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Scriptable JSX Widget Parser

Scriptable JSX Widget


Here's an example of basic usage:

  <Widget size="medium" background="#1b1b1b:0.5,#1b1b4b:1" padding="10,10,10,10">
    <Stack layout="horizontal" align="center">
      <Image src="" size="32,32" />
      <Spacer length="15" />
      <Stack layout="vertical" align="center">
        <Text string="Hello World" color="#ffffff" />
        <Text string="Scriptable JSX Widget" size="14" opacity="0.5" />

User guide


Displays a widget. Must be included as wrapper of all other elements.


Prop name Description Default value Example values
size The size for presenting widget in preview mode. small small, medium, large
background Background of the widget.
- Hex color
- Auto dark\light mode hex color
- Gradient list of colors with positions
- Image url
null #1b1b1b, #1b1b1b|#ebebeb, #1b1b1b:0.5,#1b1b4b:1,
padding Padding on each side of the widget (top, leading, bottom, trailing). null 10,10,10,10


Stack element shown in widget.


Prop name Description Default value Example values
size The size of the stack. null 100,100
background Check Widget props.
layout Direction of the stack. null horizontal, vertical
align Alignment of elements inside stack. null start, center, end
cornerRadius Radius of the corners. 0 10
border Border width and color. null #1b1b4b:1


Text element shown in a widget.


Prop name Description Default value Example values
string Text to show. null Lorem ipsum.
size Font size. 16 14, 16, 18
weight Font weight. regular regular, bold
color Font color.
- Hex color
- Auto dark\light mode hex color
null #1b1b1b, #1b1b1b|#ebebeb
align Text alignment. Text can be aligned in both horizontal or vertical Stack, it is wrapped inside new Stack if some value is set. null left, center, right
opacity Text opacity. null 0.5


Shows a spacer in the widget. A spacer with a null length has a flexible length.


Prop name Description Default value Example values
length Size of the spacer. null 5, 10, 15


Image element shown in widget.


