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Created January 3, 2013 08:19
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class CyberSource {
const ENV_TEST = '';
const ENV_PRODUCTION = '';
const VERSION = '0.2';
const API_VERSION = '1.67';
* @var string The URL to the WSDL endpoint for the environment we're
* running in (test or production), as stored in self::ENV_* constants.
public $environment = self::ENV_TEST;
public $merchant_id;
public $transaction_id;
public $reference_code = ''; // for backend transaction reporting
public $bill_to = array ();
public $card = array ();
public $items = array ();
* @var stdClass The generated SOAP request, saved immediately before a
* transaction is run.
public $request;
* @var stdClass The retrieved SOAP response, saved immediately after a
* transaction is run.
public $response;
* @var float The amount of time in seconds to wait for both a connection
* and a response. Total potential wait time is this value times 2
* (connection + response).
public $timeout = 240;
public $avs_codes = array (
'A' => 'Partial match: Street address matches, but 5-digit and 9-digit postal codes do not match.', 'B' => 'Partial match: Street address matches, but postal code is not verified.', 'C' => 'No match: Street address and postal code do not match.', 'D' => 'Match: Street address and postal code match.', 'E' => 'Invalid: AVS data is invalid or AVS is not allowed for this card type.', 'F' => 'Partial match: Card member\'s name does not match, but billing postal code matches.', 'G' => 'Not supported: Non-U.S. issuing bank does not support AVS.', 'H' => 'Partial match: Card member\'s name does not match, but street address and postal code match.', 'I' => 'No match: Address not verified.', 'K' => 'Partial match: Card member\'s name matches, but billing address and billing postal code do not match.', 'L' => 'Partial match: Card member\'s name and billing postal code match, but billing address does not match.', 'M' => 'Match: Street address and postal code match.', 'N' => 'No match: Card member\'s name, street address, or postal code do not match.', 'O' => 'Partial match: Card member\'s name and billing address match, but billing postal code does not match.', 'P' => 'Partial match: Postal code matches, but street address not verified.', 'R' => 'System unavailable.', 'S' => 'Not supported: U.S. issuing bank does not support AVS.', 'T' => 'Partial match: Card member\'s name does not match, but street address matches.', 'U' => 'System unavailable: Address information is unavailable because either the U.S. bank does not support non-U.S. AVS or AVS in a U.S. bank is not functioning properly.', 'V' => 'Match: Card member\'s name, billing address, and billing postal code match.', 'W' => 'Partial match: Street address does not match, but 9-digit postal code matches.', 'X' => 'Match: Street address and 9-digit postal code match.', 'Y' => 'Match: Street address and 5-digit postal code match.', 'Z' => 'Partial match: Street address does not match, but 5-digit postal code matches.', '1' => 'Not supported: AVS is not supported for this processor or card type.', '2' => 'Unrecognized: The processor returned an unrecognized value for the AVS response.'
public $cvn_codes = array (
'D' => 'The transaction was determined to be suspicious by the issuing bank.', 'I' => 'The CVN failed the processor\'s data validation check.', 'M' => 'The CVN matched.', 'N' => 'The CVN did not match.', 'P' => 'The CVN was not processed by the processor for an unspecified reason.', 'S' => 'The CVN is on the card but waqs not included in the request.', 'U' => 'Card verification is not supported by the issuing bank.', 'X' => 'Card verification is not supported by the card association.', '1' => 'Card verification is not supported for this processor or card type.', '2' => 'An unrecognized result code was returned by the processor for the card verification response.', '3' => 'No result code was returned by the processor.'
