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Created June 26, 2023 02:11
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// Yet Another Parameterized Projectbox generator
// This is a box for <template>
// Version 2.0 (19-05-2023)
// This design is parameterized based on the size of a PCB.
// for many or complex cutoutGrills you might need to adjust
// the number of elements:
// Preferences->Advanced->Turn of rendering at 100000 elements
// ^^^^^^
polygonShape = [ [0,0],[20,15],[30,0],[40,15],[70,15]
,[50,30],[60,45], [40,45],[30,70]
,[20,45], [0,45]
include <../YAPP_Box/library/YAPPgenerator_v20.scad>
// Note: length/lengte refers to X axis,
// width/breedte to Y,
// height/hoogte to Z
padding-back>|<---- pcb length ---->|<padding-front
0 X-ax --->
+----------------------------------------+ ---
| | ^
| | padding-right
^ | | v
| | -5,y +----------------------+ | ---
B Y | | 0,y x,y | | ^ F
A - | | | | | R
C a | | | | | pcb width O
K x | | | | | N
| | 0,0 x,0 | | v T
| -5,0 +----------------------+ | ---
| | padding-left
0 +----------------------------------------+ ---
0 X-ax --->
//-- which part(s) do you want to print?
printBaseShell = true;
printLidShell = true;
printSwitchExtenders = false;
//-- pcb dimensions -- very important!!!
pcbLength = 70;
pcbWidth = 50;
pcbThickness = 1.2;
//-- padding between pcb and inside wall
paddingFront = 30;
paddingBack = 5;
paddingRight = 1;
paddingLeft = 1;
//-- Edit these parameters for your own box dimensions
wallThickness = 2.0;
basePlaneThickness = 1.0;
lidPlaneThickness = 1.0;
//-- Total height of box = basePlaneThickness + lidPlaneThickness
//-- + baseWallHeight + lidWallHeight
//-- space between pcb and lidPlane :=
//-- (bottonWallHeight+lidWallHeight) - (standoffHeight+pcbThickness)
baseWallHeight = 8;
lidWallHeight = 25;
//-- ridge where base and lid off box can overlap
//-- Make sure this isn't less than lidWallHeight
ridgeHeight = 3.0;
ridgeSlack = 0.2;
roundRadius = 2.0;
//-- How much the PCB needs to be raised from the base
//-- to leave room for solderings and whatnot
standoffHeight = 1.0; //-- only used for showPCB
standoffPinDiameter = 2.4;
standoffHoleSlack = 0.4;
standoffDiameter = 7;
//-- D E B U G -----------------//-> Default ---------
showSideBySide = true; //-> true
onLidGap = 0;
shiftLid = 1;
hideLidWalls = false; //-> false
hideBaseWalls = false; //-> false
showOrientation = true;
showPCB = false;
showPCBmarkers = false;
showShellZero = false;
showCenterMarkers = false;
inspectX = 0; //-> 0=none (>0 from front, <0 from back)
inspectY = 0; //-> 0=none (>0 from left, <0 from right)
//-- D E B U G ---------------------------------------
//-- pcb_standoffs -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
// (0) = posx
// (1) = posy
// (2) = standoffHeight
// (3) = flangeHeight
// (4) = flangeDiam
// (5) = { yappBoth | yappLidOnly | yappBaseOnly }
// (6) = { yappHole, YappPin }
// (7) = { yappAllCorners | yappFrontLeft | yappFrondRight | yappBackLeft | yappBackRight }
pcbStands = [
[5, 5, 4, 4, 9, yappBoth, yappFrontLeft]
, [5, 5, 4, 4, 9, yappBoth, yappBackRight]
, [5, 5, 4, 4, 9, yappBoth, yappFrontRight]
, [5, 5, 4, 4, 9, yappBoth, yappBackLeft]
//-- base plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
// (0) = posx
// (1) = posy
// (2) = width
// (3) = length
// (4) = angle
// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
// (6) = { yappCenter }
cutoutsBase = [
// [30, 0, 10, 24, yappRectangle]
// , [pcbLength/2, pcbWidth/2, 12, 4, yappCircle]
// , [pcbLength-8, 25, 10, 14, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
//-- Lid plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
// (0) = posx
// (1) = posy
// (2) = width
// (3) = length
// (4) = angle
// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
// (6) = { yappCenter }
cutoutsLid = [
// [20, 0, 10, 24, 0, yappRectangle]
// , [pcbWidth-6, 40, 12, 4, 20, yappCircle]
// , [30, 25, 10, 14, 45, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
//-- cutoutsGrill -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
// (0) = xPos
// (1) = yPos
// (2) = grillWidth
// (3) = grillLength
// (4) = gWidth
// (5) = gSpace
// (6) = gAngle
// (7) = plane { "base" | "led" }
// (7) = {polygon points}}
//starShape =>>> [ [0,15],[20,15],[30,0],[40,15],[60,15]
// ,[50,30],[60,45], [40,45],[30,60]
