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Created October 15, 2011 00:08
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bsdf@cygnus> cat constelnames ~/p9/sky
and andromeda
ant antlia
aps apus
aqr aquarius
aql aquila
ara ara
ari aries
aur auriga
boo bootes
cae caelum
cam camelopardalis
cnc cancer
cvn canes venatici
cma canis major
cmi canis minor
cap capricorn
car carina
cas casseiopeia
cen centaurus
cep cepheus
cet cetus
cha chameleon
cir circinus
col columba
com coma bernices
cra corona australis
crb corona borealis
crv corvus
crt crater
cru crux
cyg cygnus
del delphinus
dor doradus
dra draco
equ equuleus
eri eridanus
for fornax
gem gemini
gru grus
her hercules
hor horologium
hya hydra
hys hydrus
ind indus
lac lacerta
leo leo
lmi leo minor
lep lepus
lib libra
lup lupus
lyn lynx
lyr lyra
men mensa
mic microscopium
mon monoceros
mus musca
nor norma
oct octans
oph ophiuchus
ori orion
pav pavo
peg pegasus
per perseus
phe phoenix
pic pictor
psc pisces
psa piscis austrinus
pup puppis
pyx pyxis
ret reticulum
sge sagitta
sgr sagittarius
sco scorpius
scl sculptor
sct scutum
ser serpens
sex sextans
tau taurus
tel telescopium
tri triangulum
tra triangulum australae
tuc tucana
uma ursa major
umi ursa minor
vel vela
vir virgo
vol volans
vul vulpecula
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Don't read this... it is a curse...

In 1995, a little boy named Tom was playing with his toys in his living room. After about 15 minutes of playing, a tiny little man walked up to him and said, "May I explore the mazes of your bootyass?" Tom, surprised by this sudden occurrence, remained speechless.

After thirty seconds passed, the little man asked the exact same question that he asked previously. This time, Tom asked the little man why he would want to do such a thing. The little man said, "Because I want to explore every maze inside your bootyass." Tom, sensing no bad intentions from the little man, nodded and said, "Well, all right. But no tickle! If there's any tickle, I'll smoosh ya!" The little man nodded his head and was sucked into Tom's bootyass as if his bootyass was a gigantic spaghetti noodle.

Tom was beginning to have second thoughts about letting the little man explore the mazes of his bootyass, but he just shrugged them off. He thought, "What harm could allowing that nice, charismatic little man explore the mazes of my bootyass bring? He was so nice, charismatic, and thoughtful. I made the right choice."

However, soon enough, he discovered that he was terribly wrong. Suddenly, he was looking into his own bootyass as if he was looking through a security camera. Inside, he spotted the little man and numerous round doorways made out of bootyass; it looked like an endless maze. To Tom's surprise, the little man suddenly transformed into a red toy carrying a gigantic sack over his shoulders and began walking towards the smallest doorway of them all! "That sack will never fit through that doorway," Tom thought.

The toy continued onwards, and eventually the sack got stuck inside the small doorway in Tom's bootyass. The toy, visibly angry, began trying to force the sack through the doorway! This inflicted tremendous amounts of tickle upon Tom's bootyass! The toy then began kicking the sides of Tom's bootyass out of frustration while laughing the entire time. Even more tickle was inflicted upon Tom's bootyass. Just when Tom thought that nothing worse could possibly happen to him, the toy forced the sack right through the doorway and went flying deeper into the mazes of Tom's bootyass and crashed into the side of it! This inflicted more tickle upon Tom's bootyass than ever before!

Now that you have read this (even a single word of it), the very same toy, carrying his giant sack (which should fit through no doorway), will explore every single maze inside your bootyass (thereby inflicting major amounts of tickle upon it)! To prevent this from happening, copy and paste this entire comment and then repost it as a comment three times.

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bsdf commented Oct 17, 2011

^^ Detected Language: PHP4

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