public $result_codes = array (
'100' => 'Successful transaction.',
'101' => 'The request is missing one or more required fields.',
'102' => 'One or more fields in the request contains invalid data.',
'110' => 'Only a partial amount was approved.',
'150' => 'Error: General system failure.',
'151' => 'Error: The request was received but there was a server timeout.',
'152' => 'Error: The request was received, but a service did not finish running in time.',
'200' => 'The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the Address Verification Service (AVS) check.',
'201' => 'The issuing bank has questions about the request.',
'202' => 'Expired card.',
'203' => 'General decline of the card.',
'204' => 'Insufficient funds in the account.', '205' => 'Stolen or lost card.',
'207' => 'Issuing bank unavailable.',
'208' => 'Inactive card or card not authorized for card-not-present transactions.',
'209' => 'American Express Card Identification Digits (CID) did not match.',
'210' => 'The card has reached the credit limit.',
'211' => 'Invalid CVN.',
'221' => 'The customer matched an entry on the processor\'s negative file.',
'230' => 'The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the CVN check.',
'231' => 'Invalid credit card number.', '232' => 'The card type is not accepted by the payment processor.',
'233' => 'General decline by the processor.', '234' => 'There is a problem with your CyberSource merchant configuration.',
'235' => 'The requested amount exceeds the originally authorized amount.',
'236' => 'Processor failure.',
'237' => 'The authorization has already been reversed.',
'238' => 'The authorization has already been captured.',
'239' => 'The requested transaction amount must match the previous transaction amount.',
'240' => 'The card type sent is invalid or does not correlate with the credit card number.',
'241' => 'The request ID is invalid.',
'242' => 'You requested a capture, but there is no corresponding, unused authorization record.',
'243' => 'The transaction has already been settled or reversed.',
'246' => 'The capture or credit is not voidable because the capture or credit information has laready been submitted to your processor. Or, you requested a void for a type of transaction that cannot be voided.',
'247' => 'You requested a credit for a capture that was previously voided.',
'250' => 'Error: The request was received, but there was a timeout at the payment processor.',
'520' => 'The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource based on your Smart Authorization settings.'
public $card_types = array (
'Visa' => '001',
'MasterCard' => '002',
'American Express' => '003',
'Discover' => '004',
'Diners Club' => '005',
'Carte Blanche' => '006',
'JCB' => '007'
public $test_cards = array (
'amex' => '378282246310005',
'discover' => '6011111111111117',
'mastercard' => '5555555555554444',
'visa' => '4111111111111111'
public function __construct($merchant_id = null, $transaction_id = null, $environment = self::ENV_TEST) {
$this->merchant_id ( $merchant_id );
$this->transaction_id ( $transaction_id );
$this->environment ( $environment );
public static function factory($merchant_id = null, $transaction_id = null, $environment = self::ENV_TEST) {
$class = __CLASS__;
$object = new $class ( $merchant_id, $transaction_id, $environment );
return $object;
public function merchant_id($id) {
$this->merchant_id = $id;
return $this;
public function transaction_id($id) {
$this->transaction_id = $id;
return $this;
public function environment($env) {
$this->environment = $env;
return $this;
public function reference_code($code) {
$this->reference_code = $code;
return $this;
public function card($number, $expiration_month, $expiration_year, $cvn_code = null, $card_type = null) {
$this->card = array (
'accountNumber' => $number,
'expirationMonth' => $expiration_month,
'expirationYear' => $expiration_year
// if a cvn code was supplied, use it
// note that cvIndicator is turned on automatically if we pass in a
// cvNumber
if ($cvn_code != null) {
$this->card ['cvNumber'] = $cvn_code;
// and if we specified a card type, use that too
if ($card_type != null) {
// if the card type is numeric, we probably already specified the
// exact code, just use it
if (is_numeric ( $card_type )) {
$this->card ['cardType'] = $card_type;
else {
// otherwise, convert it from a textual name
$this->card ['cardType'] = $this->card_types [$card_type];
return $this;
public function items($items = array()) {
foreach ( $items as $item ) {
$this->add_item ( $item ['price'], $item ['quantity'] );
return $this;
public function add_item($price, $quantity = 1) {
$this->items [] = array (
'unitPrice' => $price, 'quantity' => $quantity
return $this;
private function create_request() {
// build the class for the request
$request = new stdClass ();
$request->merchantID = $this->merchant_id;
$request->merchantReferenceCode = $this->reference_code;
// some info CyberSource asks us to add for troubleshooting purposes
$request->clientLibrary = 'CyberSourcePHP';
$request->clientLibraryVersion = self::VERSION;
$request->clientEnvironment = php_uname ();
// this also is pretty stupid, particularly the name
$purchase_totals = new stdClass ();
$purchase_totals->currency = 'USD';
