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Created September 22, 2022 14:25
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Example of FPBB with the Louisville Vaccination Survey
# Load example survey data ----
data("lou_vax_survey", package = 'svrep')
lou_vax_survey_design <- svydesign(ids = ~ 1, weights = ~ SAMPLING_WEIGHT,
data = lou_vax_survey)
# Create bootstrap replicate weights, represented with a survey design object ----
M <- sum(lou_vax_survey$variables$SAMPLING_WEIGHT) # Population size
L <- 30 # Number of usual bootstrap replicates
B <- 5 # Number of synthetic populations per bootstrap replicate
## Create Rao-Wu bootstrap replicates
lou_vax_boot <- lou_vax_survey_design |>
as.svrepdesign(type = "subbootstrap",
replicates = L,
mse = TRUE)
boot_rep_weights <- weights(lou_vax_boot, type = "analysis")
## For each replicate:
### Identify number of observed population elements in the replicate
nonzero_indices <- apply(X = boot_rep_weights, MARGIN = 2,
FUN = function(wts) {
wts > 0
boot_n_obs <- colSums(nonzero_indices)
### Identify number of population elements *NOT* in the replicate
boot_n_unobserved <- M - boot_n_obs
### Rescale each replicate's weights to sum to number of ultimate sampling units
boot_weight_sums <- apply(boot_rep_weights, MARGIN = 2,
FUN = sum)
rescaled_rep_weights <- sapply(X = seq_len(ncol(boot_rep_weights)),
function(rep_index) {
wts <- as.vector(boot_rep_weights[,rep_index])
rescaling_factor <- boot_n_obs[rep_index]/boot_weight_sums[rep_index]
wts <- rescaling_factor * wts
## Create Finite-Population Bayesian Bootstrap (FPBB) replicate weights
## For the l-th Rao-Wu bootstrap sample,
## create b bootstrap population using resampling from the posterior predictive distribution
## of elements in the nonsampled population, given the elements in the l-th bootstrap sample.
## Operationally, we draw a Polya sample from an urn with unequal selection probabilities
## and add that Polya sample to the original bootstrap sample.
fpbb_weights <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = nrow(lou_vax_boot), ncol = L * B)
lb <- 1L
for (l in seq(L)) {
for (b in seq(B)) {
sampled_nonzero_indices <- polyapost::wtpolyap(
ysamp = seq(boot_n_obs[l]),
wts = rescaled_rep_weights[nonzero_indices[,l],l],
k = boot_n_unobserved[l]
fpbb_weights[nonzero_indices[,l],lb] <- as.vector(table(sampled_nonzero_indices))
lb <- lb + 1L
lou_vax_fpbb_design <- survey::svrepdesign(
data = lou_vax_survey,
weights = lou_vax_survey[['SAMPLING_WEIGHT']],
repweights = fpbb_weights,
type = 'other',
scale = 1/(L * B), # Need to check that this scale factor is correct
rscales = 1
lou_vax_fpbb_design |> svymean(x = ~ VAX_STATUS, na.rm = TRUE)
lou_vax_boot |> svymean(x = ~ VAX_STATUS, na.rm = TRUE)
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