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Last active November 11, 2023 10:19
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Wilson Confidence Interval for Complex Surveys
#' @title Wilson's confidence interval for complex survey designs
#' @description Calculate Wilson's confidence interval for a proportion,
#' with the effective sample size determined using a design-unbiased
#' estimate of the complex survey design effect.
#' @param x A formula, vector, or matrix.
#' @param design A or object
#' @param na.rm Should cases with missing values be dropped?
#' @param level The confidence level required
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass on to \code{svymean()}
#' @return An object of class 'svyciprop'.
#' Use \code{as.numeric(coef(result))} to extract the point estimates,
#' and use \code{confint()} to extract the confidence intervals.
#' The variance-covariance matrix, standard errors, and design effects
#' can be extracted using the usual methods.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(survey)
#' data(api)
#' dclus1 <- svydesign(id=~dnum, fpc=~fpc, data=apiclus1)
#' estimates <- svy_prop_with_wilson_ci(x = ~ stype,
#' na.rm = TRUE,
#' design = dclus1,
#' level = 0.95)
#' confint(estimates)
#' as.numeric(coef(estimates))
#' SE(estimates)
#' vcov(estimates)
#' deff(estimates)
#' # Example with `svyby()`
#' svyby(~ awards, by = ~ stype, design = dclus1,
#' FUN = svy_prop_with_wilson_ci, vartype = c("ci", "se"))
svy_prop_with_wilson_ci <- function(x, design, na.rm = TRUE, level = 0.95, ...) {
# Point estimates, standard errors, and design effects
estimate <- survey::svymean(x = x, na.rm = na.rm,
design = design,
# Get estimated proportions
p_hat <- coef(estimate)
q_hat <- 1 - p_hat
# Estimate effective sample size
n_eff <- (p_hat*q_hat)/diag(vcov(estimate))
# Estimate effective number of successes
n_successes_eff <- p_hat * n_eff
if (n_eff == 0) {
stop("Estimated effective sample size is '0' due to estimated proportion of 0")
# Determine z statistic to use
alpha <- (1 - level)
half_alpha <- alpha/2
z <- qnorm(p = half_alpha, lower.tail = FALSE)
# Calculate confidence interval
center <- (n_successes_eff + (z^2)/2)/(n_eff + (z^2))
width <- (z * sqrt(n_eff))/(n_eff + (z^2))
width <- width * sqrt((p_hat*q_hat) + (z^2)/(4*n_eff))
lower <- center - width
upper <- center + width
ci <- rbind(lower, upper)
rownames(ci) <- paste(round(c(half_alpha, level + half_alpha) *
100, 1), "%", sep = "")
colnames(ci) <- NULL
# Wrap up the result as an object of class 'svyciprop'
# so that S3 methods from the survey package can be used
# (e.g. print(), confint(), SE(), deff(), etc.)
result <- p_hat
attr(result, "var") <- vcov(estimate)
attr(result, 'deff') <- attr(estimate, 'deff')
attr(result, 'ci') <- ci
class(result) <- 'svyciprop'
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Thank you for sharing this. I noticed two simulation studies suggesting the Wilson interval is a better confidence interval method for binary proportions in complex surveys (Saha, Miller & Wang, 2016, Franco et al., 2019), however it is currently not available in the R package "survey". Have you considered making your own "svyprop" package including this function? I think it would be very helpful .

Also, could you create codes to calculate better confidence intervals for the difference between two binary proportions in complex samples such as the CP3 method presented in a paper by Saha & Wang (2019)?

Saha, Miller & Wang, 2016:
Franco et al., 2019:
Saha & Wang, 2019:

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