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Created December 6, 2018 23:33
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Minimal Orca example on Ubuntu

After seeing this tweet from the creator of Orca I was curious to try it myself. Here are the steps I needed to make it work on Ubuntu 18.04. I'm new to most of this, so please correct me if I understood anything wrong.


Install TiMidity++

First you will need a software synthesizer. I chose TiMidity++. To install it on Ubuntu I mainly followed the steps from this guide, which I reproduce here:

If you don't have the universe repository activated yet run:

sudo add-apt-repository universe

Install TiMidity++ and the freepats samples:

sudo apt-get install timidity freepats

You might need to activate the following kernel modules:

sudo modprobe snd-seq-device
sudo modprobe snd-seq-midi
sudo modprobe snd-seq-oss
sudo modprobe snd-seq-midi-event
sudo modprobe snd-seq

Install node

If you don't have node installed yet, install it with:

sudo apt-get install nodejs

Install Orca

The steps to install Orca are taken from the README of the project:

git clone
cd Orca/desktop/
npm install

Make Some Noise!

Run TiMidity++ as a ALSA sequencer client

Open a terminal were you run the command

timidity -iA

and keep that terminal open!

This gives me the following output:

Requested buffer size 32768, fragment size 8192
ALSA pcm 'default' set buffer size 32768, period size 8192 bytes
TiMidity starting in ALSA server mode
Opening sequencer port: 130:0 130:1 130:2 130:3
Requested buffer size 32768, fragment size 8192
ALSA pcm 'default' set buffer size 32768, period size 8192 bytes

You see, that the program opens some ports. In the next step will choose one of those to have Orca send its MIDI output to.

Run Orca and set the MIDI device

Open another terminal where you run Orca in by navigation to the desktop subdirectory of your Orca folder and type

npm start

Next we need to choose our MIDI devices as described in the FAQ's of project by pressing ctrl+. in Orca to open a browser console (you might need to choose the correct console tab at the top). Type in the console to obtain an output similar to (expand the output in your console if needed):
(5) [MIDIOutput, MIDIOutput, MIDIOutput, MIDIOutput, MIDIOutput]
0: MIDIOutput {connection: "closed", id: "6FF5590044F4859ED50C5167BCFE9700A1798E39AA55A628E86D39011FAECD5D", manufacturer: "", name: "Midi Through Port-0", state: "connected", …}
1: MIDIOutput {connection: "closed", id: "574FB441DEDADDE2DB06598767A3088744994E3AEA26BA638F8C51D004D8D333", manufacturer: "", name: "TiMidity port 0", state: "connected", …}
2: MIDIOutput {connection: "closed", id: "8C1A6E287845194CE38B5B5181F731AE63D54D00681076DF9905B3658DF86248", manufacturer: "", name: "TiMidity port 1", state: "connected", …}
3: MIDIOutput {connection: "closed", id: "A32276E0B2B7CB991939F210D7542BA7A43CE9E97E78C9F5B8D85BA2AC033C5F", manufacturer: "", name: "TiMidity port 2", state: "connected", …}
4: MIDIOutput {connection: "closed", id: "CBE9CBC37EE04BD5C4039207BE53A9C0E36ED85542FEF3FCF6AF4D0901370F08", manufacturer: "", name: "TiMidity port 3", state: "connected", …}
length: 5
__proto__: Array(0)

So we see that the TiMidity++ ports are devices 1 to 4. Now set the MIDI Device e.g. to the first of those by typing in the console. This should come with a confirmation similar to:

/home/bernd/projects/Orca/desktop/sources/scripts/io.js:62 Set device to #1 — TiMidity port 0

Now close the web console window.

Open an example

Hit ctrl+o in Orca to get a dialog for opening a .orca file. There is the example directory in your Orca folder. Choose the midi.orca file in that directory and you should here a single note playing in a loop!

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