$request->purchaseTotals = $purchase_totals;
return $request;
private function create_items($request) {
// there is no container for items, which annoys me
$request->item = array ();
$i = 0;
foreach ( $this->items as $item ) {
$it = new stdClass ();
$it->unitPrice = $item ['unitPrice'];
$it->quantity = $item ['quantity'];
$it->id = $i;
$request->item [] = $it;
$i ++;
return $request;
private function create_bill_to() {
// build the billTo class
$bill_to = new stdClass ();
// add all the bill_to fields
foreach ( $this->bill_to as $k => $v ) {
$bill_to->$k = $v;
return $bill_to;
private function create_card() {
// build the credit card class
$card = new stdClass ();
foreach ( $this->card as $k => $v ) {
$card->$k = $v;
return $card;
public function charge($amount = null) {
$request = $this->create_request ();
// we want to perform an authorization
$cc_auth_service = new stdClass ();
$cc_auth_service->run = 'true'; // note that it's textual true so it
// doesn't get cast as an int
$request->ccAuthService = $cc_auth_service;
// and actually charge them
$cc_capture_service = new stdClass ();
$cc_capture_service->run = 'true';
$request->ccCaptureService = $cc_capture_service;
// add billing info to the request
$request->billTo = $this->create_bill_to ();
// add credit card info to the request
$request->card = $this->create_card ();
// if there was an amount specified, just use it - otherwise add the
// individual items
if ($amount !== null) {
$request->purchaseTotals->grandTotalAmount = $amount;
else {
$this->create_items ( $request );
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
return $response;
public function capture($request_token = null, $amount = null) {
$request = $this->create_request ();
$capture_service = new stdClass ();
$capture_service->run = 'true';
$capture_service->authRequestToken = $request_token;
$request->ccCaptureService = $capture_service;
// if there was an amount specified, just use it - otherwise add the
// individual items
if ($amount !== null) {
$request->purchaseTotals->grandTotalAmount = $amount;
else {
$this->create_items ( $request );
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
return $response;
* Perform a follow-on credit.
* This credits back a certain amount, based on a previous Request ID.
* @param string $request_id
* The Request ID from a previous charge() or capture() request.
* @param int $amount
* The amount to credit. Leave it null to use the list of items
* already assigned to the current object instead.
* @return object The response from CyberSource.
public function credit($request_id, $amount = null) {
$request = $this->create_request ();
// we want to perform an authorization
$cc_credit_service = new stdClass ();
$cc_credit_service->run = 'true'; // note that it's textual true so it
// doesn't get cast as an int
$cc_credit_service->captureRequestID = $request_id;
$request->ccCreditService = $cc_credit_service;
// if there was an amount specified, just use it - otherwise add the
// individual items
if ($amount !== null) {
$request->purchaseTotals->grandTotalAmount = $amount;
else {
$this->create_items ( $request );
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
return $response;
* Create a new payment , either by performing a $0 authorization check on
* the credit card or using a
* pre-created request token from an authorization request that's already
* been performed.
* @param string $request_id
* The request ID received from an AuthReply statement, if
* applicable.
* @param boolean|null $auto_authorize
* Set to false to enable the disableAutoAuth flag to avoid an
* authorization and simply store the card. The default (null)
* means to omit the value, which means it'll use the setting on
* the account. Set to true to force an authorization, whether
* the account requires it or not.
* @return stdClass The raw response object from the SOAP endpoint
public function create_subscription($request_id = null, $auto_authorize = null, $subscription_info = null) {
$request = $this->create_request ();
$subscription_create = new stdClass ();
$subscription_create->run = 'true';
// if there is a request token passed in, reference it
if ($request_id != null) {
$subscription_create->paymentRequestID = $request_id;
else {
if ($auto_authorize === false) {
$subscription_create->disableAutoAuth = 'true';
else if ($auto_authorize === true) {
$subscription_create->disableAutoAuth = 'false';
$request->paySubscriptionCreateService = $subscription_create;
if ($subscription_info == null) {
// specify that this is an on-demand subscription, it should not
// auto-bill
$subscription_info = new stdClass ();
$subscription_info->frequency = 'on-demand';
$request->recurringSubscriptionInfo = $subscription_info;
// we only need to add billing info to the request if there is not a
// previous request token - otherwise it's contained in it
if ($request_id == null) {
// add billing info to the request
$request->billTo = $this->create_bill_to ();
// add credit card info to the request
$request->card = $this->create_card ();
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
// return just the subscription ID from the response
return $response;
* Delete the given Subscription ID permanently.
