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Forked from kreed131/SnakeHS.hs
Created November 5, 2023 09:20
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SnakeHS - OpenGL Snake game on Haskell
import Graphics.UI.GLUT
import Data.IORef
import Data.List (delete)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
type Coord = (Int, Int)
type Snake = (Direction, [Coord])
type SnakeDigestion = [Coord]
type Food = [Coord]
type Points = Int
data GameStatus = GameOver | Pause | Play
deriving(Eq, Show, Read)
data Direction = UP | DOWN | LEFT | RIGHT
deriving(Eq, Show, Read)
data GameState = GameState {
snake :: Snake
, food :: Food
, digestion :: SnakeDigestion
, gameStatus :: GameStatus
, points :: Points
, speed :: Int
, startWall :: Int
, cmdStack :: [Direction]
, wall :: Int
, walked :: Bool
deriving(Show, Read)
main = do
initialize "SnakeHS" []
initialDisplayMode $= [RGBAMode, DoubleBuffered]
initialWindowSize $= Size 600 600
gameState <- newGame
createWindow "SnakeHS"
displayCallback $= display gameState
snakeMotion gameState
keyboardMouseCallback $= Just (keyboardMouse gameState)
newGame :: IO (IORef GameState)
newGame = do
gameState <- newIORef (GameState {
snake = (UP, [(0,0)])
, food = []
, digestion = []
, gameStatus = Play
, points = 0
, speed = 190
, wall = 10
, startWall = 10
, cmdStack = []
, walked = False
:: GameState)
generateFood gameState
return gameState
snakeMotion, execCmdStack, eatFood, generateFood, growthSnake, mutateGame :: IORef GameState -> IO ()
snakeMotion gameState = do
gameState' <- readIORef gameState
let gameStatus' = gameStatus gameState'
case gameStatus' of
GameOver -> addTimerCallback (speed gameState' * 2) $ snakeMotion gameState --putStrLn "Game Over"
Pause -> addTimerCallback (speed gameState') $ snakeMotion gameState
Play -> do
processGame gameState
addTimerCallback (speed gameState') $ snakeMotion gameState
postRedisplay Nothing
processGame gameState = do
execCmdStack gameState
newGameState' <- readIORef gameState
moveSnake gameState (fst $ snake newGameState') True
eatFood gameState
growthSnake gameState
mutateGame gameState
eatFood gameState = do
gameState' <- readIORef gameState
let snake' = snake gameState'
let food' = food gameState'
when (snakeHead snake' `elem` food') $ do
generateFood gameState
gs' <- readIORef gameState
writeIORef gameState $ gameState' {
food = delete (snakeHead snake') (food gs')
, digestion = digestion gameState' ++ [snakeHead snake']
, points = points gameState' + 10
generateFood gameState = do
gameState' <- readIORef gameState
let food' = food gameState'
let snake' = snake gameState'
x <- rndAxis $ wall gameState'
y <- rndAxis $ wall gameState'
if (x,y) `elem` food' || (x,y) `isTail` snake'
then generateFood gameState
else writeIORef gameState $ gameState' { food = food gameState' ++ [(x,y)] }
execCmdStack gameState = do
gameState' <- readIORef gameState
when (not (null $ cmdStack gameState') && walked gameState') $ do
changeSnakeDirection gameState (last $ cmdStack gameState')
gs' <- readIORef gameState
writeIORef gameState $ gs' { cmdStack = take 1 $ cmdStack gameState' }
growthSnake gameState = do
gameState' <- readIORef gameState
let digestion' = digestion gameState'
let snake' = snake gameState'
let newSnake = pred' digestion' snake' (fst snake', snd snake' ++ [head digestion']) snake'
let newDigest = pred' digestion' snake' (tail digestion') digestion'
writeIORef gameState $ gameState' { snake = newSnake, digestion = newDigest }
pred' dig (_, snk) t e | null dig = e
| head dig == last snk = t
| otherwise = e
mutateGame gameState = do
gameState' <- readIORef gameState
let bonus = points gameState' `div` 300
let foodBonus = bonus + 1 - length (food gameState')
genFood foodBonus
readIORef gameState >>= \x -> writeIORef gameState $ x { wall = startWall x + bonus }
where genFood n = when (n > 0) $ generateFood gameState >> genFood (n - 1)
addToCmdStack, changeSnakeDirection :: IORef GameState -> Direction -> IO ()
addToCmdStack gameState cmd = readIORef gameState >>=
\x -> writeIORef gameState $ x { cmdStack = take 2 $ cmd : cmdStack x }
changeSnakeDirection gameState direction = do
gameState' <- readIORef gameState
when (chCourse (snake gameState') && walked gameState') $
writeIORef gameState $ gameState' { snake = (direction, snd $ snake gameState'), walked = False }
