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Created April 26, 2019 18:24
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Example of how to make ggplot2 labels wrap to fit device size when printing the plot
# This function will udpate the ggplot2 print method used in the session
wrap_labels_in_print_method <- function (dev_scaler = 12) {
if (!"ggplot2" %in% .packages()) {
stop("The ggplot2 package must be installed and loaded.")
# This is a custom printing function that will update wrapping in plot labels
# to match the width of the current device. (in RStudio, this is the 'Plots' pane)
wrap_title_to_device <- function(ggplot_obj, dev_scaler) {
dev_width <- dev.size("in")[1]
ggplot_obj[['labels']] <- lapply(ggplot_obj[['labels']],
function(x) paste(strwrap(x,
width = dev_width*dev_scaler),
collapse = "\n"))
# Overwrites the default ggplot2 print method
custom_print_method <- wrap_title_to_device
formals(custom_print_method)$dev_scaler <- dev_scaler
print_copy <- get("print.ggplot", envir = asNamespace("ggplot2"))
environment(custom_print_method) <- environment(print_copy)
attributes(custom_print_method) <- attributes(print_copy)
assignInNamespace("print.ggplot", custom_print_method, ns = "ggplot2")
# Apply the function
wrap_labels_in_print_method(dev_scaler = 12)
# Create an example plot
p <- ggplot(mtcars) +
geom_point(aes(x = wt, y = mpg), color = "dodgerblue4") +
labs(title = "This is a very long title that is meant to exemplify what happens when you try to wrap the labels in a plot object.")
# Print the plot
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