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Created May 27, 2021 23:06
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apex legends autoexec
// _____________________
// v4.0 - 21.07.20
// Follow @deaFPS_ on Twitter
// GAMEPLAY-SETTINGS---------------------------------------------
m_rawinput "1"
// Takes the direct input of your mouse
m_filter "0"
// Makes sure any kind of mouse filtering is off
m_acceleration "0"
// Once again this makes sure mouse acceleration is off
hud_setting_minimapRotate "1"
// This setting allows the minimap to rotate with you
//(default 0)
sprint_view_shake_style "1"
// Less Headbob
hud_setting_pingAlpha "0.4"
// Opacity of the pings and downed banners (default 1)
colorblind_mode 1
// Colorblind modes
player_setting_damage_closes_deathbox_menu "0"
// Your inventory wont auto-close anymore when receiving damage
// PERSONAL-SETTINGS---------------------------------------------
// IMPORTANT! - Remove "//" infront of the commands to take effect
//mouse_sensitivity "2.25"
// Your mouse sensitivity
mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_0 "1.37"
//bind "f" "+use; +use_long" 0
// Your use bind
unbind "mouse4"
unbind "mouse5"
//bind "e" "+offhand1" 0
// Your Tactical
//bind "x" "weaponSelectPrimary2" 0
// Your Fists
//bind "q" "ping_specific_type ENEMY" 0
// Ping Enemy
cl_fovScale "1.7"
// 1.55 = 110FOV | 1.7 = 120FOV
// to deactivate add "//" at the beginning
bind "SPACE" "+jump" 0
//bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump" 0
// Your Jump key
// CUSTOM-BINDS--------------------------------------------------
bind "F1" "toggle cl_showfps 4 0"
// Toggle for the FPS Counter
bind "F2" "toggle shownet_enabled 1 0"
// Net Graph Toggle
bind "F7" "exec autoexec.cfg"
// If you have accidentally changes something in the video
// options just press F7 and the settings will load again
bind "F5" "toggle stream_memory 0 307200"
// Texture quality toggle
// Audio Occlusion/Distortion-------------------------------------
miles_channels 2
// Tells the number of audio channels to the audio engine
miles_occlusion 0
// Sound bouncing of walls
miles_occlusion_force 0
miles_occlusion_partial 0
sound_num_speakers 2
// Number of your audio channels
sound_without_focus 1
// Game does not stop to play sound when tabbed out
// PRIVACY-SETTINGS----------------------------------------------
telemetry_client_enable 0
telemetry_client_sendInterval 0
pin_opt_in 0
// IMPORTANT-GRAPHICS-BASED-COMMANDS-----------------------------
//fps_max unlimited
fps_max 190
// Unlocks Framerate
mat_picmip 4
// Basically this is the texture Quality controller of the
// game 4 = Lowest ... 1 = High
stream_memory "0"
// Change this to 0 if you want to use mat_picmip 4 (default 307200)
r_lod_switch_scale 0.3
// Distance at where the low end models are loaded
csm_enabled 0
// Disables Cascaded Shadows
fog_enableskybox 0
// Removes the fog from the skybox... You can see the
//mountains in the background more clearly now
mat_screen_blur_enabled 0
// Disables the blur effect on the HUD, this gives you like
// 5-10 more fps
mat_forceaniso 0
ssao_enabled 0
// Disables SSAO
shadow_enable 0
shadow_maxdynamic 0
shadow_max_dynamic 0
shadow_depth_dimen_min 0
shadow_depth_upres_factor_max 0
r_decals 0
// Removes Bullet Impacts
particle_cpu_level 0
// Reduces the quality of particles
cl_ragdoll_maxcount 0
// Disables Ragdoll
cl_particle_fallback_multiplier 0
// Multiplier for falling back to cheaper effects under load
cl_particle_fallback_base 0
// Base for falling back to cheaper effects under load
noise_filter_scale 0
// Removes Film-grain
mat_bloom_scalefactor_scalar 0
// Disables bloom
r_createmodeldecals "0"
// Game does not create decals
// OTHER-GRAPHICS-BASED-COMMANDS---------------------------------
mat_disable_bloom 1
// Disables Glow spread of the light
mat_mip_linear 0
cl_gib_allow 0
sssss_enable 0
staticProp_budget 1
func_break_max_pieces 1
cheap_captions_fadetime 0
chroma_enable 0
cl_minimal_rtt_shadows 1
mat_setvideomode 2560 1440 0 0
-dev -novid -high +fps_max 150 +exec autoexec
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