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bsg-bob /
Created March 5, 2022 00:33 — forked from Max-Makhrov/
Uploading Local Files to Google Drive without Authorization using HTML Form

Uploading Local Files to Google Drive without Authorization using HTML Form

This is a sample script for uploading local file to Google Drive without the authorization using HTML form. A selected file in your local PC using HTML form is uploaded to Google Drive and saved to Google Drive.

When you use this, at first, please deploy Web Apps. The script is doPost() of following scripts.

Script : Google Apps Script

function doPost(e) {
 var data = Utilities.base64Decode(;
#list all accounts
aws organizations list-accounts
#list all active accounts
aws organizations list-accounts | jq -r '.Accounts[] | select(.Status == "ACTIVE") | "\(.Id) \(.Name)"'
#list all in-active accounts
aws organizations list-accounts | jq -r '.Accounts[] | select(.Status != "ACTIVE") | "\(.Id) \(.Name)"'
# list OU's of a parent
bsg-bob /
Created January 24, 2020 07:43 — forked from thedch/
Helper functions to create a task in a specific section in Asana
# The current Asana Python client does not seem to support task creation in a given section.
# The API documentation is also somewhat lacking, and there's some conflicting instructions on various forums.
# After a bit of searching + trial and error, I figured out how to do it using the requests library.
# I'm posting these helper functions here for anyone who may need them in the future.
import requests
import json
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
bsg-bob /
Last active February 29, 2024 14:41
프로젝트 관리자 역할

프로젝트 관리자는 뭘 하지?

  • 통합관리 (Project Integration Management)
  • 범위관리 (Project Scope Management)
  • 일정관리 (Project Time Management)
  • 원가관리 (Project Cost Management)
  • 품질관리 (Project Quality Management)
  • 인적자원관리 (Project Human Resource Management)
  • 의사소통관리 (Project Communications Management)
  • 위험관리 (Project Risk Management)
  • 조달관리 (Project Procurement Management)
bsg-bob / JASON_Input.json
Created July 7, 2019 07:06
Elasticsearch JSON Input
#방법1 (elasticsearch에서는 변수를 hard coding 하는 형태를 권장하지 않는다)
"script" : {
"source": "_value * 2"
"script" : {
"source" : "_value * params.x",