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Created February 23, 2023 14:05
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  • Save bschonec/76bafd077275c672e9975b7e3cd44cb0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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nfiiseed@nfiv-schon-01d:~/puppet-ivanti$ pdk test unit --verbose --parallel
pdk (INFO): Using Ruby 2.7.7
pdk (INFO): Using Puppet 7.22.0
[✔] Preparing to run the unit tests.
1 process for 1 spec, ~ 1 spec per process
Run options: exclude {:bolt=>true}
on oraclelinux-7-x86_64
is expected to compile into a catalogue without dependency cycles
Checking for package installation
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-software-distribution] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-base-agent] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-pds2] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-schedule] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-inventory] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-vulnerability] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-cba8] with ensure => "installed"
Check sudo file entry for landesk user
is expected to contain File[/etc/sudoers.d/10_landesk] with content =~ /^landesk\s+ALL=\(ALL\)\s+NOPASSWD:\s+ALL$/
on redhat-8-x86_64
is expected to compile into a catalogue without dependency cycles
Checking for package installation
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-software-distribution] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-base-agent] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-pds2] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-schedule] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-inventory] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-vulnerability] with ensure => "installed"
is expected to contain Package[ivanti-cba8] with ensure => "installed"
Check sudo file entry for landesk user
is expected to contain File[/etc/sudoers.d/10_landesk] with content =~ /^landesk\s+ALL=\(ALL\)\s+NOPASSWD:\s+ALL$/
Finished in 1.61 seconds (files took 3.91 seconds to load)
18 examples, 0 failures
18 examples, 0 failures
Took 5 seconds
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