* @param string $subscription_id
* The CyberSource Subscription ID to delete.
* @return stdClass The raw response object from the SOAP endpoint
public function delete_subscription($subscription_id) {
$request = $this->create_request ();
$subscription_delete = new stdClass ();
$subscription_delete->run = 'true';
$request->paySubscriptionDeleteService = $subscription_delete;
$subscription_info = new stdClass ();
$subscription_info->subscriptionID = $subscription_id;
$request->recurringSubscriptionInfo = $subscription_info;
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
return $response;
* Charge the given Subscription ID a certain amount.
* @param string $subscription_id
* The CyberSource Subscription ID to charge.
* @param float $amount
* The dollar amount to charge.
* @return stdClass The raw response object from the SOAP endpoint
public function charge_subscription($subscription_id, $amount) {
$request = $this->create_request ();
// we want to perform an authorization
$cc_auth_service = new stdClass ();
$cc_auth_service->run = 'true'; // note that it's textual true so it
// doesn't get cast as an int
$request->ccAuthService = $cc_auth_service;
// and actually charge them
$cc_capture_service = new stdClass ();
$cc_capture_service->run = 'true';
$request->ccCaptureService = $cc_capture_service;
// actually remember to add the subscription ID that we're billing...
// duh!
$subscription_info = new stdClass ();
$subscription_info->subscriptionID = $subscription_id;
$request->recurringSubscriptionInfo = $subscription_info;
$request->purchaseTotals->grandTotalAmount = $amount;
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
return $response;
public function update_subscription($subscription_id) {
$request = $this->create_request ();
// we want to update!
$subscription_update = new stdClass ();
$subscription_update->run = 'true';
$request->paySubscriptionUpdateService = $subscription_update;
// add the subscription id that we're billing
$subscription_info = new stdClass ();
$subscription_info->subscriptionID = $subscription_id;
$request->recurringSubscriptionInfo = $subscription_info;
// the only information that can change is the billing info, so load all
// that
$request->billTo = $this->create_bill_to ();
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
return $response;
public function retrieve_subscription($subscription_id) {
$request = $this->create_request ();
// we want to retrieve!
$subscription_retrieve = new stdClass ();
$subscription_retrieve->run = 'true';
$request->paySubscriptionRetrieveService = $subscription_retrieve;
// the subscription ID we want to fetch data for
$subscription_info = new stdClass ();
$subscription_info->subscriptionID = $subscription_id;
$request->recurringSubscriptionInfo = $subscription_info;
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
return $response;
* Performs a 0-dollar authorization on a credit card to test its validity.