src, size, cornerRadius, opacity, align

Prop name Description Default value Example values
src Url of the image. null
size Image size null 16,16, 32,32
cornerRadius Radius of the corners. 0 10
opacity Image opacity. null 0.5
align Image alignment. Image can be aligned in both horizontal or vertical Stack, it is wrapped inside new Stack if some value is set. null left, center, right
const widgetJSX = (() => {
const re = {
html: /<(?:"[^"]*"['"]*|'[^']*'['"]*|[^'">])+>/g,
attr: /([a-zA-Z0-9]+)="(.*?)"/g,
tag: /(<|<\/)([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)([^>]*?)(\/>|>)/s,
color: /^(#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2})$/s,
colors: /^(#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2})\|(#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2})$/s,
gradient: /(#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}):([+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?)/g,
url: /https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{1,256}\.[a-zA-Z0-9()]{1,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9()@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/s,
const get = {
color: string => {
if (re.colors.test(string)) {
const [c1, c2] = string.split('|')
return Color.dynamic(new Color(c1), new Color(c2))
if (re.color.test(string)) {
return (new Color(string))
return null
const set = {
background: async (element, string, dark, light) => {
if (re.gradient.test(string)) {
const match = [...string.matchAll(/(#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}):([+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?)/g)]
const colors = => ({ color: v[1], location: parseFloat(v[2]) }))
if (colors.length < 2) return null
const gradient = new LinearGradient()
gradient.locations = => v.location)
gradient.colors = => new Color(v.color))
element.backgroundGradient = gradient
if (re.url.test(string)) {
const req = new Request(string)
const image = await req.loadImage()
element.backgroundImage = image
const color = get.color(string)
if (color) element.backgroundColor = color
alignment: (align, parent, addElement) => {
if (align) {
const stack = parent.addStack()
if (align !== 'left') stack.addSpacer()
const el = addElement(stack)
if (align !== 'right') stack.addSpacer()
return el
} else {
const el = addElement(parent)
return el
border: (element, string) => {
if (!re.gradient.test(string)) return
const match = [...string.matchAll(/(#(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}):([+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?)/g)]
element.borderWidth = parseFloat(match[0][2])
element.borderColor = new Color(match[0][1])
const render = {
Widget: async ({ attributes, children }) => {
const { background = '#1b1b1b', padding, size = 'small' } = attributes
const widget = new ListWidget()
await set.background(widget, background)
if (padding) widget.setPadding(...padding.split(',').map(v => parseFloat(v)))
for (const child of children) {
if (render[child.tag]) await render[child.tag]({ parent: widget, ...child })
if (size === 'small') await widget.presentSmall()
if (size === 'medium') await widget.presentMedium()
if (size === 'large') await widget.presentLarge()
return widget
Stack: async ({ parent, attributes, children }) => {
const { layout, align, size, background, cornerRadius, border } = attributes
const stack = parent.addStack()
await set.background(stack, background)
if (size) stack.size = new Size(...size.split(',').map(v => parseFloat(v)))
if (cornerRadius) stack.cornerRadius = parseFloat(cornerRadius)
if (border) set.border(stack, border)
const renderChildren = async () => {
for (const child of children) {
if (render[child.tag]) await render[child.tag]({ parent: stack, ...child })
if (layout === 'vertical') {
if (align === 'center') stack.centerAlignContent()
if (align === 'end') stack.bottomAlignContent()
if (align === 'start') stack.topAlignContent()
await renderChildren()
if (layout === 'horizontal') {
if (align !== 'start') stack.addSpacer()
await renderChildren()
if (align !== 'end') stack.addSpacer()
return stack
Text: async ({ parent, attributes }) => {
const { string = '', size = 16, weight = 'regular', color, lines, align, opacity } = attributes
const text = set.alignment(align, parent, element => element.addText(string))
if (align) text[`${align}AlignText`]()
if (weight === 'regular') text.font = Font.regularSystemFont(parseFloat(size))
if (weight === 'bold') text.font = Font.boldSystemFont(parseFloat(size))
const clr = get.color(color)
if (clr) text.textColor = clr
if (opacity) text.textOpacity = parseFloat(opacity)
if (lines) text.lineLimit = parseInt(lines)
return text
Spacer: async ({ parent, attributes }) => {
const { length } = attributes
const spacer = parent.addSpacer(length && parseFloat(length))
return spacer
Image: async ({ parent, attributes }) => {
const { src, size, cornerRadius, opacity, align } = attributes
if (!src) return null
const req = new Request(src)
const img = await req.loadImage()
const image = set.alignment(align, parent, element => element.addImage(img))
if (size) image.imageSize = new Size(...size.split(',').map(v => parseFloat(v)))
if (opacity) image.imageOpacity = parseFloat(opacity)
if (cornerRadius) image.cornerRadius = parseFloat(cornerRadius)
return image
const init = async string => {
const getAttributes = input => {
const attrubutes = [...input.matchAll(re.attr)]
return attrubutes.reduce((acc, v) => ({ ...acc, [v[1]]: v[2] }), {})
const filter = (objects, depth = 0) => {
return !objects ? null : => {
if (item.depth > depth) return null
if (item.children) item.children = filter(item.children, item.depth + 1)
return item
}).filter(i => i !== null)
const removeDepth = objects => {
return => {
delete item.depthopearaopeop
if (item.children) item.children = removeDepth(item.children)
return item
const toArray = [...string.matchAll(re.html)].map(v => v[0])
const { content } = toArray.reduce(({ content, depth }, input) => {
const [, start, tag, attrs, end] = input.match(re.tag) || []
const attributes = getAttributes(attrs)
if (start === '<' && end !== '/>') {
content.push({ tag, children: [], attributes, depth: depth++ })
} else if (start === '<' && end === '/>') {
content.push({ tag, attributes, depth })
} else if (start === '</') {
depth -= 1
return { content, depth }
}, { content: [], depth: 0 })
content.forEach((item, index) => {
const sliced = content.slice(index + 1)
for (let i = 0; i < sliced.length; i++) {
if (sliced[i].depth > item.depth) item.children.push(sliced[i])
else break
const parsed = removeDepth(filter(content))
const widget = parsed[0]
widget.component = await render.Widget(widget)
return init
<Widget size="medium" background="#1b1b1b:0.5,#1b1b4b:1" padding="10,10,10,10">
<Stack layout="horizontal" align="center">
<Image src="" size="32,32" />
<Spacer length="15" />
<Stack layout="vertical" align="center">
<Text string="Hello World" />
<Text string="Scriptable JSX Widget" size="14" opacity="0.5" />
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