inverseDirection d = case d of { UP -> DOWN; DOWN -> UP; LEFT -> RIGHT; RIGHT -> LEFT }
chCourse (d, _) = d /= direction && inverseDirection d /= direction
moveSnake :: IORef GameState -> Direction -> Bool -> IO ()
moveSnake gameState direction pred = do
gameState' <- readIORef gameState
let snake' = snake gameState'
let newSnake = case direction of
UP | pred -> makeNewSnake snake' (0, 1)
DOWN | pred -> makeNewSnake snake' (0, -1)
LEFT | pred -> makeNewSnake snake' (-1, 0)
RIGHT | pred -> makeNewSnake snake' (1, 0)
_ -> snake'
let newGameStatus = if isWall (snakeHead newSnake) (wall gameState') || isTail (snakeHead newSnake) newSnake
then GameOver
else Play
if newGameStatus == Play
then writeIORef gameState $ gameState' { snake = newSnake, gameStatus = newGameStatus, walked = True }
else writeIORef gameState $ gameState' { snake = snake', gameStatus = newGameStatus, walked = True }
makeNewSnake snk t = (direction, snakeHead snk `mv` t : (init $ snd snk))
mv :: Coord -> Coord -> Coord
mv (x,y) (n,m) = (x + n, y + m)
notGs :: GameStatus -> GameStatus
notGs x = case x of { Play -> Pause; Pause -> Play; _ -> GameOver }
rndAxis :: Int -> IO Int
rndAxis wall = randomRIO (1 - wall, wall - 1)
snakeHead :: Snake -> Coord
snakeHead = head . snd
isWall :: Coord -> Int -> Bool
isWall (x,y) wall = abs x >= wall || abs y >= wall
isTail :: Coord -> Snake -> Bool
isTail e (_, snk) = e `elem` tail snk
renderText :: (GLfloat, GLfloat) -> String -> IO ()
renderText (x,y) t = currentRasterPosition $= Vertex4 x y 0 1 >> renderString TimesRoman24 t
keyboardMouse :: IORef GameState -> Key -> KeyState -> t -> t1 -> IO ()
keyboardMouse gameState key state _ _ = do
gameState' <- readIORef gameState
case (key, state) of
(SpecialKey KeyUp, Down) -> addToCmdStack gameState UP
(SpecialKey KeyDown, Down) -> addToCmdStack gameState DOWN
(SpecialKey KeyLeft, Down) -> addToCmdStack gameState LEFT
(SpecialKey KeyRight, Down) -> addToCmdStack gameState RIGHT
(Char ' ', Down) -> writeIORef gameState $ gameState' { gameStatus = notGs (gameStatus gameState') }
(Char 'r', Down) -> newGame >>= readIORef >>= writeIORef gameState
(Char 's', Down) -> writeFile "/tmp/snk.txt" (show gameState')
(Char 'l', Down) -> writeIORef gameState . read =<< readFile "/tmp/snk.txt"
_ -> return ()
execCmdStack gameState
display :: IORef GameState -> IO ()
display gameState = do
gameState' <- readIORef gameState
let wall' = toFloat (wall gameState') * 0.0455 + (toFloat (wall gameState') - toFloat (startWall gameState')) * 0.005
clear [ColorBuffer]
renderPrimitive Quads $ do
forM_ (map convA $ snd $ snake gameState')
(\(x, y) -> do
color $ Color3 1 1 (1 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ x - 0.02) $ conv (y + 0.02)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ x + 0.02) $ conv (y + 0.02)
color $ Color3 1 1 (1 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ x + 0.02) $ conv (y - 0.02)
color $ Color3 1 1 (1 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ x - 0.02) $ conv (y - 0.02))
forM_ (map convA $ food gameState')
(\(x, y) -> do
color $ Color3 1 1 (0 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ x - 0.01) $ conv (y + 0.01)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ x + 0.01) $ conv (y + 0.01)
color $ Color3 1 0 (1 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ x + 0.01) $ conv (y - 0.01)
color $ Color3 1 1 (1 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ x - 0.01) $ conv (y - 0.01) )
renderPrimitive LineLoop $ do
color $ Color3 1 1 (0 :: GLfloat)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ -wall' - 0.02) $ conv (wall' + 0.02)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ wall' + 0.02) $ conv (wall' + 0.02)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ wall' + 0.02) $ conv (-wall' - 0.02)
vertex $ Vertex2 (conv $ -wall' - 0.02) $ conv (-wall' - 0.02)
color $ Color3 1 0.0 (0 :: GLfloat)
renderText (-0.5, 0.9) $ "Points: " ++ show (points gameState')
renderText (0.2, 0.9) $ "Length: " ++ show (length $ snd $ snake gameState')
case gameStatus gameState' of
GameOver -> renderText (-0.2, 0.3) "Game Over!"
Pause -> renderText (-0.1, 0.3) "Pause!"
_ -> return ()
conv x = fromRational $ toRational x :: GLfloat
convA (x, y) = (,) (toFloat x / coeff) (toFloat y / coeff)
coeff = 20
toFloat x = fromIntegral x :: Float
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