* @return stdClass The raw response object from the SOAP endpoint
public function validate_card() {
$request = $this->create_request ();
$cc_auth_service = new stdClass ();
$cc_auth_service->run = 'true';
$request->ccAuthService = $cc_auth_service;
// add billing info to the request
$request->billTo = $this->create_bill_to ();
// add credit card info to the request
$request->card = $this->create_card ();
// set the grand total amount to 0, instead of including items
$request->purchaseTotals->grandTotalAmount = 0;
// run the authentication check
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
// if we didn't throw an exception everything went fine, just return the
// request token
return $response;
public function authorize($amount = null) {
$request = $this->create_request ();
$cc_auth_service = new stdClass ();
$cc_auth_service->run = 'true';
$request->ccAuthService = $cc_auth_service;
// add billing info to the request
$request->billTo = $this->create_bill_to ();
// add credit card info to the request
$request->card = $this->create_card ();
// if there was an amount specified, just use it - otherwise add the
// individual items
if ($amount !== null) {
$request->purchaseTotals->grandTotalAmount = $amount;
else {
$this->create_items ( $request );
// run the authorization
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
// if we didn't throw an exception everything went fine, just return the
// response
return $response;
protected function run_transaction($request) {
$context_options = array (
'http' => array (
'timeout' => $this->timeout
$context = stream_context_create ( $context_options );
// options we pass into the soap client
$soap_options = array (
'encoding' => 'utf-8', // set the internal character encoding to avoid
// random conversions
'exceptions' => true,
// throw SoapFault exceptions when there is an error
'connection_timeout' => $this->timeout, 'stream_context' => $context
// if we're in test mode, don't cache the wsdl
if ($this->environment == self::ENV_TEST) {
$soap_options ['cache_wsdl'] = WSDL_CACHE_NONE;
// if we're in production mode, cache the wsdl like crazy
if ($this->environment == self::ENV_PRODUCTION) {
$soap_options ['cache_wsdl'] = WSDL_CACHE_BOTH;
try {
// create the soap client
$soap = new SoapClient ( $this->environment, $soap_options );
} catch ( SoapFault $sf ) {
throw new CyberSource_Connection_Exception ( $sf->getMessage (), $sf->getCode () );
// add the wsse token to the soap object, by reference
$this->add_wsse_token ( $soap );
// save the request so you can get back what was generated at any point
$this->request = $request;
$response = $soap->runTransaction ( $request );
// save the whole response so you can get everything back even on an
// exception
$this->response = $response;
if ($response->decision != 'ACCEPT') {
// customize the error message if the reason indicates a field is
// missing
if ($response->reasonCode == 101) {
if (! isset ( $response->missingField )) {
$missing_fields = 'Unknown';
else if (is_array ( $response->missingField )) {
$missing_fields = implode ( ', ', $response->missingField );
else {
$missing_fields = $response->missingField;
throw new CyberSource_Missing_Field_Exception ( $missing_fields, 101 );
// customize the error message if the reason code indicates a field
// is invalid
if ($response->reasonCode == 102) {
if (! isset ( $response->invalidField )) {
$invalid_fields = 'Unknown';
else if (is_array ( $response->invalidField )) {
$invalid_fields = implode ( ', ', $response->invalidField );
else {
$invalid_fields = $response->invalidField;
throw new CyberSource_Invalid_Field_Exception ( $invalid_fields, 102 );
// otherwise, just throw a generic declined exception
if ($response->decision == 'ERROR') {
// note that ERROR means some kind of system error or the
// processor rejected invalid data - it probably doesn't mean
// the card was actually declined
throw new CyberSource_Error_Exception ( $this->result_codes [$response->reasonCode], $response->reasonCode );
else {
// declined, however, actually means declined. this would be
// decision 'REJECT', btw.
throw new CyberSource_Declined_Exception ( $this->result_codes [$response->reasonCode], $response->reasonCode );
return $response;
* Factory-pattern method for setting the billing information for this
* charge.
* Required fields are:
* firstName
* lastName
* street1
* city
* state
* postalCode
* country
* email
* @param array $info
* An associative array of the fields to set. Note the required
* fields above.
* @return \CyberSource The current object.
* @throws InvalidArgumentException Thrown when a required field is not
* present in the $info array.
public function bill_to($info = array()) {
$fields = array (
'firstName', 'lastName', 'street1', 'city', 'state', 'postalCode', 'country', 'email'
foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
if (! isset ( $info [$field] )) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException ( 'The bill to field ' . $field . ' is missing!' );
// if no ip address was specified, assume it's the remote host
if (! isset ( $info ['ipAddress'] )) {
$info ['ipAddress'] = $this->get_ip ();
$this->bill_to = $info;
return $this;
* Get the remote IP address, but try and take into account common proxy
* headers and the like.
