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Created January 11, 2023 17:02
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A columns function to format a list of object into terminal-printable columns. I end up writing something like this everywhere I've worked, saving it here so I can reuse it next time.
import os
def columns(data, *, delimiter, width=None, config):
config is a list of objects with a `key`, and optionally a `colorize` and `truncate` method
# start by extracting out all the columns & getting the width of each
tc = width if width is not None else os.get_terminal_size().columns
cols = [[] for _ in range(len(config))]
for d in data:
for i, c in enumerate(config):
k = c['key']
if type(k) is str:
l = getattr(d, k)
l = k(d)
# get the available space by determining the max size of each non-truncated column
sizes = [
max(map(len, cols[i])) if not c.get('truncate', False) else 0
for i, c in enumerate(config)
num_truncated = sum(1 if c.get('truncate', False) else 0 for c in config)
available_space = (
(tc - (sum(sizes) + len(delimiter) * (len(config) - 1))) // num_truncated
if num_truncated > 0
else 0
for i, s in enumerate(sizes):
if s == 0:
sizes[i] = available_space
lines = []
for d in zip(*cols):
parts = []
for i, p in enumerate(d):
c = config[i]
s = sizes[i]
l = len(p)
if c.get('truncate', False):
p = truncate(p, available_space)
if c.get('colorize', None):
p = c['colorize'](p)
match c.get('justify', 'left'):
case 'left':
m = getattr(p, 'ljust')
case 'right':
m = getattr(p, 'rjust')
case 'center':
m = getattr(p, 'center')
# account for ansi escape sequences by adding the difference between
# the colorized and pre-colorized string lengths
p = m(s + len(p) - l)
return lines
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