, when it is a function --mode Enable production optimizations or development hints. [choices: "development", "production", "none"]

Basic options: --context The base directory (absolute path!) for resolving the entry option. If output.pathinfo is set, the included pathinfo is shortened to this directory. [string] [default: The current directory] --entry The entry point(s) of the compilation. [string] --no-cache Disables cached builds [boolean] --watch, -w Enter watch mode, which rebuilds on file change. [boolean] --debug Switch loaders to debug mode [boolean] --devtool A developer tool to enhance debugging. [string] -d shortcut for --debug --devtool eval-cheap-module-source-map --output-pathinfo [boolean] -p shortcut for --optimize-minimize --define process.env.NODE_ENV="production" [boolean] --progress Print compilation progress in percentage [boolean]

Module options: --module-bind Bind an extension to a loader [string] --module-bind-post Bind an extension to a post loader [string] --module-bind-pre Bind an extension to a pre loader [string]

Output options: --output, -o The output path and file for compilation assets --output-path The output directory as absolute path (required). [string] [default: The current directory] --output-filename Specifies the name of each output file on disk. You must not specify an absolute path here! The output.path option determines the location on disk the files are written to, filename is used solely for naming the individual files. [string] [default: [name].js] --output-chunk-filename The filename of non-entry chunks as relative path inside the output.path directory. [string] [default: filename with [id] instead of [name] or [id] prefixed] --output-source-map-filename The filename of the SourceMaps for the JavaScript files. They are inside the output.path directory. [string] --output-public-path The publicPath specifies the public URL address of the output files when referenced in a browser. [string] --output-jsonp-function The JSONP function used by webpack for async loading of chunks. [string] --output-pathinfo Include comments with information about the modules. [boolean] --output-library Expose the exports of the entry point as library [array] --output-library-target Type of library [string] [choices: "var", "assign", "this", "window", "self", "global", "commonjs", "commonjs2", "commonjs-module", "amd", "umd", "umd2", "jsonp"]

Advanced options: --records-input-path Store compiler state to a json file. [string] --records-output-path Load compiler state from a json file. [string] --records-path Store/Load compiler state from/to a json file. This will result in persistent ids of modules and chunks. An absolute path is expected. recordsPath is used for recordsInputPath and recordsOutputPath if they left undefined.[string] --define Define any free var in the bundle [string] --target Environment to build for [string] --cache Cache generated modules and chunks to improve performance for multiple incremental builds. [boolean] [default: It's enabled by default when watching] --watch-stdin, --stdin Stop watching when stdin stream has ended [boolean] --watch-aggregate-timeout Delay the rebuilt after the first change. Value is a time in ms. [number] --watch-poll Enable polling mode for watching [string] --hot Enables Hot Module Replacement [boolean] --prefetch Prefetch this request (Example: --prefetch ./file.js) [string] --provide Provide these modules as free vars in all modules (Example: --provide jQuery=jquery) [string] --labeled-modules Enables labeled modules [boolean] --plugin Load this plugin [string] --bail Report the first error as a hard error instead of tolerating it. [boolean] [default: null] --profile Capture timing information for each module. [boolean] [default: null]

Resolving options: --resolve-alias Redirect module requests [string] --resolve-extensions Redirect module requests [array] --resolve-loader-alias Setup a loader alias for resolving [string]

Optimizing options: --optimize-max-chunks Try to keep the chunk count below a limit --optimize-min-chunk-size Minimal size for the created chunk --optimize-minimize Enable minimizing the output. Uses optimization.minimizer. [boolean]

Stats options: --color, --colors Force colors on the console [boolean] [default: (supports-color)] --no-color, --no-colors Force no colors on the console [boolean] --sort-modules-by Sorts the modules list by property in module [string] --sort-chunks-by Sorts the chunks list by property in chunk [string] --sort-assets-by Sorts the assets list by property in asset [string] --hide-modules Hides info about modules [boolean] --display-exclude Exclude modules in the output [string] --display-modules Display even excluded modules in the output [boolean] --display-max-modules Sets the maximum number of visible modules in output [number] --display-chunks Display chunks in the output [boolean] --display-entrypoints Display entry points in the output [boolean] --display-origins Display origins of chunks in the output [boolean] --display-cached Display also cached modules in the output [boolean] --display-cached-assets Display also cached assets in the output [boolean] --display-reasons Display reasons about module inclusion in the output [boolean] --display-depth Display distance from entry point for each module [boolean] --display-used-exports Display information about used exports in modules (Tree Shaking) [boolean] --display-provided-exports Display information about exports provided from modules [boolean] --display-optimization-bailout Display information about why optimization bailed out for modules [boolean] --display-error-details Display details about errors [boolean] --display Select display preset [string] [choices: "", "verbose", "detailed", "normal", "minimal", "errors-only", "none"] --verbose Show more details [boolean] --info-verbosity Controls the output of lifecycle messaging e.g. Started watching files... [string] [choices: "none", "info", "verbose"] [default: "info"] --build-delimiter Display custom text after build output[string]

Options: --help, -h Show help [boolean] --version, -v Show version number [boolean] --silent Prevent output from being displayed in stdout [boolean] --json, -j Prints the result as JSON. [boolean]

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