* @return string The client's IP address or if we couldn't find it.
private function get_ip() {
$headers = array (
foreach ( $headers as $header ) {
if (isset ( $_SERVER [$header] )) {
return $_SERVER [$header];
// just in case none of them are set
return '';
private function add_wsse_token($soap) {
$wsse_namespace = '';
$type_namespace = '';
$user = new SoapVar ( $this->merchant_id, XSD_STRING, null, $wsse_namespace, null, $wsse_namespace );
$pass = new SoapVar ( $this->transaction_id, XSD_STRING, null, $type_namespace, null, $wsse_namespace );
// create the username token container object
$username_token = new stdClass ();
$username_token->Username = $user;
$username_token->Password = $pass;
// convert the username token object into a soap var
$username_token = new SoapVar ( $username_token, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, $wsse_namespace, 'UsernameToken', $wsse_namespace );
// create the security container object
$security = new stdClass ();
$security->UsernameToken = $username_token;
// convert the security container object into a soap var
$security = new SoapVar ( $security, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, null, $wsse_namespace, 'Security', $wsse_namespace );
// create the header out of the security soap var
$header = new SoapHeader ( $wsse_namespace, 'Security', $security, true );
// add the headers to the soap client
$soap->__setSoapHeaders ( $header );
* Try to determine the type of card based on its number.
* @see
* @param int $card_number
* The credit card number
* @return string null name of the card type or null if it wasn't matched.
public function card_type($card_number) {
$digits = str_split ( $card_number );
if (strlen ( $card_number ) == 15 && $digits [0] == 3 && ($digits [1] == 4 || $digits [1] == 7)) {
return 'American Express';
else if (strlen ( $card_number ) == 14 && $digits [0] == 3 && in_array ( $digits [1], array (
0, 6, 8
) )) {
return 'Diners Club'; // also Carte Blanche - how the hell am i
// supposed to know?
else if (strlen ( $card_number ) == 16 && ((substr ( $card_number, 0, 8 ) >= 60110000 && substr ( $card_number, 0, 8 ) <= 60119999) || (substr ( $card_number, 0, 8 ) >= 65000000 && substr ( $card_number, 0, 8 ) <= 65999999) || (substr ( $card_number, 0, 8 ) >= 62212600 && substr ( $card_number, 0, 8 ) <= 62292599))) {
return 'Discover';
else if (strlen ( $card_number ) == 15 && in_array ( substr ( $card_number, 0, 4 ), array (
2014, 2149
) )) {
return 'enRoute';
else if (strlen ( $card_number ) == 16 && (in_array ( substr ( $card_number, 0, 4 ), array (
3088, 3096, 3112, 3158, 3337
) ) || (substr ( $card_number, 0, 8 ) >= 35280000 && substr ( $card_number, 0, 8 ) <= 35899999))) {
return 'JCB';
else if (strlen ( $card_number ) == 16 && $digits [0] == 5 && $digits [1] >= 1 && $digits [1] <= 5) {
return 'MasterCard';
else if ((strlen ( $card_number ) == 13 || strlen ( $card_number ) == 16) && $digits [0] == 4) {
return 'Visa';
// otherwise, we don't know
return null;
public function reverse_authorization($request_id, $amount = null) {
$request = $this->create_request ();
$cc_auth_reversal_service = new stdClass ();
$cc_auth_reversal_service->run = 'true';
$cc_auth_reversal_service->authRequestID = $request_id;
$request->ccAuthReversalService = $cc_auth_reversal_service;
// if there was an amount specified, just use it - otherwise add the
// individual items
if ($amount !== null) {
$request->purchaseTotals->grandTotalAmount = $amount;
else {
$this->create_items ( $request );
// run the authorization reversal
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
// if we didn't throw an exception everything went fine, just return the
// response
return $response;
* Void a request that has not yet been settled.
* If it's already settled, you'll have to do a credit instead.
* It's up to you to figure out if it's been settled or not. May I suggest
* the reporting API?
* @param string $request_id
* The Request ID of the operation you wish to void.
* @return object The response object from CyberSource.
public function void($request_id) {
$request = $this->create_request ();
$void_service = new stdClass ();
$void_service->run = 'true';
$void_service->voidRequestID = $request_id;
$request->voidService = $void_service;
$response = $this->run_transaction ( $request );
return $response;
class CyberSource_Exception extends Exception {
class CyberSource_Error_Exception extends CyberSource_Exception {
class CyberSource_Declined_Exception extends CyberSource_Exception {
class CyberSource_Connection_Exception extends CyberSource_Exception {
class CyberSource_Invalid_Field_Exception extends CyberSource_Exception {
//throw new CyberSource_Invalid_Field_Exception();
class CyberSource_Missing_Field_Exception extends CyberSource_Exception {
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