// ,[20,45], [0,45],[10,30]
// ]
cutoutsGrill =[
//-- front plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
// (0) = posy
// (1) = posz
// (2) = width
// (3) = height
// (4) = angle
// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
// (6) = { yappCenter }
cutoutsFront = [
// , [30, 7.5, 15, 9, 0, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
// , [0, 2, 10, 0, 0, yappCircle]
//-- back plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
// (0) = posy
// (1) = posz
// (2) = width
// (3) = height
// (4) = angle
// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
// (6) = { yappCenter }
cutoutsBack = [
// [10, 0, 10, 18, 0, yappRectangle]
// , [30, 0, 10, 8, 0, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
// , [pcbWidth, 0, 8, 0, 0, yappCircle]
//-- left plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
// (0) = posx
// (1) = posz
// (2) = width
// (3) = height
// (4) = angle
// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
// (6) = { yappCenter }
cutoutsLeft = [
// , [0, 0, 15, 20, 0, yappRectangle]
// , [30, 5, 25, 10, 0, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
// , [pcbLength-10, 2, 10, 0, 0, yappCircle]
//-- right plane -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
// (0) = posx
// (1) = posz
// (2) = width
// (3) = height
// (4) = angle
// (5) = { yappRectangle | yappCircle }
// (6) = { yappCenter }
cutoutsRight = [
// [0, 0, 15, 7, 0, yappRectangle]
// , [30, 10, 25, 15, 0, yappRectangle, yappCenter]
// , [pcbLength-10, 2, 10, 0, 0, yappCircle]
//-- connectors
//-- normal : origen = box[0,0,0]
//-- yappConnWithPCB: origen = pcb[0,0,0]
// (0) = posx
// (1) = posy
// (2) = pcbStandHeight
// (3) = screwDiameter
// (4) = screwHeadDiameter
// (5) = insertDiameter
// (6) = outsideDiameter
// (7) = flangeHeight
// (8) = flangeDiam
// (9) = { yappConnWithPCB }
// (10) = { yappAllCorners | yappFrontLeft | yappFrondRight | yappBackLeft | yappBackRight }
connectors = [
// [18, 10, 5, 2.5, 5, 4.0, 6, 4, 11, yappConnWithPCB, yappFrontRight, yappBackLeft, yappBackRight]
// , [18, 10, 5, 2.5, 5, 4.0, 6, yappConnWithPCB, yappFrontLeft]
// , [10, 10, 5, 2.5, 5, 5.0, 6, 4, 8, yappAllCorners]
//-- base mounts -- origen = box[x0,y0]
// (0) = posx | posy
// (1) = screwDiameter
// (2) = width
// (3) = height
// (4..7) = yappLeft / yappRight / yappFront / yappBack (one or more)
// (5) = { yappCenter }
baseMounts = [
// [-5, 3.3, 10, 3, yappLeft, yappRight, yappCenter]
// , [40, 3, 8, 3, yappBack, yappFront]
// , [4, 3, 34, 3, yappFront]
// , [25, 3, 3, 3, yappBack]
//-- snap Joins -- origen = box[x0,y0]
// (0) = posx | posy
// (1) = width
// (2..5) = yappLeft / yappRight / yappFront / yappBack (one or more)
// (n) = { yappSymmetric }
snapJoins = [
[(pcbWidth/2), 3, yappBack]
, [(pcbWidth/2), 3, yappFront]
, [(pcbLength/2)+6, 3, yappLeft]
, [(pcbLength/2)+6, 3, yappRight]
// [2, 5, yappLeft, yappRight, yappSymmetric]
// [5, 10, yappLeft]
// , [shellLength-2, 10, yappLeft]
// , [20, 10, yappFront, yappBack]
// , [2.5, 5, yappBack, yappFront, yappSymmetric]
//-- pushButtons -- origin is pcb[0,0,0]
// (0) = posx
// (1) = posy
// (2) = capLength
// (3) = capWidth
// (4) = capAboveLid
// (5) = switchHeight
// (6) = switchTrafel
// (7) = poleDiameter
// (8) = buttonType {yappCircle|yappRectangle}
pushButtons = [
//-- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
// [15, 30, 8, 8, 0, 1, 1, 3.5, yappCircle]
// , [15, 10, 8, 6, 3, 4.5, 1, 3.5, yappRectangle]
//-- origin of labels is box [0,0,0]
// (0) = posx
// (1) = posy/z
// (2) = orientation
// (3) = depth
// (4) = plane {lid | base | left | right | front | back }
// (5) = font
// (6) = size
// (7) = "label text"
labelsPlane = [
// [5, 5, 0, 1, "lid", "Liberation Mono:style=bold", 5, "YAPP" ]
//========= MAIN CALL's ===========================================================
module lidHookInside()
//echo("lidHookInside(original) ..");
} // lidHookInside(dummy)
module lidHookOutside()
//echo("lidHookOutside(original) ..");
} // lidHookOutside(dummy)
module baseHookInside()
//echo("baseHookInside(original) ..");
} // baseHookInside(dummy)
module baseHookOutside()
//echo("baseHookOutside(original) ..");
} // baseHookOutside(dummy)
//---- This is where the magic happens ----
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